I'm writing from Brooklyn, N.Y. My neighborhood has all these hipsters, but all they do is sit around drawing silly
pictures while high. You know, "artists." Other "musicians" charge you money so you can watch them attempt to learn
how to play guitar while they get drunk. Should I continue to support their so called "art" when all I'm doing is
supporting their drug and drink habits?
- Klamprs, via e-mail
I'll tell you this Mr. Klamprs,
not every "hipster" is hip, nor is all art good. A lot of it sucks. Just because some music may fly "below the radar"
never gaining any mainstream popularity doesn't mean it's all that great, even if a small community of people who
think they are "in the know" like it. You understand? I once walked through a major and highly respected museum and
questioned much of what I saw on the walls. For example, a red line of paint that looked like it was rolled on with a
roller. That was on the walls of a museum in New York City? There was nothing artistic about it at all! OK, my
advice, most musicians who try too hard to be hip and obscure never will be. Most of those musicians' fans are fools
who will continue to support those habits. My advice to you is to follow only musicians or artists who aren't
concerned with being the cornerstone of any type of scene and you will go a long way. Maybe.
- Diver
I am currently in the middle of an ugly divorce from my husband. He told me he had been married once prior, and I
found out in court he was married twice prior to our marriage! I'm so bent out of shape about not only this, but men
and relationships in general. Is there any therapy you recommend to give me the ability to trust anyone?
- Kim, via e-mail
Diver: Jon from The Schoolhouse
Facts: Jon is the first diver to admit that he may not be qualified to dispense advice.

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or by fax at 259-0448. |
You are so selfish! Leave the guy and get over it, for cris' sakes. It's not like your husband was letting your
children gamble while playing Klackers or anything or was he? I don't know what to tell you, sometimes relationships
just don't work. I wish I had better advice for you, but I'm no therapist. That's kind of the problem with this
column, people want real advice and none of us are really qualified to give it to you.
- Sorry, Diver
Howdy Diver,
Why do newspapers still continue to pay huge amounts of money to run silly comics, such as the Family Circus? Or
stupid ass Garfield? Thumbs down to these! These comics have no relevance or timely connection to today's world.
"Whoa, Charlie Brown said 'good grief.' Didn't see that coming." Seriously, they are terrible. I'm glad this paper
doesn't succumb to such schwag, why do others?
- Allen
I don't know why papers still run "The Family Circus." I think it's because old people love it so, they think Dolly
is so irreverent. You are right, it's terrible. "Garfield?" Lame. Charlie Brown, albeit a classic, has run its
course, obviously since the guy who wrote it for so long is, well, dead. I suggest you start reading some of the more
serious comics for a dose of reality. No, not "Nancy," I'm talking "Gil Thorpe," "Mary Worth" or perhaps "Mark
Trail." And of course, "Rex Morgan, M.D." has the cure for the daily blues.
- Thanks, Diver