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Found |
Two books
and a towel in park across the river from North City Market. Call Charlie to ID. 385-6779.
Adaptive Sports
Association, a 501(c)3 is hiring an executive director with strong writing, public speaking, supervisory, financial, fund raising, PR, & management skills. Call or e-mail for job description. 259-0374 asa@frontier.net
Lady Falconburgh's
is now hiring experienced wait staff and kitchen help. Apply in person at 640 Main Ave.
Earn Huge Profits Now!
$10K+/mo potential PT from home. Serious Inquiries only. Training/support provided with a proven system.Call 800-249-9549 24 hrs.
Durango Arts Center
Is seeking volunteers to work at the reception desk in the Barbara Conrad Gallery and in the Gallery Shop, Tues. - Sat., morning or afternoons. Call Jeanne 259-2606 for more information.
Announcements |
Do You Want
to help others?Alternative Horizons needs volunteers to staff its 24-hour Domestic Abuse Hotline. You will receive FREE extensive training, a complete overview of the dynamics of domestic violence, and crisis-intervention skills. Training is April 7 -26. For more information call 247-4374.
American Red Cross
Thelocal chapter of the American Red Crossis offeringanEmergency First Responder training beginning April 9. This program is based on the latest advances in first aid and CPR. Call the Red Cross office at 259-5383 to register.
Survivor Poetry Contest
The Sexual Assault Services Organization is hosting the third annual Survivor Poetry Contest. Entries accepted until April 18. Submissions of 500 words or less can be e-mailed to claire@durangosaso.org or mailed to SASO, Box 2723 Durango, CO 81302. 259-3074 for details.
Vendor booths
Are available for the annual Cinco de Mayo celebration to be held May 7 at Santa Rita Park. Call 382-9693 for application. Completed applications due by April 20.
VOA Thrift Store
Needs volunteers. Have fun and help people! Call Vanessa at 385-0363.
Seeking Truth?
If you truly desire getting to the core of your issues, call Paul David Forshey, Healing Arts Practitioner. Helping you find your truth. Clairvoyant & Intuitive Sessions. Spiritual Counseling & Communication. Emotional Healing Work. Divine Witness. Appointments by phone & in person. (970) 884-4012.
Women's Flyfishing Class
Level I - April 23 - 12-5 p.m. Bugs; flies; knots; casting. Level II - April 24 - 12-4 p.m. Casting review; finding bugs; reading rivers; drift. $75 each. Contact Duranglers at 385-4081.
Experienced, responsible and good with animals/plants. Available during the summer for Durango and surrounding areas. References available upon request. Call now and book early. Jillian. 247-6127.
Deck refinishing
Reasonable, dependable, quality sanding and staining of old decks. Danial. 259-1128.
Intuitive development course
Learn to access your own inner guidance. Six weeks beginning April 18. Monday evenings, 6-8 p.m. Durango Joe's (Community Room). For more information, contact Kathleen Medina. 970-946-4734.
It does a body good! Relax, Restore, Rejuvenate. Alleviate aches & pains, loosen tight muscles & flush toxins. Schedule and hour for yourself. It's Time! Carrie Griffin, CMT 749-9264. 4/28
Pet Valet of Telluride, Inc.
Expanding to Durango. Now offering dog walking, dog sitting and cat care. Call Shawna Brown @ 769-3870
Thai Massage
Student needs practice. Thai massage restores good health and energy and feels sooo good. Donations only. 385-7179. 385-7179.
Free Brewing Class
Sat. Apr. 23rd12-2pm at SKA Brewing 545 Turner Dr. Raw materials to bottling. We're makin' beer here! 247-5792.
Photographic Workshop
In Italy. Open Shutter workshops is offering 10 days of photographic instruction in Tuscany Sept. 27-Oct. 7, Florence, Cinque Terre, one-day cooking class. Call 382-8355.
Stop Making Your
Landlord Rich! Own Your Own Home For No Money Down. www.arete.us. Call Jeanne Today @ 759.8736
You deserve a doula. Sonja Parker provides birthing doula support. Call today! Ongoing HypnoBirthing classes, utilizing mind-over-body techniques, are also offered. 385-5256.
Allergies getting to you?
Acupuncture and herbal medicine can help. Call Carla Marie Toth, Licensed Acupuncturist, 799-3470, for appointment.
Two Bedroom Condo
at Ferringway: Open loft style condo with 2bedrooms, two baths.Fantastic Investment! $165K Call Tina@946-2902 CBHHR
Bedroom for rent
10 mins. from town. Students welcome. Dogs negotiable. 1-acre yard with fire pit. $350 + utilities. Call Arlo (970) 759-0057.
The Durango Dharma Center
is available for hourly and daylong rentals.Ideal, quiet space for meetings and workshops. Centrally located, free parking. For more information, call Erin at 382-8378.
Roommate(s) Needed!
Master Bedroom/Private Bath For Rent in beautiful townhouse. Storage, Office, Garage, Backyard. Open to Singles/Couples. No Pets. Call (970) 903-9402.
A place to make home!
Beautiful, 1 bedroom garden apartment, open space and dog friendly, garden and flagstone patio near new hospital. Looking for a mature person who knows quality!! $795 includes utilities/washer-dryer. Call 259-1702. 1-year lease avail. May 1.
Vacation Rentals
Enjoy your family's visit. Have them stay at a rental house. 1 bed/1 bath downtown. W/D. Book now for summer months. 259-9466.
Hot Wheels
Rolf Vector Comp road wheels. Paired spoke design. In perfect shape. Light, fast, great in cross-winds. A steal at $150. 382-2778.
Dagger Redline
$300 obo. Great shape. Great river runner. 884-7192.
Schwinn Tandem Cruiser
High price of gas got you down?Like new tandem cruiser, only one year old.New price $600, yours for $475.00. 946-2357.
'97 Honda Accord.
Great gas mileage. Newer tires. 96K miles. $4,600. Call 505-716-1386
1994 Suburban 4X4
Runs great. New tires. $5K Call Aaron at 749-7661.
Aire Tomcat Tandem
Tandem Inflatable kayak(s), like new, excellent condition. New price $550-595. Selling for $399.99. 259-7771
Pets |
is a small, tri-colored Australian shepherd who is less than a year old and weighs about 35 pounds. She is shy but wants to please and learns quickly. Cowgirl likes dogs, cats, kids and people. She would make a great ranch dog, but also a sweet family pet.Call foster mom Ann at 247-2829.
Male seeking single female.
Must be an independently wealthy supermodel. Masseuse preferred. Must be skilled bicycle mechanic. Culinary skills a plus. Serious inquiries only. Call Raley 530-945-7102
Flute circle
Anyone interested in starting a Native American flute circle in the Four Corners area please call Shelly at 375-1826.
Here's an idea:
A people's think tank. A down-home get together of folks who feel connected to humanity and the pageant of creation.Share thoughts & arguments through writing. perspectives@gobrainstorm.net
Announcements |
Support local businesses
Please don't shoplift - remember what goes around, comes around. Thank you, Animas Trading.
Caregivers Support Group
Meets the third Thursday of each month at the Durango La Plata Senior Center. The group is open to anyone dealing with the challenges of caregiving. Call 259-0122 or 247-9136 for details.
Artists of all mediums
are invited to display their artwork in the Durango Recreation Center community wing hallway. Call 375-7305 for more information.
San Juan Citizens Alliance
Is looking for volunteers interested in helping to increase genuine democracy and foster social, economic and environmental justice in the San Juan Basin. Call 259-3583.
Alzheimer's Association
Support Groups meet the second Thursday of the month at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. and the fourth Thursday of the month at the La Plata County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m. For more information, call Elaine Stumpo at 259-0122.
Raw Food Lunches
Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave.