I'm sick of my mother in law. She interferes just about everywhere she can. She is now making my son's soon-to-be
wedding a nightmare! How can I tell her to BUTT OUT?
Careful there, Jack.
Telling a mother-in-law to "BUTT OUT" is akin to summoning plagues upon the earth from a vengeful deity, or invoking
the wrath of a thousand-thousand demons from the bowels of hell upon your home and family. Have you ever taken a good
look at the plant known as the mother-in-law's tongue? I suggest deception. Tell Godzilla that your son and his
fiancée have split due to the stress of planning their nuptials, and if she doesn't buy that, add that sexual
dysfunction had something to do with it. Then, in the spirit of Jimmy Buffet's 1977 self-help classic "Changes in
Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes," send the devil-woman on a cruise to warm, tropical climes. While she's away, your
son and lovely bride-to-be can have the wedding of their dreams. When Medusa returns and wonders what is going on
with the happy couple, explain that they are living in sin, like so many of the kids do these days, trying to "work
things out." If you don't have the cash for the cruise or if it all sounds "too complicated," do what Homer did when
he wanted to be rid of Chief Wiggum - drive her out into the countryside and let her run free.
-Your ass is grass, Diver
What the hell is up with men who wear patchouli? That stuff smells like ass. This moron comes into my office daily
and his odor smells up the whole place for days! Give me a break! Like people with BO, their odor is an invasion of
my personal space.
Thanks, Mac in Durango
What the hell is up with anyone who wears patchouli? I spent my lengthy college career, from the early 80s through
the early 90s, hangin' with Jerry and the boys at Dead shows throughout the Northeast. Sure, at first the flowery
scent of the "essential oil" wafting from nubile, twirly-dancing hippie-chicks was alluring, but the aroma soon
became entwined in my olfactory associations with rank BO. I had a friend in those days who wore the foul brew. Each
day his nose became increasingly desensitized and he slopped on more and more. Toward the end I could smell him when
he pulled into my driveway, even before he got out of his car. To all aspiring neo-hippies and trustafarians out
there: PATCHOULI OIL DOES NOT COVER UP BODY ODOR. It actually has a synergistic effect which causes the resulting
smell to be worse than either on its own. Kinda like ranch flavoring on corn nuts, or even worse, like when you spray
the "Floral Escape air freshener" into the john after dropping the big one. Youch. Sorry, Mac. You seem to have
touched a nerve. I don't even see the hint of an answer in my reply.
Smell ya' later,
Diver: Griz from the Adaptive Sports Center
Facts: Aside from working for one of the area's best organizations, Griz is a whiz at cleaning coffee pots.

Got a dirty little secret?
Looking for guidance to remedy a sticky situation?
Seek help from the master of the kitchen! The Dish Diver has solutions
to life's little messes. Send your problems to "Ask
the Diver." - By mail to Durango Telegraph - Attn
Diver -534 Main Ave., Durango, CO 81301; by email at
or by fax at 259-0448. |
My employees have to hand in a weekly departmental report, and this one girl, each week forgets she has to hand in
the report, and often doesn't realize what it even is. One week she can complete her work and be fully functional, a
week later, when asked to do the same thing she did the previous week, she can't and has no idea what I'm talking
about? Okay, I forgot my question.
Thanks, John
Did you get the memo, John?
The one about the new cover sheet for the TPS report? Don't be that guy, Johnny. Let it go. It sounds to me like this
is just as much your problem as hers. Adapt, and let it go. Or fire her.
Heal thyself,
Note: The diver would like to express sincere apologies for any offensive remarks, either intended or implied,
including, but not limited to: mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law anti-defamation groups, people named john, the
religious right, satan worshipers, proctologists, the ASPCA, PETA, home gardeners, kids, former Deadheads,
neo-hippies, trustafarians, patchouli makers, wearers and sellers, Jimmy Buffett, Donald Trump, the Corn Nuts
division of Kraft, Glade air fresheners, liars anonymous, twirly-dancing hippie-chicks and Homer Simpson.