|  | The Telegraph accepts classified advertising anytime prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain at $5 for 25 words or less and 20 cents for each additional word. Ads can be submitted via email), fax (970-259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment is requested on all classifieds. | HelpWanted Full-time production artist for personalized, whimsical creations for large-volume dept. store. Must have excellent attention to detail and quality penmanship. Starting $13/hour. Email or call 206-478-0464. Building Shell Technicians: The Four Corners Office for Resource Efficiency (4CORE) has published a Request for Proposals (RFP) for insulation services for the Weatherization Program. Details are provided on http://www.fourcore.org/ about4core.html#jobs. Please submit qualifications as outlined in the RFP to 4CORE, Attn: Weatherization, #10 Town Plaza #190, Durango, CO 81301. Deadline March 22, 2010. Social Media Assistant Seeking creative individual to assist part time with social advertising, web design, graphic design, marketing and some admin duties. Must be professional, detail oriented and energetic. Send resume to Kristen@ecologicevents.com
Students! Unlimited Tanning - $50/month. Gym membership included. Anytime Fitness: 259- 3007. anytimefitness.com . Live-in Housekeeper/Admin. Aid P/T, home/office. Half-mile to Albertson’s. Organization, maintenance, cleaning skills needed. Vehicle, cell provided/avail. Hours/$s DOQ. lawyerstevem@juno.com 970-449-9470.
Announcements Check out local writer Rachel Turiel’s blog 6512 and growing about raising children, chickens and other messy, rewarding endeavors at 6512 feet. 6512andgrowing.wordpress.com. Tile Making Class We will make imaginative, colorful tile to be installed on a wooden table, covering an inset area on the top which is 9” x 9”. No prior experience is necessary to complete this beautiful and lasting project. Class will be held at 6 p.m. on March 2, 3, 11, 16, 23 & 30. Participation limited to four (4) students. This will include cutting clay, glazing, firing, adhering tile to table top and grouting. All materials and firing included. Class fee is $200. Call or email Connie Matthews Imig at: 970-903-0240 or cjmimig@bresnan.net
Puppy Socialization Party! Bring your puppy to play and socialize with other pups. Dog trainers Julie Winkelman and/or Juliet Whitfield will be on hand to ensure positive and appropriate play. Shot records required. Puppy ages 6 wks – 1 yr. Thursdays, starting March 4, 6-7p.m. @ Alpha Canine Academy, 2877 CR 234, 3 mi. N. of Elmore’s Corner. 382-5937. Donation of $5 /session, to benefit Dogsters. Meditation Class Create a practice in meditation. Spring 7-week session starts March 16. Tuesdays, 5:30 – 6:45 p.m. Smiley Building, Rm #5 (first floor). Guided meditations, instructions and processing. Contact Chyako Hashimoto, 259-2243 or Chyakopot@yahoo.com
Massage Therapists! “Massage for Women after Breast Cancer Surgery” Workshop. NCBTMB approved, April 10-11, 14 CEUs. Early registration by 3/15, $299. @ RMIHA, (970) 385-5142. The Durango Independent Film Festival is currently signing up volunteers for the 2010 festival running March 3-7. Volunteer assistance is primarily needed at the theater venues, and some help is also needed with filmmaker hospitality and other festival areas. E-mail volunteer@durangofilm.org
Seven Meadows Farm in Mancos is offering farm shares for the coming seasons. Quarterly deliveries of organically grown produce, meat and more. Go to www.sevenmeadowsfarm.com , click on “share the farm.”
Free heart disease screenings offered every Tuesday at San Juan Basin Health Department. Call 247-5702 for appointment. Screening includes: cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, body mass index (BMI), risk assessment score, and prevention education. Take just 15 minutes - get immediate results. Know Your Numbers! . Nia classes Taught by Lori Sadira. A fusion movement class that blends dance arts, martial arts and healing arts for a dynamic workout. Lori Sadira has over 20 years as a movement instructor, performer and workshop presenter. She is a certified Nia instructor, who shares her experience and passion in every class. To obtain a new class schedule, email Lsadira@animas.net For more info call 946-1554.
Animas River Days Help plan River Days, June 11-13. Volunteers needed for all aspects. We want your ideas and enthusiasm to make this the best year yet. Please contact Meghan at 259-3583 or meghan@sanjuancitizens.org
Services Relationship Counseling Return to a secure, nurturing and connected relationship. Call Russ Pool, MA, NCC 375-7777. www.RussPool.com.
Spring Special –Painting $117.95 per room. Best deal on the planet. 970-394-4133. Life, Like the Planets works in cycles. Enhance your connection with your current cycle through attuning to your astrological map. Certified evolutionary astrologer, Lyn Goldberg 769-1917. Home Energy Rating Specialist Start saving money now! Energy Star partner. Certified-Licensed-Insured. Free home assessments. Call Tim @ 759.8192. Dog Training Super Puppy Classes starting March 2. 7 wks at the Dur. Rec Ctr. Set up a life time of good habits with your Pup! Ages+= 8wks – 5 mo. Basic Manners Class starts March 16, any age over 6 mo. Sign up at Rec Ctr. www.durangodogs.com Juliet 382-2542.
Guitar and bass lessons From guitarist with 26 years experience. Teaching the CAGED system for adults and children. First lesson free. $15 per ½ hour, $25 per hour. Styles include: rock, country, surf, punk and alternative. Contact Chip at 799-4349. The Computer Solution Virus removal, re-formatting, software/hardware, networking problems, Web design, etc. Call Brendan 903-4061. Oak Grove Tax Service 1294 County Road 250, Durango, CO 81301. Form 1040 Individual Tax Returns. Left-brained service for right-brained people. Accurate and reasonably priced. Pickup and delivery by request. Randall Hawks, prop., B.A. accounting, economics. 385-4787 for appointments. oakgrovetaxservice@gmail.com
Hikercise! Come delight in the Great Outdoors while turning your walking or hiking into a Whole Body experience! First class free! Please call Mimi at 799-7777 or visit www.hikercise.com
Community acupuncture Come on by for a “tune-up.” Allow yourself to be treated to this Zen space of mind and body health. Every Monday from 5-8 p.m. at The Asante Center, Sliding scale, $20-$50. Pay what you can afford. Drop-ins are welcome or call 247-1233 to make an appointment. Tyler VanGemert, L.Ac. I fix bad haircuts Call and book with Kaye. Licensed Barber-Stylist. Experienced. He $20. She $35. 8th & Main at Shampoo. Request Kaye. 247-5620. Astrological Consultations Explore your unique individuality and examine your current conditions with an evolutionary astrologer. Natal consultation $100, in office or by phone. Student discount. Call 970-799-1458 for more info. BodyWork Wellness Massage Tired of the snow? Come for a relaxing massage. Have your massage on the Amethyst Infrared Bio-mat. The health benefits are awesome. Great prices. 1 hr. - $35. 1.5 hr. - $50. Buy 3 get 1 free. Gift certificates available. In-town location. Call Leslie Beals, CMT 970-759-6547. Sole to Soul Massage Barefoot Bodyworks offers traditional massage, and Barefoot Ashiatsu - the deepest massage in Durango. Call or click today: $10 off your first massage! http://barefootmassage.vpweb.com / 946. 3724.
Baby on the Way? Treat yourself to some relief with a pre-natal massage. Experienced pre-natal massage therapist for your safety and comfort. For more info, call Anna at 970.903.0465 or visit www.DurangoTouchTherapies.com/pre-natal .
Schedule a facial in February or March and get a 15-minute massage. Karen @ VisAVis. 259-4316. Peaceful Shiatsu massage and Oriental medicine offered by Tyler VanGemert, L.Ac. Sliding scale, $35-$70. 247-1233. Healing Feeling Massage Therapy! Take care of your Health with a Massage! Only $40/hr, $55/1.5 hrs. Buy 4, Get 1 Free! Gift Certificates. In Town. Meg Bush, CMT 970-759-0199. ForSale Studded Snow Tires 185/70 R14 with rims $175. Used 2 seasons on my Subaru; still in great condition. Call Ryan 970-417-1218. River Equipment Life jackets, wet suits, inflatable kayaks, oar frame, dry box, HelpWanted Full-time production artist for personalized, whimsical creations for large-volume dept. store. Must have excellent attention to detail and quality penmanship. Starting $13/hour. Email or call 206-478-0464. Building Shell Technicians: The Four Corners Office for Resource Efficiency (4CORE) has published a Request for Proposals (RFP) for insulation services for the Weatherization Program. Details are provided o n http://www.fourcore.org/ about4core.html#jobs. Please submit qualifications as outlined in the RFP to 4CORE, Attn: Weatherization, #10 Town Plaza #190, Durango, CO 81301. Deadline March 22, 2010. Social Media Assistant Seeking creative individual to assist part time with social advertising, web design, graphic design, marketing and some admin duties. Must be professional, detail oriented and energetic. Send resume to Kristen@ecologicevents.com
Students! Unlimited Tanning - $50/month. Gym membership included. Anytime Fitness: 259-3007. anytimefitness.com . Live-in Housekeeper/ Admin. Aid P/T, home/office. Half-mile to Albertson’s. Organization, maintenance, cleaning skills needed. Vehicle, cell provided/avail. Hours/$s DOQ. lawyerstevem@juno.com . 970-449-9470.
Announcements Check out local writer Rachel Turiel’s blog 6512 and growing about raising children, chickens and other messy, rewarding endeavors at 6512 feet. 6512andgrowing.wordpress.com. Tile Making Class We will make imaginative, colorful tile to be installed on a wooden table, covering an inset area on the top which is 9” x 9”. No prior experience is necessary to complete this beautiful and lasting project. Class will be held at 6 p.m. on March 2, 3, 11, 16, 23 & 30. Participation limited to four (4) students. This will include cutting clay, glazing, firing, adhering tile to table top and grouting. All materials and firing included. Class fee is $200. Call or email Connie Matthews Imig at: 970-903-0240 or cjmimig@bresnan.net
Puppy Socialization Party! Bring your puppy to play and socialize with other pups. Dog trainers Julie Winkelman and/or Juliet Whitfield will be on hand to ensure positive and appropriate play. Shot records required. Puppy ages 6 wks – 1 yr. Thursdays, starting March 4, 6-7p.m. @ Alpha Canine Academy, 2877 CR 234, 3 mi. N. of Elmore’s Corner. 382-5937. Donation of $5 /session, to benefit Dogsters. Meditation Class Create a practice in meditation. Spring 7-week session starts March 16. Tuesdays, 5:30 – 6:45 p.m. Smiley Building, Rm #5 (first floor). Guided meditations, instructions and processing. Contact Chyako Hashimoto, 259-2243 or Chyakopot@yahoo.com
Massage Therapists! “Massage for Women after Breast Cancer Surgery” Workshop. NCBTMB approved, April 10-11, 14 CEUs. Early registration by 3/15, $299. @ RMIHA, (970) 385-5142. The Durango Independent Film Festival is currently signing up volunteers for the 2010 festival running March 3-7. Volunteer assistance is primarily needed at the theater venues, and some help is also needed with filmmaker hospitality and other festival areas. E-mail volunteer@durangofilm.org
Seven Meadows Farm in Mancos is offering farm shares for the coming seasons. Quarterly deliveries of organically grown produce, meat and more. Go to www.sevenmeadowsfarm.com , click on “share the farm.”
Free heart disease screenings offered every Tuesday at San Juan Basin Health Department. Call 247-5702 for appointment. Screening includes: cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, body mass index (BMI), risk assessment score, and prevention education. Take just 15 minutes - get immediate results. Know Your Numbers! . Nia classes Taught by Lori Sadira. A fusion movement class that blends dance arts, martial arts and healing arts for a dynamic workout. Lori Sadira has over 20 years as a movement instructor, performer and workshop presenter. She is a certified Nia instructor, who shares her experience and passion in every class. To obtain a new class schedule, email Lsadira@animas.net For more info call 946-1554.
Animas River Days Help plan River Days, June 11-13. Volunteers needed for all aspects. We want your ideas and enthusiasm to make this the best year yet. Please contact Meghan at 259-3583 or meghan@sanjuancitizens.org
Services Relationship Counseling Return to a secure, nurturing and connected relationship. Call Russ Pool, MA, NCC 375-7777. www.RussPool.com.
Spring Special –Painting $117.95 per room. Best deal on the planet. 970-394-4133. Life, Like the Planets works in cycles. Enhance your connection with your current cycle through attuning to your astrological map. Certified evolutionary astrologer, Lyn Goldberg 769-1917. Home Energy Rating Specialist Start saving money now! Energy Star partner. Certified-Licensed-Insured. Free home assessments. Call Tim @ 759.8192. Dog Training Super Puppy Classes starting March 2. 7 wks at the Dur. Rec Ctr. Set up a life time of good habits with your Pup! Ages+= 8wks – 5 mo. Basic Manners Class starts March 16, any age over 6 mo. Sign up at Rec Ctr. www.durangodogs.com Juliet 382-2542.
Guitar and bass lessons From guitarist with 26 years experience. Teaching the CAGED system for adults and children. First lesson free. $15 per ½ hour, $25 per hour. Styles include: rock, country, surf, punk and alternative. Contact Chip at 799-4349. The Computer Solution Virus removal, re-formatting, software/hardware, networking problems, Web design, etc. Call Brendan 903-4061. Oak Grove Tax Service 1294 County Road 250, Durango, CO 81301. Form 1040 Individual Tax Returns. Left-brained service for right-brained people. Accurate and reasonably priced. Pickup and delivery by request. Randall Hawks, prop., B.A. accounting, economics. 385-4787 for appointments. oakgrovetaxservice@gmail.com
Hikercise! Come delight in the Great Outdoors while turning your walking or hiking into a Whole Body experience! First class free! Please call Mimi at 799-7777 or visit www.hikercise.com
Community acupuncture Come on by for a “tune-up.” Allow yourself to be treated to this Zen space of mind and body health. Every Monday from 5-8 p.m. at The Asante Center, Sliding scale, $20-$50. Pay what you can afford. Drop-ins are welcome or call 247-1233 to make an appointment. Tyler VanGemert, L.Ac. I fix bad haircuts Call and book with Kaye. Licensed Barber-Stylist. Experienced. He $20. She $35. 8th & Main at Shampoo. Request Kaye. 247-5620. Astrological Consultations Explore your unique individuality and examine your current conditions with an evolutionary astrologer. Natal consultation $100, in office or by phone. Student discount. Call 970-799-1458 for more info. BodyWork Wellness Massage Tired of the snow? Come for a relaxing massage. Have your massage on the Amethyst Infrared Bio-mat. The health benefits are awesome. Great prices. 1 hr. - $35. 1.5 hr. - $50. Buy 3 get 1 free. Gift certificates available. In-town location. Call Leslie Beals, CMT 970-759-6547. Sole to Soul Massage Barefoot Bodyworks offers traditional massage, and Barefoot Ashiatsu - the deepest massage in Durango. Call or click today: $10 off your first massage! http://barefootmassage.vpweb.com / 946. 3724.
Baby on the Way? Treat yourself to some relief with a pre-natal massage. Experienced pre-natal massage therapist for your safety and comfort. For more info, call Anna at 970.903.0465 or visit www.DurangoTouchTherapies.com/pre-natal .
Schedule a facial in February or March and get a 15-minute massage. Karen @ VisAVis. 259-4316. Peaceful Shiatsu massage and Oriental medicine offered by Tyler VanGemert, L.Ac. Sliding scale, $35-$70. 247-1233. Healing Feeling Massage Therapy! Take care of your Health with a Massage! Only $40/hr, $55/1.5 hrs. Buy 4, Get 1 Free! Gift Certificates. In Town. Meg Bush, CMT 970-759-0199. ForSale Studded Snow Tires 185/70 R14 with rims $175. Used 2 seasons on my Subaru; still in great condition. Call Ryan 970-417-1218. River Equipment Life jackets, wet suits, inflatable kayaks, oar frame, dry box, dry bags, helmets, ice chest. 946-0787. Stained glass and supplies Moving sale. Lots of glass, foil, zinc came, agate slices, bevels and much more. Michael, 247-8660. The first river trips were made in wood boats. Carry on the tradition. River dories and drift boats. New and used. unordinaryventures@yahoo.com.
Take Mr. Squiggles home Nearly new Zhu Zhu Giant Hamster City plus two Zhu Zhu pets at a fraction of retail. $75 takes the works. Batteries included. 382-2778. Moots Compact Road riding season is closer than you think. Complete 56 cm dream bike in excellent condition. Campy Chorus parts, brakes and carbon cranks. Eurus wheelset. EC90 cockpit and post. Full bike for the price of a frame. 382-2778. BlackBerry Curve phone w/accessories. 8 GB memory card. Verizon. $199. Call Anne for details, 320-248-8074. Reruns New Spring Inventory Sweet blue vintage dinette with 4 chairs and lots of other fun new spring arrivals. 572 E. 6th Ave. 385-7336. RealEstate Amazing home and property! Passive Solar. Three years new. Incredible views, privacy. Vedic Design. Only eight miles out. $747k. Eleven acres, much more available. www.forsalebyowner.com/listing/A8084. Condo For Sale 800sf 2bed/1bath. Walk to downtown, off street parking, perfect for FLC student/investor. Call 749-1093. Passive solar home Garden, fruit trees, permaculture. Borders national forest. 3 bedroom/3 bath/3-car garage. Remodeled. 5.62 acres. Hot tub. Generator. Work benches. Great roads. Friendly, desirable neighborhood of Los Ranchitos. Hike, mountain bike, run out your door. Dgo schools. $485,000. Call 385-4388. ForRent House for rent Furnished or unfurnished. In-town. 5 bedroom/4 bath. 6-month to 1-year lease. $1,800/mo. + deposit. Non-smoker. Quiet. Pets? Available April 1. 385-4388. Huge Master Bedroom in large, beautiful 3 BR house up Junction Creek. Looking for 1-2 responsible, clean people for longer term. Share house with 2 active, responsible women. $580 / month. Call Leah 970-903-5638. Apartment for rent 2B/1B, covered parking, storage @ 1135 Florida Rd. Terrace Gardens $850/mo. includes utilities. 769-4075. Dance studio for rent In the Smiley Building. $15/hr. Sound system, mirrors, large, beautiful. 259-4122 or lisa@dancedurango.com
MeetMarket Essay Contest The qualities of your “Close Enough to Mr. Right.” Grand Prize - Me - stable, good job, not very rich, volunteer, love the outdoors ... you tell me the rest. Spelling counts for 10 points. Sorry, no dudes. Send entries to “My Mr. Wonderful,” P.O. Box 3730, Durango, CO, 81302. CommunityService Wheat & Gluten Intolerance Support Group meets the third Wednesdays of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the Crossroads Building, 1075 Main Ave. All are welcome.E-mail gfindurango@gmail.com for meeting room location or additional info.
Are you a parent with a child under age 5? Then come explore the Family Center of Durango. We have developmental playgroups, parenting classes, a toy lending library, safe exchange and supervised visits, a family support unit, and more! Call us at 385-4747 or stop by 489½ Florida Rd. Cadence Therapeutic Riding is seeking volunteers and is always searching for possible riders to participate in our program. Cadence is a non-profit organization that provides equestrian experiences for adults and children with special needs. Visit www.cadenceriding.org or call 749-7433 for more information. Alzheimer’s Association Support Groups meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 10:30 a.m. and the second Tuesday of every month at the Alzheimer’s Association at 7 p.m. For more information, call Elaine Stumpo at 259-0122. Raw Food Lunches Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $10-$15. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave. | |