|  | The Telegraph accepts classified advertising anytime prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain at $5 for 25 words or less and 20 cents for each additional word. Ads can be submitted via email), fax (970-259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment is requested on all classifieds. | Found Oar Found Friday evening. Call to ID. 970-422-6009. HelpWanted Manicurist Experienced, state licensed, PT. 50% + tips. Durango 970-259-2523. Southwest Conservation Corps is hiring seasonal conservation and weatherization crew leaders for the summer and fall seasons. Successful applicants will have past outdoor leadership experience, have a clean driving and criminal background record, be at least 21 years old, have WFA or higher medical cert., and past conservation experience is preferred. See www.sccorps.org for more information and to apply or contact Sarah Shade @ sarah@sccorps.org. Weekly salary $460-$540 DOE.
Announcements Law of attraction Looking for motivated movers/shakers to participate in mastermind group. 749-6120. West African Dance Classes Come and join us at our new summer location, Durango Dance on the corner of 11th Street and Main every Thursday from 6-7:30 p.m. House/Cat Sitter Needed For 4-6 months in quiet, small home near Elmore’s Corner. Pay utilities, care for cat, yard and house maintenance in exchange for rent. Must be loving to cat. On occasion, I will come home. 970-903-3766. The Clay Room Durango’s Paint Your Own Pottery Studio is now open Tuesday - Saturday at 171 E. 7th Street. June and July are filled with 1 and 2 day art classes for kids for $20-$30. Plus Daily Specials including Dads Paint for Free on Saturdays and Lady’s Night Thursdays. Call or Click for details (970) 426-9685 artandlaughter.com. Courtyard Art Market Sundays starting 1 p.m. (through November). Artisans of the Southwest Gallery & Winery – (Highway 160) Pagosa Springs. Art, Food, Wine Tasting, Beer. Artist spaces available including all licensing and sales tax. Out of state artists opportunity! (970) 264-9969. Cyanotype Botanical Workshop at Willowtail Springs, Mancos with Heather Leavitt Martinez. Includes all supplies, bring a sack lunch, $60. Email heather@heatherleavitt.com or call 970-739-3200.
Durango Adventure Xstream Race seeking volunteers for Sat., June 26, for adventure race. Earn a $100 race voucher good toward future race. Email jenny@gravityplay.com or call 970.259.7771.
Yoga Classes For students of all levels taught by Kathy Curran. Drop-ins welcome. Back Bending and Restorative Workshops, June 26. 259-4794. www.4cornersyoga.com
Zydeco Dance Workshop Sat., June 12. Durango Dance, 7-8:30 p.m. Learn the basics and styling for Zydeco – music and dance from Bayou of Louisiana. RSVP or questions – Malia – 403-3081. Call for on-going schedule. Durango Shooters Photography Group is having our first event, Downtown Photo Walk Fri 6/11 @ 7 p.m. Meet at Open Shutter with camera and tripod/monopod. Call 970-779-0981. Fun and Photography! Nia Classes Taught by Lori Sadira. Nia is fusion movement that combines dance, martial arts and healing arts for a dynamic workout. Experience the joy of Nia -946-1554 or Lsadira@animas.net.
White Feather Botanicals Presents a primitive skills edible and medicinal plants workshop with Doug Simons in Moab, Utah, June 18-20. Call Deb Buck for details. 970-946-7223. Clay Workshops @ Articulation Join Joe Kroenung in a series of 2-day workshops. First workshop: June 12 & 13, learn hand building techniques to construct teapots. Second workshop: July 10 & 11, hand building sculpture using the theme “Colorado’s Industrial Parts.” Learn new approaches and aesthetics to create your own one-of-a-kind ceramic art. Call 946-5455 or kroenungceramics@hotmail.com . Reserve limited space.
Got Music? Guitar and bass lessons with Pete Giuliani. Fun lessons at my home studio or at Canyon Music Woodworks. Need music for a wedding, party or special event? Call 385-6713 or visit www.PeteGiuliani.com
Animas River Days Help with River Days, June 11-13. Volunteers needed for all aspects. Help make this the best year yet. Please contact Meghan at 259-3583 or meghan@sanjuancitizens.org
Services Hikercise! Come delight in the Great Outdoors while turning your walking or hiking into a Whole Body experience! First Class Free! Please call Mimi at 799.7777 or visit www.hikercise.com I fix bad haircuts Call and book with Kaye. Licensed barber-stylist. Experienced. He - $20. She - $35. 8th & Main at Shampoo. Request Kaye. 247-5620. Open up your body this summer! Ongoing Yoga classes. All levels w/ Cert. Iyengar instr. Martha Evers 247-1853 or marthaevers@gmail.com
Summer tutoring for your K-9 student. Certified teacher, excellent references. Remediation, review, and/or reteaching. Rates negotiable. Call Jackie at 764-7340. Yoga and a Soak at Trimble Hot Springs taught by Katherine McLain. Thursdays and Sundays at 10. Call 503-501-7537. AA Deck Maintenance Summer’s here. Pressure wash, sand and stain. 18 years experience. Free estimate. 970-946-1357. Pet Sitting Vacation for your dog! Have your dog go hiking every day while you are away. Loving, in-home pet care. We love cats! Stop-by visits for your furry felines while you are away. www.durangodogs.com Juliet 382-2542.
Astrology provides the map for you to connect with who you are and what you came to create. Certified evolutionary astrologer. Lyn Goldberg. 769-1917. Computer Driving You Crazy? Doesn’t work like it should? Not doing what you want it to? Call The Computer Therapist, Charles can make it work right. (970) 799-0686, CompTx@live.com
Spiritual Direction, Pastoral Counseling Weeknights and weekends available. Call Ben (815) 260-4774. The Computer Solution Virus removal, re-formatting, software/hardware, networking problems, Web design, etc. www.computersolutionco.com Call Brendan 903-4061. BodyWork Spectacular Summer Specials! 1 Hour Massage, $45; 1.5 Hours, $60. Buy 4, Get 1 Free!! Gift Certificates Available. Meg Bush, CMT 970-759-0199. Celebrate Summer with a relaxing massage on the Bio-Mat. 1 hr. - $40. 1.5 hr. - $55. Buy 3 get 1 free. In-town location. Call Leslie Beals, CMT 970-759-6547. ForSale Women’s Hockey Gear Skates with blade guards, helmet, pants. Shoulder, knee and elbow pads, sticks, bag. Worn infrequently by a lazy, clean player. $350.00 Call 903-0005. Moots Compact 56 CM dream machine. Campy Chorus 10-speed. Carbon cranks. Eurus wheels. Easton EC90 parts and fork. As new. Own a complete bike for the price of the frame. $2,900. 749-8824. Sand Tray Therapy Supplies, Etc. Sand tray plus miniatures. Negotiable. Pine writing desk, secret compartments, $340, SRP $1,200. Solid pine book shelf, $50. Two large area rugs, earth tones, $50, $40. 970-769-7269. Good, Used Refrigerator $60, snowshoes $40, electric typewriter $25, yoga & exercise bench $40, various stereo components, (new) medicine cabinet $50. Call 259-6875. 1999 4-Runner Silver, cloth, sunroof, clean, serviced. 97K, $7,550, below book. Queen-size boxspring mattress gently used good shape, $130. Call 946-3934 or 764-4135. Hot Tub Hot Springs, rated the best. Oldie but in excellent shape. Four-person. Redwood sided, 110 electric. $1,400. 884-9441. Large collection of Snowdown Posters Starting from 1985. Can purchase individually or entire collection. Call 970-533-4047 or 970-799-8479 for complete list.
Inflatable Kayak Fleet Sale! You Save $250. Only used 2-3 times for our events. Like-new condition. More Info at: www.GravityPlay.com or 970-259-7771.
Moots YBB 20” Buncha nice components. Duuude … it’s a Moots. $2,000. Sean, 259-7092 Bianchi Veloce Triple 61cm Campagnolo Veloce components. Ironhorse Clydesdale Special. Or for the new, tall parent – a Burley-pulling machine - $500. Sean – 259-7092 Reruns Home Furnishings Patio furniture. Mexican style table and chairs, lots of rugs. 572 E. 6th Ave. 385-7336. RealEstate Consider Mancos Affordable homes. ½ hr from Durango. Quiet in-town living. Great library. Natural foods store, Farmers market. Contact experienced and knowledgeable Broker - Bill Stanley.billstanley@remax.net or 970-749-7671. 1st time homebuyers welcome.
1 Bedroom Condo $149,900. Views. New. Clubhouse. Workout facility. Possible owner carry. REJOYCE Real Estate Co. 749-6120. Tucson Trade 4 bdrm 3 ba home for sale in Tucson. Trade for Durango Home. 259-0721. Downtown Condo 3b/2b, 2car gar. $239K Tina @CBHHR 946-2902. ForRent Beautiful Victorian Inn Prices start at $45. Internet Cafe on site, sand volleyball court in-town, Rico. themineshaftinn.com 970-967-3769. Housemate Wanted to share amazing home in town. Clean, quiet, professional female preferred. No Students, smokers, or pets. $700/month includes everything. Call 908.403.9975. 1 Bedroom/1 Bath new, furnished apartment in house. Heartwoodcohousing.com, near Bayfield. $550 + 1/3 utilities/HOA. Washer/dryer. 250 acres. 749-6120. 1br/$500 or 2br mom-in-law/$800 incl all rentaroom28@yahoo.com
1BR, 1BA Rivergate loft Avail. July. Open floor plan, high ceilings, balcony. Underground parking. WD, DW, Micro. Gas, trash, sewer incl. No pets/smoking. 1-year lease $1,350/mo. 739-3200. Farm Friends one to two rooms in a green home, huge garden, pond, acreage, no lease. 10 miles s. of Durango. Pets negotiable. Potential work trade. 970-749-8549. Dance studio for rent In the Smiley Building. $15/hr. Sound system, mirrors, large, beautiful. 259-4122 or lisa@dancedurango.com
CommunityService Wheat & Gluten Intolerance Support Group meets the third Wednesdays of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the Crossroads Building, 1075 Main Ave. All are welcome. E-mail gfindurango@gmail.com for meeting room location or add’l info.
Are you a parent with a child under age 5? Then come explore the Family Center of Durango. We have developmental playgroups, parenting classes, a toy lending library, safe exchange and supervised visits, a family support unit, and more! Call us at 385-4747 or stop by 489½ Florida Rpad. Cadence Therapeutic Riding is seeking volunteers and is always searching for possible riders to participate in our program. Cadence is a non-profit organization that provides equestrian experiences for adults and children with special needs. Visit www.cadenceriding.org or call 749-7433 for more information.
Alzheimer’s Association Support Groups meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 10:30 a.m. and the second Tuesday of every month at the Alzheimer’s Association at 7 p.m. For more information, call Elaine Stumpo at 259-0122. Raw Food Lunches Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $10-$15. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave. | |