Whitney Lamb sits inside her therapy room. She says she discovered her clairvoyant gift at the age of 19 during meditation and has since spent years developing it through study and practice./Photo by Jennaye Derge
The angel whisperer
Channeler helps the living break on through to the other side
by Jeffrey Mannix
Everyone believes in something, even if it’s nothing. We are a species of adherents, trained to accept and cherish greater conceits than our own, unwitting supplicants to all manner of mystical and everyday phenomena. We sanctify what we’ve been taught: to venerate and vilify beliefs as if they came from the hand of the creator herself or were contrived by subversives.
North America was itself appropriated by heretical factions seeking religious and cultural beliefs contrary to the Church of England. And as with anything pounded in to structure, what you believe always trumps any variation or different construction.
Belief in a religion or spiritual practice has divided people and engendered more bigotry, hate and destruction than any system of opposing beliefs – after which follows ethnic, gender and geographic contests for superiority. Intolerance reigns Über Alles, but for a minute let’s wipe clean the ingrained prejudices and open our minds to conjecture less institutionalized.
Durango resident Whitney Lamb is a psychic medium and angel channeler. In other words, she can call upon your angels for guidance in solving your problems, direct your energy toward more rewarding outcomes, or help with remembering a dear departed. You mustn’t scoff at this, as you wouldn’t expect or tolerate someone sneering at your religious ceremonies or heartfelt beliefs.
“I’m just a medium,” Lamb says with clear eyes and no obvious agenda. “I just call in spirits, yours and mine, ask for guidance, and we hear what these friends have to say.”
Lamb describes her practice as “Transpiritual Psychology,” among other descriptive interpretations like clairvoyant, clairaudient or clairsentient, depending on the context. And, as skeptical as you may be of divination or seeking knowledge of the unknown by supernatural means (as the New Oxford American Dictionary defines the phenomenon) we all experience nuances of perception. Who hasn’t felt unsafe for some unknown reason; acted out of intuition; or sent or received a message through eye contact across a crowded room? Hundreds of instinctive beliefs and actions based only on sentient notions fill our lives and often preserve it over time. We are not plugged in; we’re a closed system made up of billions of sparks of energy that science hasn’t even scratched the surface of understanding.
“I very deliberately pursued answers to my teen-age issues when I was 19,” Lamb recalls, as a pilot might remember her first flight. “I soon received guidance during meditation from something I learned to think of as my angels – my spirit or soul – speaking to me and suggesting how to heal my situation.”
From what can be conservatively called insight, or even enlightenment, Lamb continued to pursue this wondrous acuity. “I embarked on a study and worked hard to illuminate my burdens through my sensory perception: finding answers, watching my insecurities and unease fall away to understanding and comfort that my angels revealed to me,” she says.
Lamb believes she has a gift, developed over years of study and practice and proof positive, that she can use to help others overcome their spiritual dysfunctions. She’s not stuck on the words and the baggage they bring, but for want of better language, Lamb is comfortable with calling herself a clairaudient angel channeler, psychic, medium, mystic, clairvoyant, Angelic Reiki practitioner, which means she can see and hear messages from your angels, guides and loved ones on the other side. “I feel so honored to have the ability to connect with and deliver messages from such wise, loving and beautiful beings,” she says.
Clairvoyance, from the French meaning “clear vision,” is a word that has been perhaps best trashed by the scientific community to debunk psychic phenomenon and practitioners. Parapsychology is the psychiatric Trojan Horse of the medical profession’s lip service to paranormal phenomena. It is quickly identified as pseudoscience – no possibility of truth – and there are profuse accounts in scientific papers and sensationalist books, pictures and demonstrations that unveil charlatans (it certainly is a ripe area for the grift).
“I don’t know about all that,” confesses Lamb. “I’m not part of a movement; I don’t belong to clubs that swap techniques; I’m not trying to fool anyone or defend anything. I know that everything has karma, or spirit or soul or light or whatever you want to call the energy. And with work and understanding we can create harmony among our many sources and live fuller lives.”
While the Establishment won’t recognize any aspect of extrasensory perception, it’s good to keep in mind that establishments are protective of their rites and customs, and profit by not wavering. That doesn’t mean, however, that clairvoyance has been disparaged out of existence because psychiatry and pharmacology can double-blind artifice from industry-funded and career-advancement research; they can’t. Just keep in mind that most underground water sources for fresh water wells are found by water witchers using a dowsing rod; notice the similar cognitive, out-of-body reports of those who have lived through near-death experiences and the cringeworthy antics of volunteers who have been hypnotized and pad around like bunny rabbits; or the many dogs that walk home for months and thousands of miles after being lost. Maybe not the best examples of extrasensory perception, certainly not as pertinent as the one or two you probably have had. (In preparing this article I talked with a number of people about the Yin and Yang of mysticism and found, to my surprise, that nearly everyone had had an extrasensory experience.)
“Most come to me with troubles, issues with life and many with conflicted and disharmonious relationships, and at first everyone is skeptical, or maybe the better word is nervous,” says Lamb. “But they come with a mission, perhaps encouraged by another of my clients, and once we settle, once we relax into a meditative state, their spiritual guides are felt and questions are answered and problems are clearly solvable. It’s not me; I offer no advice; everyone has their own answers, and I’m just a go-between.”
Testimonials are numerous on Lamb’s namesake website, from people local and distant who have gained insight, comfort and wisdom from her readings. And she’s more than willing to give referrals from normal, educated people eager to speak of the enlightenment they’ve received. She said the most important piece of advice she can give to a new client is to be excited for the adventure. “Leave fear and apprehension at the door and know that you will be in the presence of heavenly hosts for an hour,” she said. “What’s more fun than that?”