|  | The Telegraph accepts classified advertising anytime prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain at $5 for 25 words or less and 20 cents for each additional word. Ads can be submitted via email), fax (970-259-0448) or in person (556 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment is requested on all classifieds.
| HelpWanted
Bookseller Avid book reader wanted to share great books with our customers. Permanent, part-to-full time position w/ fun, hard-working, chocolate devouring team. Must be available to work nights and weekends. Customer service and computer skills a must. Applications available at Maria’s Bookshop. 960 Main Ave., Durango. Deadline: 4/24. EOE.
Magpies Accepting applications for barista positions. Apply in person, 707 Main Ave.
Cocina Linda is looking for line cook, must be able to work thru summer and make a long term commitment. Please call 259-6729.
Summer Jobs!!!! Come work outside and make some money. 14-15 years old - Community Corps. 16 and up - Residential Crews. Contact Erin or Paul at 970.259.8607
Ariano’s Italian Restaurant Now hiring experienced sauté cook. Apply after 4:30 p.m.
Job Search Made Easy Let the local professionals do the work @ 259-1940. Uni-Staff Services, 1315 Main, Suite 106. Never a fee to applicants.
Cleaning Position Are you thorough, detail-oriented and love to clean? Flexible hours between 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Vehicle required. Start $12/hour. If seriously motivated, call 759-6329.
King Center Laundry is hiring. Apply in person next to Nature’s Oasis.
Servers, cooks & dishwashers needed at Sushitarian. Apply in person between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. or call 382-0001 or 382-0012.
Neighborhood sale! Imagine 20 garage sales in one place… Our townhome community is doing a neighborhood sale, with 20+ homes participating so far, including one family who is moving and must sell a bunch of stuff. Furniture, major appliances, tons of items, deals galore. One day only: this Saturday, April 21, 8 a.m. to noon, rain or shine. Recodo del Rio Townhomes, 525 Animas View Drive.
R.A.S. Farm Still has C.S.A. shares available. Call to reserve your share of fresh, local, organic produce all season. 259-9546.
Science Daily – A new NASA study - Using QuikScat satellite (and other) data – has found that in 2005 the Arctic replaced less of the thick sea ice it normally loses and replenishes each year. The findings complement a NASA study released in fall 2006 that found a 14-percent drop in this perennial ice between 2004 and 2005. For more http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/04/ 070403142727.htm.
For Moms Only 1 Day Retreat - Sunday, May 6th 9:30a-6p McElmo Canyon. A day to celebrate and honor you in community with other Moms! Time on the land, pampering, inward exploration, playful group activities, lunch and more. $75. investment - best Mom’s Day gift ever! Will refill your cup and connect you to your Soulful self. Led by Victoria FittsMilgrim, True Life Coach/Retreat Leader. Space limited. Call now w/ questions & to register 259-9040 or e-mail victoria@truelifecoach.net.
Meet the Artist Calligrapher Beth Wheeler turns your favorite verse, quotation, etc. into a work of art. Sat., April 28, Booth #117, Extension Building, Home & Ranch Show. 533-7943.
Yoga Posture Adjustment Workshop Saturday, May 12 at Yogadurango. For instructors who want to intensify their experience of the postures, and strengthen their hands-on teaching skills. Taught by Stephanie Pappas, author of the new book, “Yoga Posture Adjustments and Assisting.” Call Michele 946-8961 for information.
Calling all athletes! Yo Yo dieters, have you achieved your New Years goal weight? Here’s your incentive to make changes NOW: $100,000. in cash & prizes to people who can make the most remarkable changes in their bodies and lives using Isagenix products. Many categories! toadally-healthy@msn.com or (970) 259-5271 www.GoCleanse.com/toadally-healthy.com/toadally-healthy.
Cowboy Clinician, Craig Cameron & Over the Hill Outfitters have teamed up for two Backcountry Horsemanship Clinics in the Weminuche, July 3-7 & July 9-13, 2007. CraigCameron.com (800) 274-0077. OverTheHillOutfitters .com (970) 385-7656.
La Boca Center for Sustainability seeks donations for this year’s farming operation. Needed are: A rear tine tiller, ¾ hp gas water pump, garden hoses, black poly pipe, hoop hoes, sacks of gypsum, laying hens and pvc pipe. Call 563-9383.
Western Photographer, Christopher Marona, & Over the Hill Outfitters have teamed up for a unique Wilderness Photography Workshop in the Weminuche, July 23-27, 2007. MaronaPhoto.com (970) 247-2415. www.OverTheHillOutfitters.com (970) 385-7656.
Ride Mexico’s Copper Canyon on horseback. A true cultural experience with breathtaking scenery, jaw dropping trails, incredible food, anthropology, camaraderie, solid horses and the rest is totally indescribable. Nov 19-29, 2007. www.OverTheHillOutfitters.com (970) 385-7656.
Manna Soup Kitchen Needs volunteers to help run Taste of Durango 2007. We need help Sunday, May 20, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please call Al or Ruthie at 385-5095. A fun time will be had by all while helping Manna continue its mission.
Four Corners Lesbian Network Unity in our Community. Go to: www.yahoogroups.com search fourcornersln.
Labrit Farm C.S.A. With a $450 preseason payment you get a paper grocery bag filled with a wide variety of fresh produce every week from mid June ‘till mid October (18 weeks). Your produce will be brought to the Durango Farmers Market on Saturday mornings. For more info call Dave Banga 946-4551. Jeff Shoemaker Services, LLC Remodel, decks, repair, maintenance, appliance. Residential – Commercial. If it’s broke, I can fix it. 759-0869.
Rocky Mountain Bound *Handmade books* come see us for a custom made book (albums, journals, scrap) or pick one from our showcase. 5 miles from downtown Durango just past Turtle Lake bouldering area. We’d love your visit! 259-3983 rocky mountbound@care2.com
Bon Jour! Cecile, French teacher in Durango will teach you French language, culture and traditions. Private lessons for kids and adults. 884-9062.
Holistic Skin Care With Amy Grogan, licensed esthetician. All natural ingredients customized for your skin care needs plus Ayurvedic body treatments for deep relaxation and detoxification. 799-2469.
Guitar Lessons Fun, relaxed lessons for students of all ages and abilities at my spacious home studio. Call Pete, 385-6713.
Cut through the static Energize your spirit with energetic body work. Call Sally at 799-4269.
Ladies, Brazilian, French Bikini? You choose. Cyclists, RRP - Road Rash Preparedness. Hair free legs make for easy clean up and cool legs before the crash. Call Ambiance European Skin Care Studio today at 259-4011.
Doing The Iron Horse? 5 Years on the Pro MTB circuit qualify me as a leg expert! Skilled massage therapy will help you train harder, and recover more quickly. Receive a $10 discount on your next massage when you mention this ad. Package discounts available. 18 years solid sports massage experience. Call 259-0226 today to schedule an appointment! Jen Prosser, CMT Advanced Massage Therapy. Downtown location.
Quantum Alternative Bio-Feedback Conventional medicine not working for you? Jump into the future. For more information, contact Nicole Gibson LMT, NCTMB at (970) 903-1270, www.qxsubspace.com or ngcalmingeffects@yahoo.com. Amaya Natural Therapeutics Is offering an array of therapeutic bodywork services. Use of saltwater hot tub, cold plunge and cedar sauna included. Call 247-3939.
EM-balance Health Services How’s your brain? Home/Office space electrical radiation hazard testing & education regarding invisible immune & nervous system toxins. Call Brendan now 247-0333.
Holistic Wellness Offers Reiki: Rei - “light” Ki – “energy”. It is lying of hands gently over body with clothes on. Energy flows of its own where it is needed in the physical, mental & emotional level. 884-2060. Halina Koperniak.
Heidi Timm 21 years experience in deep, gentle and effective techniques for injury rehabilitation, nurturing relaxation using Ortho-Bionomy® and massage. Appointments available in Durango and at Trimble Spa. 759-9038.
For Salvage 1998 Honda Civic XL. Best offer. 884-2060.
30 MPG! 2001 Mazda MPV ES, 78k miles, leather video seats, loaded, road trip ready. $8K obo 946-6885.
Bling Bling Men’s 21” Cadillac Eldorado Cruiser Bicycle. Brand New. Call 946-0400. Ride in style and comfort. $400.
1989 Honda Prelude Hunter green and black. Runs perfectly. Engine great shape. Fuel economy! Well maintained. Sun roof. Perfect for someone who likes to do own work. Comes with new full evaluation by excellent mechanic. $900 obo. Bayfield. 946-6994.
Flags Huge selection. American flags, state flags, military flags, sports flags, religious flags, novelty flags, international flags, seasonal flags, NFL flags. 842 1/2 Main 970-259-5053.
Golf Clubs With bag - $75. New Porter Cable Compressor - $135. Computer desk - $40. 759-6252.
Commercial Dishwasher Jet Tech F-16. Fits into stainless cabinet w/faucet & sink, drainboard; 2 cupboards. Cabinet measures 5’x3’x2’. DW can be used alone: 19”x29”x20” Priced @ $1,000 for quick sale (970) 533-7439.
Orbea Orca frameset Like new but at a fraction of retail. 57 CM carbon fiber frame and fork. Super light and stiff. Includes headset and seatpost. Upgrade your ride for $950. 382-2778.
Fast Trees Grow 8-12 feet yearly. $11.95-$17.95 delivered. Potted. Brochure 1-800-615-3405 or www.fasttrees.com.
Leather Furniture Matching sofa and love seat, $1,400. Dressers, lamps and more at Reruns Home, Tues. – Sat. 385-7336.
Furnished Summer Rental Mature couple seeks furnished rental in-town Durango, summer 2007. N/S. (623) 935-9484.
Furn. House Wanted Prof. cple + dghtr seek Sml Hse. Dgo-Hesp. We’re Careful & Clean. N/P, N/S. 650-851-0493. gpyeti@aol.com.
House-sitting job For next school year. Cecile – French teacher, clean, responsible, references. Will trade French classes for house! 884-9062.
Above the Steaming Bean $1,400/month incl. utilities except electric. Free wireless. W/D. No students, smokers, pets. 970-799-1836
Downtown Durango 2 bedroom/1 bath. Month to month. Newly remodeled. Hot tub. W/D. $1175. 799-1868.
Gorgeous studio apartment Private but part of long-standing cooperative household and home on three acres. Trees, organic garden. Share office/art studio. Comes with internet. For N/S one or two people who like to share some meals, fine conversation, music, films with other professionals interested in meditation, yoga, dance and a green, peaceful planet. On quiet cul-de-sac near library and natural foods store. Available 5/10. $510. 946-6994.
Room for Rent One room in 3BR home. In-town. $500/mo. No smokers. 970-769-3233.
Massage Therapy Office Beautiful furnished office in historic downtown building available to share with massage therapist mornings and weekends. Fax, copier, conference rooms included in rent. Call Jen at 259-0226.
In town Share 3 bd house. $398 per month. No pets/smokers. Through July 31. 259-3191.
Roommate Wanted Dog-friendly home seeks cool person to share 3-BR @ 33rd & E. 4th. Big yard, deck, trees, casual river livin’ in fun, active house. May 1st. $425/mo. 749-8327.
Roommate Wanted Downtown loft apartment. Spiral staircase. You’ll live downstairs. 1 BR upstairs. Massage student upstairs. Ambitious young adult. Sudent? Artist? (970) 426-9638.
Wheat & Gluten Intolerance Support Group meets at Healthy Fusion the last Wednesday of every month. All are welcome. Next meeting is April 25 at 5:30 p.m.; 2053 Main Ave. For more info: 259-9233 or www.healthyfusion.com.
Are you a parent with a child under age 5? Then come explore what the Family Center of Durango has to offer. We have developmental playgroups, parenting classes, a toy lending library, safe exchange and supervised visits, a family support unit, and much more! You can call us at 385-4747, or stop by at 489 ½ Florida Rd. The Family Center of Durango, families helping families.
The Medicine Horse Center seeks experienced horse people to give our horses extra love and attention at both our Mancos and Durango locations. Call 533-7403 or email info@medicinehorsecenter.org.
Cadence Therapeutic Riding is seeking volunteers and is always searching for possible riders to participate in our program. Cadence is a non-profit organization that provides equestrian experiences for adults and children with special needs. Visit www.cadenceriding.org or call 749-7433 for more information.
Alzheimer’s Association Support Groups meet the second and third Wednesday of the month at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 10: 30 a.m. For more information, call Elaine Stumpo at 259-0122.
Raw Food Lunches Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11: 11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave.