Ear to the ground

“I’m trying to decide how to spend my tax refund.”

– Local man as he browsed the selection at a local bike store

Drink the DIFFerence

“Drink the DIFF!” Durango Independent Film Festival-goers will have the opportunity to enjoy a DIFFerent beer at the March 1-5 festival. Ska Brewing, a longtime supporter of film in Durango, was inspired to create “DIFF” to help celebrate the Durango Independent Film Festival.

“We just love the idea of having a film festival in Durango and thought this would be a unique way to support the inaugural Durango Independent Film Festival’s efforts,” said Dave Thibodeau, one of the owners of Ska. “If a normal guy like Homer Simpson can drink DUFF beer, we thought, ‘Why can’t our regular, hometown Durango folks who are attending this community film festival drink DIFF beer?’”

DIFF is based on Ska Head Brewer Jeff Ogden’s 1999 Great American Beer Festival Medal winning “Cloud Nine” brew. The DIFF is an unfiltered Belgian Wit Beer with a touch of the Orient for good measure. Most of the flavor comes from an authentic Belgian yeast strain, but there is also added Pilsen malts and raw wheat and oats that help to give it a cloudy, hazy effect. It is also spiced with orange peel, coriander seed and oriental lemongrass.

“The Durango Independent Film Festival is a different film festival in many ways and having Ska Brewing create a different kind of beer in honor of our festival is fantastic,” said Shan Wells, beer lover and DIFF art director. “I’m so excited about the beer I may just dress up as Homer Simpson on our opening night in celebration.”

DIFF will screen more than 60 independent films from March 1-5 and will offer free opening-night movies. For more information on the festival, go to www.durangofilm.org

Riding the Rockies

The route and locations for the annual Ride the Rockies bicycle tour have been announced, and Durango made the cut this year. Thousands of cyclists will arrive in Durango mid-day on Sun., June 18, and will be departing early the next day. Fort Lewis College will serve as the tour headquarters and many of the 2,000 bicyclists and accompanying 1,500 guests will be camping out on the FLC grounds. For more information, go to www.ridetherockies.com