Ciarra, beer cart babe and elbow licker.
Diver: Ciarra from Dalton Ranch
Interesting facts: Ciarra holds one of the most-coveted jobs in Durango: summer beer cart girl

Dear Diver,
Why is it that, whenever you’re in a hurry or have to get somewhere for a meeting or appointment, you run into or get a call from some long-winded Chatty Cathy who talks you ear off? What sort of exit strategies does the diver suggest for avoiding/curtailing such individuals before they suck any more of my time? How do I cut them off without being rude?
– No Way out

Dear I Just Don’t Care,
A situation we all know too well, but one of my favorites to encounter. When Ms. We Have Sooo Much to Catch Up on confronts you, it gives you the opportunity to come up with the most random, outrageous story that you know you’ve always dreamed of conjuring. Ex: “Oh heeeyyyy (fill in the blank)! Love to catch up but my dog jumped the fence and is chasing my next door neighbor who is running around in his underwear and his grandma is chasing after them with the hose.” You’ll leave her with her mouth to the floor and a smile on your face.
– Diver
Dear Diver,
I feel like lately, every time I turn around, I hear another horrible story from someone about a loved one’s death, injury, trauma, accident or assorted tragedy. Is Durango in some weird bad juju voodoo vortex? What do we have to do to get out of it?
– Stuck in a Rut

Dear Keeping Us Stuck in a Rut,
Thanks for bringing that up, sheesh. Instead of focusing on the subjects everyone has a tough time talking about, let’s all turn the tables and start conversations regarding the celebration of life, health and healing, and prevailing tragedies. Let’s bring on the positive vibes and switch up this juju voodoo vortex!
– Diver
Dear Diver,
I am a little confused about who to vote for in the upcoming City Council election. My first two votes are obvious, but not sure who to choose for No. 3, if anybody. Should I go for a balance, keep the status quo or shake things up and make ‘em weird? My husband says if I don’t vote, it will be like a vote for the other guy. What does the diver think?
– Three’s the Charm

Dear Indecisive,
Whenever I have an important decision to make, I always revert to an age-old technique that never ceases to disappoint. Rock Paper Scissors, best two out of three. There are many psychological factors that go into this game. First give your husband one option, and you choose the other. Second, whenever you loose/win, take into consideration your initial reaction. You’ll usually give yourself the “ideal candidate.” However, if you lose, and initially feel a sense of “Nooooooo!” your gut has spoken, listen to it.
– Diver
In a sticky situation?
Seek help from the master of the In-Sinkerator. The diver has the solutions to life’s little messes. Send your problems to, “Ask the Diver:"
- 1309 E. Third Ave., Room 25 Durango, CO, 81301
- fax (970) 259-0488



In this week's issue...

January 25, 2024
Bagging it

State plastic bag ban is in full effect, but enforcement varies

January 26, 2024
Paper chase

The Sneer is back – and no we’re not talking about Billy Idol’s comeback tour.

January 11, 2024
High and dry

New state climate report projects continued warming, declining streamflows