Our letters section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.

Deitch the clear candidate

Dear Editors,

I’m a 17-year-old student at Durango High School, and I’m currently enrolled in an American Government class. We just finished learning about state government – what they do and why they’re so important. I have recently noticed an unnecessary smear campaign directed toward Jeff Deitch. I was always under the impression that the democratic process relied on voter choice. When the Colgan Campaign referred to Jeff Deitch as a “spoiler” for the Democratic Party, they in essence denounced voter choice. All I have read in the editorial section from the Colgan campaign is a malicious attack against Jeff Deitch, while the Deitch campaign has only submitted letters that discuss the issues at stake. I know who the clear candidate is.

– Nicole Balmforth, senior, DHS

Deitch offers strong leadership

Dear Editor:

I am responding to James Callard’s letter of March 19. I recently learned that he is on Joe Colgan’s campaign committee. Since I am fairly new to this process, I am fascinated to see that insults and name-calling are the prevailing theme in the Colgan campaign.

The allegation that Jeff Deitch is avoiding the “democratic process” is puzzling. If the law provides two ways to get on a ballot, how is using one of them “avoidance?” Instead of excluding voters from the nomination process, Jeff will bring his nominating petition to the voters. I admire that.

I attended the recent debate and was pleased to hear Jeff’s ideas to deal with the issues of affordable housing and decent wages. He also expressed sensitivity to our environmental needs and offered healthy alternatives

to urbanization and traffic congestion.

We need the strong leadership of Jeff Deitch in the Colorado House of Representatives. Please join me in voting for him.

– Sincerely, Denise Rue-Pastin


Stickin’ up for his boyz

Dear Editor: Though I am usually a fan of Ted Holteen’s acerbit wit, I cannot abide his dissin’ of my boyz Cameo. Some may argue that the band’s music should be sealed in4hot pink vinyl and thrown back into the dank basement of the 1980s. Not me. Cameo may be strange ... but I like it.

Though I left the “Single Life” behind many years ago, I need only cue up that song and am instantly transported back to its sweet, sweet joys. Unlike Holteen, apparently, I just like having fun. And admittedly – and I’ll grant you this, Holteen – “Word Up” was not their shining moment, but one mediocre song cannot erase their glorious legacy.

Perhaps Holteen is not man enough to withstand the full force of their sassy, synth-funk assault. Does the codpiece scare you, Ted?

Well then, I’ll give you something to really be scared of: any more rebukes of my codpieced comrades, and I may just come down there and have at you with the business end of a key-tar.

–Owwww, Ben Hawes, Mancos

The monstrosities that ate Main

Dear Editors,

The double standard in Durango is as obvious as a fixed presidential election. I have a friend who owns and operates a small shop on historic Main Ave. Before being able to paint his weathered storefront, he was required to jump through several bureaucratic hoops. This is to ensure that he doesn’t detract from the historic look of Main.

OK, good idea right? None of us wants to become another Aspen or Vail.

So, will someone please explain how those monstrosities on Main between 10th and 12th were allowed to rear their ugly heads? That’s a rhetorical question because we all know the answer to that. Since those highrises are no more historical than Starbuck’s or that ugly building across from the Strater Hotel, only an idiot from Texas can’t see that someone’s palm is being greased.

We will lose our cherished tourists if we aren’t careful. The Chama

Train will provide scenic wilderness area for their pleasure. Our D&SNR will show them the stunning beauty of downtown highrise, golf courses, and trophy homes for as far as the eye can see.

It is a shame, no doubt, but greed and corruption always rule, especially now that our national leaders are setting such a stellar example.

– Doug Quinones,


Fence a monumental misstep

Dear Editors,

Regarding the city’s plan to spend 80,000 taxpayer dollars on a fence around the property containing City Reservoir: Does anyone actually believe that a fence, even with an alarm system, would stop someone seriously intending to contaminate the water supply? We all know that Durango’s municipal water is a top target for international terrorists, so let’s come up with some real protection. How about a bombproof dome? Or a gigantic pumping station like A-LP’s? We can move the water supply around so those terrorists can’t find it!

Kidding aside, this is another waste of our money. Are citizens seeking “unauthorized recreation” by trespassing on city property really threatening the water supply? As well as restricting wildlife access to water and further defacing the landscape, this fence will be a monument to misplaced priorities.

– Michael Pittenger, Durango

A day to be recognized

Dear Editors,

Around the globe, March 8 is celebrated and recognized as International Women’s day. This day is an occasion created by women’s groups from all around the world. It has been marked because of all of the remarkable women who have fought for gender equality and who have protested to give women a voice.

The first International Women’s day was held March 19, 1911, in a few European countries. Today, there are countries that have designated a day to celebrate Women. The year of 1975 became International Women’s Year, which led to the United Nations observing March 8 of every year as Women’s Day. Help us remember why every woman is created equal regardless of differences in historical and national traditions. It is also important to remember all of the courageous women who fought for equality, leadership and a voice in this world. Thanks to these triumphant women, all future generations of women can now live their lives within equal opportunity of the opposite sex.

Fort Lewis College Women’s Studies Program has done an excellent job in educating students and getting them involved in carrying on the tradition of celebrating women. On March 1, FLC Women’s Studies recognized this day by turning the CUB into an exhibit on important women from our past. This year’s theme given by the United Nations is “Women in Decision-making,” which commemorates leading women of today who are taking leadership and a political stance in the fight for what they truly believe in.

After a day full of displays and documentaries FLC Women’s Studies Program Professors Doreen Hunter, Janine Fitzgerald and Kathy Fine gave presentations focusing on various issues facing women around the world. Dr. Hunter examined the 1995 Beijing woman’s conference and how it has impacted the past 10 years. AIDS, women and Africa was the main tenant of Dr. Fine’s presentation. She spoke stirringly of AIDS victims in Africa and how women are affected. Professor Fitzgerald examined globalization and women, with an emphasis on feminist theory. The presentations lasted for two hours and were followed by a question-and-answer session that evolved into a dialogue on real world issues facing women versus feminist theory. Their input was relevant and appreciated.

This celebration of women of the present, past and future that are making a difference drew people in from the community and all areas of the Fort Lewis Campus and offered an opportunity for people to talk about contemporary women’s issues. Additionally visitors to the exhibits were given resources for women’s health and further dialogue on women’s issues.

The organizers of International Women’s Day sincerely appreciate everyone’s involvement in the event. We look forward to seeing you at next year’s International Woman’s Day!

– Sincerely, Katie Adams

League supports health district

Dear Editors,

The League of Women Voters of La Plata County supports the proposed La Plata County Health Service District and urges you to support it as well. After thorough review of the service plan, and various other studies and surveys used to develop the plan, League members agree that the proposed ballot issues, Ballot Issue 500 to authorize the 1.7 mill levy and Ballot Question 501 to create the District, address the health-care needs of La Plata County residents in an appropriate way.

According to study chairman Jill Patton, LWV members, as individuals, have participated on various community committees, such as Action Coalition for Medical Excellence (ACME) and Citizens Health Advisory Council (CHAC), for several years, and provided the LWV study committee with access to the studies conducted in La Plata County to determine the unmet needs of county residents and to other information leading up to the development of the HSD service plan, which is the basis of the ballot proposals.

In the fall of 2004, the LWV membership served as a focus group for the community committee exploring issues related to the feasibility of setting up an HSD in La Plata County. Prior to the adoption of the LWV study, the LWV canvassed seven other similarly situated health service districts in Colorado to determine why and how they had become HSDs and how they were working out.

Folks familiar with the LWV know that we have two very separate arms, one arm that provides nonpartisan, unbiased information on issues and candidates, and the other, which advocates for positions on issues that we have thoroughly studied and on which we have reached thoughtful member consensus. The LWV never takes positions on candidates or political parties under any circumstances.

A health service district, which would make additional funding available to current service providers to assist underserved La Plata County residents, is sorely needed. These providers have suffered significant cutbacks in state and federal funding in recent years. We will all benefit from a healthier community. We urge you to vote yes on both proposals, to create and to fund the HSD.

– Marilyn T. Brown, president, League of Women Voters of La Plata County

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