Slots O Fun

What could be more fun than slogging for hours through sweltering desert sand, miles from nowhere, heavily laden with static ropes and thick neoprene, only to plunge into a freezing cold, spider filled slot canyon? Fortunately for Durango, these natural wonders are hidden just a few hours from our front doorstep. Those who do their homework will uncover a subterranean world of stone, water, light and adventure like no other on earth. Here are a few images from some of the Southwests finest slots.

Ann Oschwald soaks in a sublime moment of sunlight. Cole Taylor rappels into a series of steep pool drops. The canyoneers mascott: the canyon treefrog. Eleanor Perry revels in the incomparable glow of reflected slot
canyon light. Cold water protection is crucial as water temps can be as low as
40 F. Andrew Chandler scopes the next drop.


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Rolling retro

Vintage bikes get their day to shine with upcoming swap and sale