The hope of finding an undiscovered literary masterpiece tucked away behind rows of books is one of the lures of the used bookstore. Whether in search of a rare first edition or just looking for an old personal favorite, a lazy Sunday afternoon at a used bookstore is always time well spent. Perusing discontinued titles or finding that new favorite author opens the mind and expands the intellect. The worn pages and tarnished covers only add appeal, showing that the book has an additional story to tell beyond the words printed inside its jacket. So, the next time the television is blaring reruns of Gilligan's Island, remember that only a few steps away are endless stories of intrigue and survival that will entertain without rotting the brain.

Dozens of books rest on the front porch of the Southwest Book
Trader, enticing passersby to come in and peruse the stacks. Tom White purchases a few books from The Bookcase on his trip
through Durango last weekend. A pair of antique skis encourages readers at Southwest Book
Trader to make an impulse buy. George Hassan beats the heat inside the Southwest Book Trader on
Sunday afternoon. A sign attracts the literary minded into The Bookcase in
downtown Durango. A collection of pins and magnets decorate a wall at The
Bookcase. Charlie Kolb peruses the titles at the Southwest Book


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