Our letters section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.

A humane approach to shopping

Dear Soph Edupp and the Durango Community,

I read your letter to the editor, in which you expressed anger regarding prices at the Humane Society Thrift Store and would like to address some key points.

As a fellow thrift store shopper, I concur with your view that thrift store prices, in general, have risen in the past several years. I suspect that it has something to do with it being “hip to buy thrift,” the economy and the advent of eBay, which enables thrift stores to estimate a fair market value for all their used stuff. If you think the La Plata County Humane Society Thrift Store is expensive, try thrift shopping in a hipster haven like Portland, Ore., or a college town like Madison, Wis.

The La Plata County Humane Society Thrift Store earns revenue that makes it possible for the shelter to provide the best quality of life for the animals in its care and reduce the euthanasia rate to one of the lowest in Colorado. It helps support the low-cost spay/neuter program and humane education in our schools. Despite your suggestion that items aren’t moving, I have volunteered there and I can tell you that things sell as fast as we can sort them.

I often shop the consignment and resale stores downtown. I am generally surprised at how much lower the prices are at the LPCHS Thrift Store for comparable items. People are willing to pay more for certain brands, craftsmanship, etc. Do you feel it would be wise to ignore this fact if the goal is to help the animals?

In addition to helping the homeless pets, the LPCHS Thrift Store donates thousands of saleable items to human welfare groups in our community. They never turn anyone away if they are truly in need.

– Sincerely, Wendy Haugen, via e-mail

The definition of Tamarron

Dear Mr. Wells:

I am writing on behalf of the Tamarron Association of Condominium Owners, which is a nonprofit corporation established for the governance of the condominium facilities and real estate comprising “Tamarron.” Tamarron is the community adjacent to the real estate, facilities and golf club known as The Glacier Club. The Glacier Club is governed by its own homeowners’ and management association and is an entirely separate community from “Tamarron.” It is The Glacier Club developers who are involved in negotiations concerning the Chris Park land swap.

It has been brought to my attention that you have recently run a piece/drawing in theDurango Telegraph concerning The Glacier Club and Chris Park. The cutline of the piece reads: “Boycott The Glacier Club and Tamarron Resort, Permanently.”

Please be advised that there is no “Tamarron Resort” and The Glacier Club does not utilize “Tamarron” as a trade name or otherwise. You may confirm this fact with Glacier Club representatives as well. To further clarify, Tamarron is a homeowners’ association that presently consists of 391 condominiums and approximately 285 owners. Tamarron is not The Glacier Club and is not a part of The Glacier Club development.

It is hurtful to the Tamarron community’s image and its owners when incorrect statements such as the one appearing in your cartoon are published. Tamarron is not participating in, nor is it associated with, the Chris Park negotiations as your message implies. We see no reason for your call to “Boycott” the Tamarron community. In sum, we would appreciate it if you and others within your organization would recognize the distinction between the Tamarron community and The Glacier Club organization.

Thank you for your consideration in the matter.

– Sincerely,  Sandra E. Ratchford, president, Tamarron Association of Condominium Owners

Desperately seeking clean energy

To the Editors,

Every day the Senate fails to pass comprehensive energy and climate legislation, we put our safety, health, economy, national security and environment at risk. The West Virginia coal mine tragedy and the oil disaster currently unfolding in the Gulf highlight the desperate need for a new clean energy economy that ends our self-destructive addiction to dirty energy. It is clear that our dependence on oil – be it from hostile nations or friendly coasts – hurts our economy, threatens our national security and harms our environment, therefore our health. We face a choice between moving forward in a new clean energy future or preserving the failed energy policies of the past. The human, environmental and economic catastrophe in the Gulf demonstrates the risks of our continued dependence on oil. By transitioning to a clean energy future, we can create millions of new jobs, reduce our dangerous addiction to oil and coal, and protect the planet for future generations.

The energy bill must include expanded measures to respond to the Gulf disaster, while investing in transportation infrastructure in a way that will reduce oil use and carbon pollution. I urge our senators to strengthen the proposal by eliminating subsidies for dirty energy sources like coal, oil and nuclear, and by vastly increasing investments in clean technology and transportation that can reduce our reliance on oil and coal. When it comes to our energy future, senators need to choose between siding with Big Oil and Big Coal, who have been blocking reform for decades, and standing with the majority of Americans who want comprehensive energy and climate policies.

– Lissa Ray, Durango

A 40-year track record

To the Editors,

On July 19, ballots will be mailed out for the Democratic seat in the La Plata County Board of Commissioners primary. I encourage registered Democrats to vote for Scott Graham as our next La Plata County commissioner.

I was fortunate to serve two years with Scott on the Durango City Council, and found Scott to be very hard working, approachable and dedicated to serving all city constituents. Raised in La Plata County, Scott’s 40 years in our valley assure me that he understands the issues our communities face. While on council, Scott was unflinching in his support of environmental issues, affordable housing, children, youth and families, open space, and a variety of other issues. Scott’s experiences on the Water Commission and as an Executive Committee member of the La Plata Economic Development Action Partnership have provided him with invaluable skills. These skills will be needed as La Plata County heads toward the future.  

Scott’s intimate understanding of the City of Durango makes him an obvious bridge as the city and county continue to work together to step up to the challenges of the future.  Look for your ballot in the mail, and please vote for Scott Graham for La Plata County commissioner on the Democrat ticket.

– Michael Rendon, Durango



In this week's issue...

July 18, 2024
Rebuilding Craig

Agreement helps carve a path forward for town long dependent on coal

July 11, 2024
Reining it in

Amid rise in complaints, City embarks on renewed campaign to educate dog owners

July 11, 2024
Rolling retro

Vintage bikes get their day to shine with upcoming swap and sale