Out in the cold and steaming mad

To the editor,

I had a very disturbing experience Dec. 9 at the Animas City Theater. My friend had purchased three will call tickets, and this being a 18+ show, and me losing my wallet and subsequently my ID, I knew this wouldn’t be an issue. Being 30 I would have enjoyed a drink but had no problem not drinking. I just wanted to enjoy the show.

Well I was wrong. I didn’t have my papers on me so no show for me. I left without much of a fight but the indignation grew as I thought about the implications. I have to prove my identity to enjoy a concert? If I am one of the many people who, for whatever reason, don’t possess a government ID, I can’t go to Animas City Theater?

I couldn’t reconcile their logic, what was I trying to do? They claimed it was illegal but I challenge to hear that statute. It’s a slippery slope. Can you imagine not enjoying a movie because you don’t have your ID on you?

– Chris Block, Durango

Enlightened need to end insanity

To the editor,

The cat is out of the bag, once again, about interrogation tactics used by the CIA. Our greedy media has just given details that are more shocking than the last time around and know that innocent lives, mainly Americans, will end up dead.

When will insanity end? We don’t have to be sacrificial lambs in the hands of powers that preach negative outcomes. Enlightened individuals from around the globe need to break bread together to solve our differences according to the golden rule before the fall of mankind.

– Happier holidays ahead, Sally Florence, Durango  

Doing the wrong thing

To the editor,

Vandalizing the Ninth Street Bridge with graffiti was not the “right thing.” Neither was the Telegraph featuring it prominently on the cover and in doing so giving the perpetrators attention and incentive. This ironic admonishment certainly did not justify the vandalism, or the cover shot. I don’t want to see more scrawled spray paint defacing Durango. Please don’t encourage these people.

– Debra Webb, Durango

U.S. military might a sinking ship

To the editor,

I have previously written about the disastrous impact of “sequestration” on our armed forces. Douglas Wissing delves into this topic in his article “RIF Tide” in the December 2014 issue of The American Legion Magazine, which I partially paraphrase in the next paragraph.

After 9/11 we had 570,000 soldiers in the Army, and it may decrease to around 400,000, which will be our smallest Army since before WWII. The Marines will go from 184,000 to 175,000, and the National Guard will lose 43,000 soldiers and the Reserves 20,000. The Air Force will have about 700 fewer aircraft.

Being a former Navy officer, I am especially concerned with the state of our Navy. We currently have 286 ships, including 11 carrier battle groups. Sequestration will keep our Navy (with new construction) at 286 ships, but decrease carrier battle groups to 10. Our Naval command estimates we need 300 ships, including 12 carrier battle groups, to effectively project our military power in the world and safeguard our security. Let’s not forget 90 percent of the world’s trade passes over the oceans.

The scale back of our overseas land bases increases the need for a strong Navy, including carrier battle groups.

– Donald A. Moskowitz, Londonderry, N.H.

Brooching the subject of stealing art

To the editor,

‘Tis the season. In the midst of the spending frenzy that is the American holiday season, many in our community – businesses and individuals alike – are promoting a season of heartfelt giving. In the realm of tangibles, the slogans “buy local” and “give the gift of art” have figured big. So, it was with great sadness that I read about the recent theft of the puffin painting by artist Scott Dye that was recently purchased at Studio & and stolen from Durango Office Suites shortly thereafter.

Today (Fri., Dec. 12) I had a letdown of my own. After having had a wonderful late afternoon dining experience at Eolus on Main Avenue, I realized I had left my brimmed cap behind. Those who know me see me sporting it often, and attached to it (for years now) has been a little brooch made by a friend some 15 years ago. When I returned to Eolus, I was relieved to find my hat there but the brooch was gone.

Sure, it’s just a thing and it may be time for me to see this as a lesson in detachment. That aside, there is sentimental value here. I’m also feeling a sense of disappointment in my fellow man or woman who, upon beholding this wonderful little object, could not imagine that it would be missed by the one who rightfully owned it.

This little brooch has a tiny leaf, about a 1/4 inch across, under a watch crystal about 3/4 inch in diameter. It’s surrounded by antiqued sterling silver and has little projectiles of gold in the four directions. Signed on the back is the name Julie Shaw, my dear friend.

If this letter has given the taker of this piece pause for thought, please return it to 836 E. 5th Ave., Durango, or call 970-247-0032.

– Lisa Pedolsky, Durango