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| Found
Bike Has your really cool and super personalized bike been in my yard for 2 months? Call with a description. 903-8049.
Bike Mechanic Full time, experienced, dependable, accurate, team player with premier customer service skills. Hassle Free Sports. 259-3874.
Massage Specialist Wanted Are you interested in massaging at an upscale downtown day spa? An amazing clientele is here waiting for you. Hot Stone Massage technique a plus. Stop by or send resume to: Salon Blue Wave, 123 W. 9th St.
Children’s House Montessori Pre-school is hiring a part-time afternoon teacher. Ten to 15 hours per week. Starts mid-May. Experience required. Contact Alicia 259-1089.
Summer Jobs!!!! Come work outside and make some money. 14-15 years old - Community Corps. 16 and up - Residential Crews. Contact Erin or Paul at 970.259.8607.
Job Search Made Easy Let the local professionals do the work @ 259-1940. Uni-Staff Services, 1315 Main, Suite 106. Never a fee to applicants.
King Center Laundry is hiring. Apply in person next to Nature’s Oasis.
Cleaning position Are you thorough, detail oriented and love to clean? Flexible hours between 8:30 a.m. & 4 p.m. Vehicle required. Start $12 per hour. If seriously motivated call 759-6329.
Sushitarian Chef and dishwasher needed. Apply in person between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. or call 382-0001 or 382-0012.
“Be Who You Really Are” Ways of the wise woman life teachings workshop guided by Mary Grace, wise woman and teacher. Sat., June 9, 10 - 4 in Durango. $75. Call Mary Grace for info. and to register at 970-769-3446 or email paulandmarygrace@yahoo.com. Private sessions also available. “On wings of love.”
Noctilucent Clouds Probing the layers of atmospheric complexity. Another example of our changing climate. See: www.sciencedaily .com/releases/2007/04/ 070410131926.htm
Summer sewing lessons For ages 10-16. Private - $25 hourly. Two students - $30 hourly. Call Lindsay at 259-0826.
4 Corners Lesbian Network Services
Creative Stitchery by Lindsay Quality custom fabrications for the home. Pillows, Duvet Covers, Dust Ruffles, Shower Curtains, Seat Cushions, etc. 20 years experience. 259-0826.
Guitar Lessons With Pete Giuliani. Now taking students at Canyon Music on Fridays. Home studio Monday through Thursday. Call 385-6713.
Web Design Do you need a simple, complex, trendy or conservative website? Call Lakra WebDev at 764-4371 or go to www.angelolakra.com.
Jeff Shoemaker Services, LLC Remodel, decks, repair, maintenance, appliance. Residential – Commercial. If it’s broke, I can fix it. 759-0869.
Rocky Mountain Bound Handmade books for journaling, watercolor, sketch, photos, memories, wedding guests...wonderful gifts for Mother’s Day! 5 miles from downtown Durango past Turtle Lake bouldering area. We’d love your visit! 259-3983 rockymountbound@care2.com
Bon Jour! Cecile, French teacher in Durango will teach you French language, culture and traditions. Private lessons for kids and adults. 884-9062.
Treat your mother or wife To a fabulous facelift massage with full-body treatment. 90 minutes of bliss for $75. Gift certificates. Sally A. Brown, MA, CMT, 18 years’ experience. 970-749-0604.
Ladies, Brazilian, French Bikini You choose. Cyclists, RRP - Road Rash Preparedness. Hair free legs make for easy clean up and cool legs before the crash. Call Ambiance European Skin Care Studio today at 259-4011.
Cut through the static Energize your spirit with energetic body work. Call Sally at 799-4269.
Quantum Alternative Bio-Feedback. Conventional medicine not working for you? Jump into the future. For more information, contact Nicole Gibson LMT, NCTMB at (970) 903-1270, www.qxsubspace.com or ngcalmingeffects@ yahoo.com.
Doing the Iron Horse? 5 Years on the Pro MTB circuit qualify me as a leg expert! Skilled massage therapy will help you train harder, and recover more quickly. Receive a $10 discount on your next massage when you mention this ad. Package discounts available. 18 years solid sports massage experience. Call 259-0226 today to schedule an appointment! Jen Prosser, CMT Advanced Massage Therapy.
Downtown location Amaya Natural Therapeutics is offering an array of therapeutic bodywork services. Use of saltwater hot tub, cold plunge and cedar sauna included. Call 247-3939.
Heidi Timm 21 years experience in deep, gentle, effective techniques for injury rehab, nurturing relaxation using Ortho-Bionomy® and massage. Appointments available in Durango and at Trimble Spa. 759-9038.
Titanium Mtn Bike 16” Airborne Lucky Strike, Rock Shox SID, XTR/XT/AVID mixed components, $600, 259-8403 or 799-4262.
Road bikes K2 Mod 5.0 size small-medium, 56 cm - $950. Sampson titanium, size 59 cm, X tri handlebar - $1,300. 970-759-9714.
Wireless laptop Win 98 - $90. Gateway desktop, XP, Office - $200. Zack 769-8537.
2006 Kawasaki KLR650 Progressive springs (F & R) New Conti/Twinduros chain, tune-up. 50 mph, 6 gallon tank. Excellent cond. $5050. 385-4806.
2005 Suzuki 650U-Strom New Metzlers, chain/sprockets. The ultimate Dual Sport. Primo cond. $5,100. 385-4806.
4X4 Tires 5 new, Super Swamper Thornbirds on American Racing steel wheels. 16” fit F150 or Bronco. $700. 375-0325.
Diesel VW Engine & Tran. from ’86 Jetta, 0 miles on complete rebuild $1400. 375-0325.
1973 CJ5 Jeep Tan/White, 6 cyl., 3 speed, 5,500, original hard top, Runs Great, 2nd owner.
Specialized Roubaix Comp Full carbon. 56 cm. Ultegra pedals. Vetta computer. Less than 1,500 miles. $1,700 OBO. Bob at 946-4034.
For Salvage 1998 Honda Civic XL. Best offer. 884-2060.
ARE Topper Blue 7’6’’ Heavy gauge aluminum, 2 side doors w/ locks, lumber rack. $1200 obo 903-3505.
Aire Tomcat Inflatable Kayak(s), Solo & Tandem, excellent condition, used twice, no patches or repairs. $399.99/$475.00. 259-7771. www.GravityPlay.com. Artist’s sale Portable jewelry racks, artist print rack, assortment of beads, large wool carder, Stetson hat – size 7¼. Call Amy 799-2469.
Aire 14’ Cataraft Includes Downriver Frame & 3 Oars. Excellent Condition. $3200 New, Asking $2200.00 OBO. 259-7772.
Dean Duke Titanium Bike, XT Components, White Brothers Fork, V-Brakes. $5000.00 New, Asking $3200.00 OBO. 259-7772.
2002 Saturn Vue V6 AWD 61k miles Roof Rack & soft carrier, front & side bars, tow package, CD, air bags. Great, safe SUV with clean title and new everything! Gets 25-28 mpg. $14,000 obo. 970-426-9123.
Orbea Orca frameset Like new but at a fraction of retail. 57 CM carbon fiber frame and fork. Super light and stiff. Includes headset and seatpost. Upgrade your ride for $750. 382-2778.
Fast Trees Grow 8-12 feet yearly. $11.95-$17.95 delivered. Potted. Brochure 1-800-615-3405 or www.fasttrees.com.
Leather Furniture Matching sofa and love seat, $1,400. Dressers, lamps and more at Reruns Home, Tues. – Sat. 385-7336.
Furnished Summer Rental Mature couple seeks furnished rental in-town Durango, summer 2007. N/S. (623) 935-9484.
House-sitting job For next school year. Cecile – French teacher, clean, responsible, references. Will trade French classes for house! 884-9062.
Housemates wanted Responsible, respectful, reliable, earth conscious folk. 2 BD/2 bathrms, $500/ $450+dep. 1/3 utilities. Share bright, light, beautiful space on the creek. Garden, deck, CO tr. 759-9919.
Sweet pad in the woods Share 3-bed, 2-bath home with owner. W/D, DW, large yard, storage, $475/month including utilities. Griz, 375-2710.
3br 1ba house Unique & beautiful country living close-in! On 2 acres 10 minutes up Florida. W/D, storage and possibly a huge workshop included. 1 yr lease, deposit & references. N/S, dog negotiable. available 5/15. $975-$1375 depending. Call 970-426-9123 for details.
Massage Therapy Office Beautiful furnished office in historic downtown building available to share with massage therapist mornings and weekends. Fax, copier, conference rooms included in rent. Call Jen at 259-0226.
In town 2BR 1BA home. No pets/smkr, super for single or couple. $1,000/mo + utils. 385-4817 after 5 p.m.
In town condo 3BR, 1BA, parking, 765 College Dr., $950, incl utilities, 259-8403.
Roommate Wanted Master Bed & Bath, garage, in-town, no smokers/pets, clean & responsible. $580 mo + 1/2 util. 970-779-0438. 5/3
Roommate Wanted Downtown loft apartment. Spiral staircase. You’ll live downstairs. 1 BR upstairs. Massage student upstairs. Ambitious young adult. Student? Artist? (970) 426-9638
Community Service Wheat & Gluten Intolerance Support Group meets at Healthy Fusion the last Wednesday of every month. All are welcome. Next meeting is May 30 at 5:30 p.m.; 2053 Main Ave. For more info: 259-9233 or www.healthyfusion.com.
Are you a parent with a child under age 5? Then come explore what the Family Center of Durango has to offer. We have developmental playgroups, parenting classes, a toy lending library, safe exchange and supervised visits, a family support unit, and much more! You can call us at 385-4747, or stop by at 489 ½ Florida Rd. The Family Center of Durango, families helping families. |