The Badly Bent celebrates CD release Durango Nature Studies presents Wild Words Bluegrass legend to play KDUR benefit
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Downtown Durango merchants will host "Cupid's Night
Out," a special Valentine's shopping night. Twenty-six
participating merchants will be open until 8 p.m. and offering
Valentine specials.
The Durango Arts Center, 802 E. Second Ave., presents
"Hearts Apart," an after-school art class for
children with family members serving in the military or children
who are otherwise being affected by the war. 759-9537 for
Durango High School students will host a Youth
Summit from 5 to 9:30 p.m. at the La Plata County
Fairgrounds. The "Facing the Facts Forum" will cover topics like
drug use, sex education, college preparedness and prejudice and is
for students and by students. 382-0585 for details.
Red Cliff School, an independent middle school
offering accelerated curriculum, holds a 6 p.m. informational
meeting for prospective students and parents in room #23 of the
Smiley Building. 749-7333 for details.
Pongas, 121 E. Eighth St., hosts a singles, 8-ball pool
tournament at 7 p.m. 382-8554 for details.
The Sound Liberation Peace Choir meets from
7-8:30 p.m. at the Heartlight Wholistic Health Center, 97 W. North
St. in Bayfield. 884-9216 for details.
The FLC Life-Long Learning Lecture Series
continues with a lecture by Judith Reynolds entitled "Speak Muse:
The Seven Deadly Sins and the Art of Political Cartooning" at 8
p.m. in the Center of Southwest Studies Lyceum. 247-7400.
Scoot 'n Blues, 900 Main Ave., presents the Four Corners
Crosscut Sessions, a local jam hosted by blues
rock musician Jeff Strahan, at 8 p.m. 259-1400 for details.
Durango Joe's, 732 E. College, hosts Open Mic
Night from 8:30-11 p.m. Sign-ups for music and poetry
begin at 8:30 p.m. 375-2121 for details.
DJs El Beau and Irah spin music at the Summit,
600 Main Ave., at 10 p.m. 247-2324 for details.
Durango High School Welding Dept.'s annual silent
auction takes place from 5-10 p.m. in the Durango High
School lobby. The event features one-of-a-kind welded art and
décor from DHS students. 259-1630, ext. 2124.
Lee Bartley performs on piano at Christina's
Grill and Bar, 21382 US Hwy. 160 W., at 5:30 p.m. 382-3844 for
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center in Cortez
presents a lecture on the monasteries of Ladakh by Dr. Gwinn Vivian
at 6:30 p.m. 565-8975.
The Durango Arts Center, 802 E. Second Ave., hosts its annual
Valentine Dance and Silent Auction from 7-10 p.m.
The event features wine, hors d'oeuvres, desserts along with music
from Lighting Communications. 259-2606 for details.
Ralph Dinosaur returns to Scoot 'n Blues, 900
Main Ave., with an 8 p.m. show. 259-1400.
Movin' On plays country and rock at the Wild
Horse Saloon, 601 E. Second Ave. 375-2568 for details.
The Summit, 600 Main Ave., hosts live hip-hop
from Louis Logic, DJ Equal, Dialogue and Desert Reign at 10 p.m.
247-2324 for details.
Steamworks, 801 E. Second Ave., presents "Fetish for
Fantasy" featuring DJs Abell, Bigfoot Bridges and Tim
House. Costumes are encouraged for the 10 p.m. event. 259-9200.
Durango Mountain Resort and the Adaptive Sports Association
co-host Special Olympics Winter Games for 70
Special Olympians from the region. Alpine skiing and snowshoeing
events run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. A victory celebration follows at
the Durango Elks Club. 385-8545 for details.
The 2nd annual Valentine's Day5K run starts at
10 a.m. at the Durango Rec. Center, 2700 Main Ave. Participants
receive commemorative t-shirts and a raffle prize drawing follows
the race. 375-7306 for details.
Top musicians from Four Corners high schools
will perform at 2 p.m. in the Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis
College. The free concert includes performances by the Fort Lewis
College Symphonic Band, the Symphonic Select Band and the Select
Wind Ensemble. 247-7151 for details.
The Heartlight Wholistic Health Center, 97 W. North St. in
Bayfield, hosts an open house from 2-4 p.m. to
celebrate one year in business. 247-2683 for details.
Local singer-songwriter Sally Shuffield
performs at Christina's Grill and Bar, 21382 US Hwy. 160 W., at
5:30 p.m. 382-3844 for details.
The first Dances of Universal Peace of 2005
takes place at 7 p.m. at the Mason Center, 301 E. 12th St. 385-7375
for details.
The Durango Arts Center, 802 E. Second Ave., hosts an all-ages
"Punk Rock Show" at 7:30 p.m. The evening features
The Letdowns, Distructive Kritisizum, The Quails and more.
Scoot 'n Blues, 900 Main Ave., hosts Saturday Night Live,
"the world's best karaoke," starting at 8 p.m.
259-1400 for details.
The 8th Avenue Tavern hosts karaoke from 8
p.m.-2 a.m. at 509 E. 8th Ave. 259-8801 for details.
DJ Morning Bear spins music at Lady
Falconburgh's, 640 Main Ave., at 9 p.m. 382-9664.
Local jam band, Freewill Recovery, will be
joined by special guests for a 9:30 p.m. show at the Summit, 600
Main Ave. 247-2324 for details.
Movin' On plays a Valentine's Dance at the Wild
Horse Saloon, 601 E. Second Ave. 375-2568.
Steamworks, 801 E. Second Ave., celebrates Valentine's Day and
Ladies Night with DJs Morning Bear, Norman D and
Shawn Patrick at 10 p.m. 259-9200 for details.
The Alexander Murray Faculty Recital Series continues with a
performance by the Red Shoe Trio at 3 p.m. in
FLC's Roshong Recital Hall. The trio will perform works by
Beethoven, Brahms and Astor Piazzola. 247-7657 for details.
Local singer-songwriter Tim Guidotti plays
Scoot 'n Blues, 900 Main Ave., from 6-9 p.m. 259-1400 for
Pongas hosts free pool after 6 p.m. at 121 W.
8th St. 382-8554 for details.
The Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College and the Durango
Arts Center present a dance performance by Pilobolus Dance
Theatre at 7 p.m. The company stretches the boundaries of
human movement with a mix of humor, intelligence, physical
invention and raw athleticism. 247-7657 for details.
The Blue Moon Ramblers play bluegrass at the
Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave., from 7-10 p.m. 375-7150 for
The 8th Avenue Tavern hosts karaoke from 8
p.m.-2 a.m. at 509 E. 8th Ave. 259-8801 for details.
Valentine's Day
The Durango Arts Center, 802 E. Second Ave., presents
"Kindred Spirits Music and Movement," a
performance group class for adults with disabilities, from 10
a.m.-noon. 759-9537 for details.
United Blood Services hosts a blood drive from
2-6 p.m. at its office, 146 Sawyer Drive, and from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
at Dr. Vaughn Johnson's office, 801 Florida Rd. 385-4601 for
Leota Korns discusses her new novel, Somewhere Out West We'll
Build a Sweet Little Nest, for the "Books Sandwiched
In" series at 12:10 p.m. at the Durango Arts Center, 802
E. Second Ave. 375-3380 for details.
Christina's Grill and Bar, 21382 US Hwy. 160 W., presents
"Romantic Piano for Valentines" at 5:30 p.m.
The Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College hosts a
Tsunami Relief Concert, featuring headlining
guitar phenomenon Danny Sveinson and other local artists at 7 p.m.
Sveinson is an 11-year-old rock guitarist who has played with the
likes of Les Paul and Colin James. Any donation will be accepted as
admission. 247-7657 for details.
A 9 a.m. informational meeting on a proposed Tamarron/Forest
Service land swap takes place at the Hermosa
Cliffs Firehouse. The swap could result in the development of land
near Haviland Lake.
Maria's Bookshop, 960 Main Ave., hosts a 6 p.m. book
signing with award-winning Colorado author Craig Childs
for his new book, The Way Out: A True Story of Survival, which is
set in Utah canyon country. 247-1438 for details.
The Pine River Valley Nordic Ski Club holds a 7
p.m. fundraiser at Steamworks, 801 E. Second Ave. The event
benefits volunteer grooming at Vallecito and includes food, drinks
and a silent auction. 259-7785 for details.
Tuesday Trivia takes place at Lady
Falconburgh's, 640 Main Ave., at 8 p.m. 382-9664.
Scoot 'n Blues, 900 Main Ave., presents King
Karaoke with Steve Kahler beginning at 8 p.m. 259-1400 for
The new and improved Chamber of Commerce health plan is the
subject of this month's Lunch and Learn. The event
takes place beginning at noon at the Bank of Colorado, 1199 Main
Ave. 247-0312 to register.
The FLC Small Business Development Center hosts a
"Starting Your Business" workshop fro 1-3:30 p.m.
at the Durango Chamber Annex. 247-7009 for details.
United Blood Services hosts a blood drive from
2-6 p.m. at its office, 146 Sawyer Drive, and from 1-5 p.m. at Fort
Lewis College. 385-4601 for details.
Former Leftover Salmon singer, songwriter and
multi-instrumentalist Drew Emmitt plays a Durango
Society of Cultural & Performing Arts concert at 8 p.m. at the
Abbey Theatre, 128 E. College. Emmitt's new band features mandolin
and banjo virtuoso Matt Flinner; former Leftover Salmon bassist
Greg Garrison; and versatile guitarist Ross Martin. 375-1711 for
The Durango Arts Center, 802 E. Second Ave., in conjunction with
the Open Shutter Gallery, 755 E. Second Ave., presents the exhibit,
Children of the 4 World by Betty LaDuke.Beginning Feb. 10, LaDuke's
paintings and drawings will be on display in the Barbara Conrad
Gallery at DAC and her photography will be at the Open Shutter
Gallery. LaDuke is an acclaimed artist and scholar and resides in
Ashland Ore., where she teaches at Southern Oregon State College.
Both exhibits run through March 19 andopening receptions will be
held at both locations on Thursday, Feb. 10 from 5 to 7 p.m.
259-2606 for details.
The Abbey Theatre, 128 E. College, screens the film "Sideways"
beginning Friday, Feb. 11. The comedy/drama follows a divorced
middle school teacher and failed novelist and his altar-bound
friend as they take a wine-tasting trip in California, pondering
questions about their directions in life. The film has been
nominated for 5 Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best
Director. It will show most nights at 3:30, 6, and 8:40
p.m.385-1711 for details.
A jewelry and landscape painting exhibition by
Fort Lewis College art faculty members Peggy Maloney and John Maxon
will be held at the Fort Lewis Art Gallery through Feb. 18.
Maloney's sculptural jewelry incorporates a wide variety of
materials, and Maxon's lyrical landscapes include scenes from
Southwest Colorado and California vineyards. 247-7167 for
Red Ball Express tickets are available at
Maria's Bookshop, 960 Main Ave., through March 1. Balls can be
adopted for $5 each and all proceeds benefit Alternative Horizons.
The race takes place at Durango Mountain Resort on March 6.
247-9619 for details.
The Children's Museum of Durango, 802 E. Second Ave., presents
its new exhibit, "Playing to Learn: Learning to
Play." The show explores the importance of play for
children with the illusions area, swinging and tumbling, shopping
in the grocery store, pumping water in the water environment, a
special toddler room and creating art and crafts. During the month
of February, the museum will offer workshops on South American
pi`F1atas, dream catchers from Native Lands, Gods eyes from Mexico,
Hawaiian leis, and the art of recycling.259-9234 for details.
Karyn Gabaldon Fine Arts, 680 Main Ave. "on the corner,"
presents its February show, featuring acrylics
from Angus Macpherson; work from Cary Henrie; and watercolors from
Karyn Gabaldon. 247-9018 for details.
The Center of Southwest Studies hosts "Evolution of
Durango Man," an exhibit of 40 political cartoons by
Judith Reynolds, through March 11 in the Exhibit Gallery. Reynolds
has served as a local political cartoonist since 1995. This exhibit
is part of the center's 40th anniversary. 247-7494 for details.
The San Juan Mountains Association, San Juan Public Lands and
Durango Mountain Resort are offering guided snowshoe
treks at Durango Mountain Resort. The treks are held upon
request and can accommodate groups or individuals. Free
guided nature tours also are offered every Sunday
during the ski season. Tours are 1½ hours long and meet at
9:45 a.m. at the base of the Twilight Lift (#4). Skiers and
boarders should have beginner to intermediate ability. Call
247-900, Ext. 147 for details.
Maria's Bookshop will host a Feb. 17 booksigning with
New Mexico author Lucy Moore for Into the
Canyon: Seven Years in Navajo Country.
The Assertive Wellness Center of Durango hosts a free Feb. 17
seminar on "Stealth Viruses" and seating is limited. 385-7577 to
reserve seats.
An Educational Refresher Course for Resource Professionals will
be held on Feb. 17 at the San Juan Public Lands Center.
The Durango High School Thespian Troupe will present "The
Importance of Being Earnest" on Feb. 18, 19, 24, 25 & 26.
A photographic exploration of the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge and discussion of the current drilling proposal are
scheduled for Feb. 19.
San Francisco-based band New Monsoon plays the
Summit on Feb. 19.
Celtic fiddling phenomenon Natalie Macmaster
plays the FLC Community Concert Hall on Feb. 19.
The Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad is running a
special train on Feb. 20 in an effort to raise money for the
Southwest Colorado Chapter of the American Red Cross, which is in
need of dollars for its local Disaster Relief Fund.
Jimmy Lee Smith and friends will play a Feb. 23 benefit for the
Durango Foundation for Educational Excellence at the Abbey
Maria's Bookshop will host a Feb. 24 book signing with local
author and internationally-known potter, Clint Swink for his new
Durango Mountain Resort will host Ski-Bobbing (Snow biking)
festival from Feb. 24-27.
The Derek Trucks Band returns to Durango with a
Feb. 25 show at the Abbey Theatre.
Bluegrass legend Sam Bush returns to the FLC
Community Concert Hall on Feb. 26.
Mancos' answer to Snowdown, the annual Millwood Follies, takes
place for the 22nd year on Feb. 26.
"Oil on Ice," an award winning documentary on potential drilling
in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, will be screened on Feb.
27 at the Abbey Theatre.
The second annual Ski for Schools Day benefit
is scheduled for Feb. 28. Tickets are $25 and are available at all
schools, Albertson's, Nature's Oasis, and both City Markets.
Hops & Hopes, Durango Early Learning Center's major
fundraiser, takes place March 5 and features live bluegrass,
auctions, food and free beer.
The Badly Bent celebrates CD release
What: A CD release party for Durango's longest running bluegrass band
Where: The Abbey Theatre, 128 E. College
When: Saturday, Feb. 12, at 9 p.m.
Appropriately, Durango's own, The Badly Bent, will kick off one of the biggest local weeks of bluegrass music in recent memory. The Durango bluegrass mainstay is celebrating the recent release of its self-titled CD in high fashion this Saturday, with a party at the Abbey Theatre.
The Badly Bent has been picking and singing for local audiences since 1997. All of the band's members, Pat Dressen, Bill Adams, Mark Epstein, Jeff Hibshman and Robb Brophy, have been musicians since their teens. And they all pride themselves on the bandability to engage audiences through solid, tightly played music and connection between musician and listener. Although The Badly Bent has been through a variety of configurations in the last eight years, the philosophy has remained consistent-"provide the audience with a fun, musically-entertaining experience."
The band's debut CD has been in the works for some time. The album was recorded in Durango at Eagle Sound and noted bluegrass musician Sally Van Meter was brought on the produce the project. The finishing touches were put on the album by Airshow Mastering n Boulder. Within the industry, the new album is already creating buzz.
Tim Stafford of the renowned bluegrass band, Blue Highway, said the new CD contains "spirited picking and vocals that manage to capture both the fun of the front porch and the intricacies of modern bluegrass."He added, "I salute the group, producer Sally Van Meter and the engineers. This CD soundsgreat"
The Abbey Theatre will be filled with the sound of The Badly Bent this Saturday, Feb. 12. Tedd Brumm, a singer/songwriter from Crestone, will get the show underway at 9 p.m. and The Badly Bent will take the stage around 10 p.m.
Durango Nature Studies presents Wild Words
What: "A Celebration of Mountain Life" with Dolores LaChapelle, Art Goodtimes and Ken Wright
Where: The Smiley Theatre, 1309 E. Third Ave.
When: Saturday, Feb. 12. Cocktail reception at 5:30 p.m. Main event at 7 p.m.
Durango Nature Studies and renowned authors Dolores LaChapelle, Art Goodtimes and Ken Wright will gather this Saturday. The evening Celebrating Mountain Life kicks off with a private authors' reception at 5:30 p.m. and continue with a night of "Wild Words" beginning at 7 p.m.
Among the featured authors and speakers is Dolores LaChapelle. LaChappelle has been called the greatest female powder skier in the world and is one of the most prolific voices for the Deep Ecology movement. Her influence on environmental philosophy has touched audiences worldwide. Joining LaChapelle will be Art Goodtimes, Colorado's only Green Party county commissioner. Goodtimes is also a performance poet, freelance writer, and organic grower whose achievements include environmental and artistic accomplishments throughout Western Colorado. Local author Ken Wright will round out the evening. Wright is a passionate river runner, author of several books and a contributing editor for Durango's Inside/Outside Magazine.
The main segment of Wild Words will be held at the Smiley Theatre at 7 p.m. and wine, beer and snacks will be available. Tickets can be purchased at the door or by calling DNS. In addition, DNS will host a private author's reception starting at 5:30 p.m., seating is limited and tickets must be purchased in advance.
Durango Nature Studies is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to increasing awareness of, knowledge of and respect for the natural world by providing diverse and hands-on learning experiences for all ages. For more information, call 382-9244.
Bluegrass legend to play KDUR benefit
What: A show from the Frank Wakefield Band
Where: The Diamond Circle Theatre, 699 Main Ave.
When: Monday, Feb 14 at 8 p.m.
Bluegrass fans have nothing to complain about during the month of February. One of the many bands coming to town is based around the legendary mandolin player and singer, Frank Wakefield. Wakefield stands out in any bluegrass crowd due to his decades of experience in the genre. The Frank Wakefield Band is known for their spectacular live performances that combine traditional ballads, smoking instrumentals, and an all around good-time feel. The band is made up of guitar great, Jim Lewin, and bluegrass fiddler Jim Moss (a long-time student of Kenny Baker).
Frank Wakefield has been a pivotal figure throughout the past four decades of bluegrass music. From his early days of singing traditional bluegrass and playing signature mandolin with the late great Red Allen, to his time with producer/recorder Jerry Garcia (of Grateful Dead fame) with the Good Ol' Boys. Like Old and in The Way and The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, the Good Ol' Boys (along with Chubby Wise, Don Reno, and David Nelson) helped to bring new and energetic crowds to bluegrass music.
The Frank Wakefield Band of today continues to connect audiences to traditional bluegrass while performing with modern energy and excitement. From picking and singing driving traditional numbers with Red Allen and the Kentuckians to playing with the New York Symphony at Carnegie Hall to performing duets with Jerry Garcia, Wakefield has done it all. Local audiences can expect a strong taste of that musical odyssey this Monday, when The Frank Wakefield Band plays the Diamond Circle Theatre at 8 p.m. The show is a fundraiser for KDUR, Fort Lewis College community radio, and is co-sponsored by Canyon Music Woodworks. For more information call KDUR at 247-7634 or stop by Canyon Music Woodworks, 734 E. Second Ave.