Our letters section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.

Vote for clean, renewable energy

Dear Editors,

I am writing this letter to encourage people to vote for Jeff Berman for the La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) Board of Directors. LPEA’s poll conducted after the passing of Amendment 37 confirmed what this community, LPEA’s members, desire the most … clean, renewable energy options. Due to Jeff Berman’s background in electrical engineering, knowledge of sustainability solutions and continued desire to be a part of the LPEA Board, I believe he would be the best person to facilitate this goal. As well, Jeff has been instrumental in creating and moving forward the San Juan Biodiesel Cooperative, a local cooperative looking into the feasibility of “growing” our own fuel locally. Jeff Berman would make an excellent addition to LPEA’s board by representing members’ interests in renewable energy options such as solar and wind power.

Jeff Berman’s platform includes exploring a voluntary buy-local energy program to finance solar panel and wind turbine installations; LPEA-promoted audits for energy-efficiency improvements along with rebates for energy-efficiency improvements (both of which could save members money off their energy bills); and a solar panel loan program. To find out more about his platform, please log-on to: www.bermanforcleanenergy.com.

LPEA has an opportunity to be a leader in electrical cooperatives by taking measures now to ensure a healthy future for all. As a community leader and someone with a clear vision concerning how to get there, Jeff Berman can assist us in moving toward a cleaner environment and socially responsible cooperative. Ballots will be sent out by mail this coming Friday, the 19th of August, and I encourage you to support Jeff Berman by casting a vote for him on your LPEA ballot.

– Michael Rendon, Durango

Learn about land enhancement

Dear Editors,

Members of the public are encouraged to join us for a free workshop for landowners at the James Ranch in the Animas Valley. This informative workshop, including on-site field presentations, will be held Sept. 15 from 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Cooperating sponsors for this informative day-long event include: The Southwest Colorado Wetlands Focus Area, Animas Conservancy, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, the Colorado Division of Wildlife and the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Experts from local, state, federal and nonprofit organizations also will offer information regarding technical advice and potential funding opportunities related to land management for riparian health, wildlife and habitat conservation, and incentive partnerships. The James family has kindly offered their ranch for this workshop to learn first-hand about their enhancement work and the programs and partnerships that have benefited their land. Please join us for this great opportunity to meet your local resource managers and network.

Space will be limited to the first 30 participants for this daylong workshop that will include a continental breakfast and lunch, so make your reservation early by calling 259-0522 or jeanne@animasconservancy.org.

– Jeanne Trupiano, Animas Conservancy

Don’t back down


Your articles regarding artists such as Maureen May, and others you have chosen to write about plus your personal vision were exceptional in the last months. Don’t back down. I realize detractors are loud and get attention, but we who are often silent in our applause are like the audience at a lovely and moving symphony ... we are silent and reflective in the moment.

So it has taken a bit of time for me to write, but not too long I trust.

– Margaret Pacheco, via e-mail

Own a piece of puma history

Dear Editors,

The San Juan Mountains Association is auctioning off their pride of pumas! Now you can bid on and purchase the fine art felines you see exhibited around the region as part of SJMA’s “Pumas on Parade” project. Hosted by Alpine Bank, the online auction runs from Aug. 15 – Sept. 9 at www.sjma.org . Proceeds from the sale of these unique sculptures will benefit SJMA’s ongoing public land stewardship programs. Don’t wait to log on and pick your favorite puma – and support SJMA: For Lands’ Sake!

– Kathleen M. May, president, SJMA Board of Directors


In this week's issue...

July 18, 2024
Rebuilding Craig

Agreement helps carve a path forward for town long dependent on coal

July 11, 2024
Reining it in

Amid rise in complaints, City embarks on renewed campaign to educate dog owners

July 11, 2024
Rolling retro

Vintage bikes get their day to shine with upcoming swap and sale