Durango Telegraph - High-performance housing: Local green building series starts
High-performance housing: Local green building series starts

At least one group is working to make it easier to be green in La Plata County. The Home Builders Association of Southwest Colorado is spearheading a year-long series of dinner meetings to encourage green building in the region.

The series runs throughout 2009 and includes talks on high performance homes, green products and services, xeriscaping, natural building, and a wide variety of other topics. “We’re trying to give the community the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding of the value of green building,” said Greg Mantell-Hecathorn, president of the Home Builders Association.

On Feb. 12, the series will bring Gord Cooke, a pioneer in the better building movement, to Durango. Cooke will lead a half-day workshop entitled, “An Introduction to Houses That Work” The session will cover the elements that are part of high-performance homes and the industry conditions that create a need for them. The fundamentals of building science will also be outlined along with green building materials and construction methods.

Space is limited at the workshop and attendees are encouraged to register early. Call (952) 881-1098 or e-mail dona@eeba.org for details.

– Will Sands

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