Our letters section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.

Give county dwellers the vote

Dear Editors,

I received an e-mail last week from the Democratic Party announcing that only about 2,200 of 12,000 registered voters in the city had voted in the Durango City Council election. I would be sad about this if I wasn’t already mad! This was just the kick I needed to share what’s been bugging me now for weeks, and ultimately for years.  

I’ve lived in La Plata County for 16 years. I’ve worked, shopped and been entertained in the City of Durango as well as sent my daughter to public schools through Durango High, leading me to support our track and dance teams for years. I’ve contributed many hours of community service, currently as board president for the Women’s Resource Center. Overall it would be very hard to calculate the many ways my love and money have been given to the city. Yet, how does the city repay me? By not letting me participate in the government and thereby the thousands of day-to-day decisions that affect me and my family.  

I’m very tired of watching these elections for City Council year after year and having no say! Is anyone else out there, whether county or city resident, bothered by this little fact – the same sort of fact that led to the Bostonians dumping the tea in the ocean 300+ years ago?!  

I haven’t seen anything from our county commissioners or City Council that would begin a dialogue leading to full rights for all the citizens to participate in our government.  

You can vote for whoever you want for City Council. I vote to change our system of governance (as counties like Broomfield have) to an updated and inclusive one as soon as possible. Let’s give county residents a voice. I thought that was the American Way!

– Victoria FittsMilgrim, 1549 County Road 205 in the County!

The best winter yet

Dear Editors,Thanks to Durango Mountain Resort for an awesome ski season. Mother Nature has come through to make spring skiing some of the best yet. As usual, Purg hired a lot of fun and competent people, who were always smiling. It’s almost impossible to say that about any other large business. And to make matters even better, DMR did not raise the price of season passes for next season.  Congratulations to the groomers who did an amazing job with the lack of snowfall in January. Adaptive Sports and its great volunteers put smiles on so many faces, as well as improving each individual’s skill level and keeping them safe. Way to go all you great folks at Durango Mountain Resort! You made the cold winter the best yet.

– Poppy Harshman, Mayday

The cost of education

To the Editors,

Spending for education has become a sacred cow, as if the number of $$ in the school budget is in direct proportion to student learning. The latest, most costly technology doesn’t teach children any more than old-fashioned books, pencils and paper, many of the frills in today’s schools didn’t exist 25 years ago, but most of us now are successful, productive citizens. Burdening our children with excessive debt to repay is not to their advantage. The schools need to live responsibly within their budgets without using the “our children’s futures are at stake” argument to blindly justify every single spending bill and tax increase proposed. We all want the best for our children, but that can be provided without unlimited dollars, particularly proven by the high test scores of those who are home schooled. All of us need to balance outlay with what is available to spend and with a logical and reasonable assessment of anticipated results.

– Kathy Morgan, Durango

The bigger picture

To the Editors,

I want to personally thank all the businesses and business owners that have contributed to Big Picture High School’s fund-raiser going on Thurs., April 7, from 5-7 p.m. There is a silent auction with items from more than 30 local businesses as well as food and beverages. Local business owners will be talking about their role as mentors and offering internships for students to receive academic credit. This is a wonderful opportunity to explore Durango Big Picture, its mission to education, and its involvement with the Durango community. Thank you to everyone that has donated or contributed their time for this celebration, and we hope to see all of you there.

– Dave Travieso, Durango

Thanks to the heroes

(Editors’ note: Bayfield’s Eric Petranek survived a major car wreck on March 25 after his car fell 330 feet off Red Mountain Pass.)

Dear Editors,

Thank you to all you heroes from the Red Mountain fiery crash site a week ago last Friday. I am Eric Petranek’s mother. The story in theTelluride Watchstuns me with how many people helped save Eric’s life and get him out of the canyon on that snowy night. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It can never be said enough. As reported inThe Watch story, those first responders “packaged” Eric’s body perfectly for the trip back up the cliff and to the helicopter in Ouray.

Other heroes took over at St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Junction. In their emergency room, an expert trauma team cleaned and dressed his grievous wounds. Eric talked with us through the whole treatment. He spent two more nights in the hospital then got back home as far as Montrose on Monday evening where he met up with his two young boys. He spent two more nights before returning to Durango on Wednesday.

Eric Petranek is one tough dude. He’s another of this story’s heroes. He survived. It’s preposterous.

The biggest thanks of all in this tale goes to hero James Amrine, who put out the fire on Eric’s back and used a tree branch to help pull him far enough away from the flames to be further rescued. If this accident were to happen a million times, we could expect a million fatalities. How Eric ever survived is due to Jim Amrine’s herculean efforts.

Such profusion of love and caring and help for our family from the community and beyond overflows my heart and chokes me with appreciation for everyone’s love of my son.

– From a most grateful mother, Sue Petranek, via email

P.S. The road at the accident scene will be closed when the burned carcass of his Jeep gets towed out. My apologies, ahead of time, for the inconvenience it causes travelers. I appreciate your graciousness.

Heart hugs

Dear Editors,

You know when you go to give someone a hug? You usually hug them on the right side of the body. If you hug them on the left side of the body, your heart is closer to the left side. When you hug on the left, your hearts touch. When your hearts touch, your hearts beat together, and when your hearts are beating together, you are in unison.

– Peace and love, Carol Alice Nelson, Durango



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Rolling retro

Vintage bikes get their day to shine with upcoming swap and sale