Telegraph accepts classified adverising anytime prior
to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain at $5 for 25
words or less and 20 cents for each additional word. Ads
can be submitted via email (telegraph@durangotelegraph.com),
fax (259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment
is requested on all classifieds.
Buckhorn Limousine
Has lost keys, cell phones, glasses, women's undergarments and more. Call 769-0933 to claim your missing items.
Lady Falconburgh's
is now hiring experienced wait staff and kitchen help. Apply in person at 640 Main Ave.
Local retailer
Seeking responsible adult for PT/FT work (possibly Saturdays). Wine knowledge preferred. Call mornings. 259-6441.
Progressive Claims Representatives
It's a job that will put you in the driver's seat. Literally. We're looking for Claims Representatives who thrive on flexibility and change. We currently have openings in our Durango office. Bachelor's degree or min. 5 years' relevant work experience and/or postsecondary education required. Work experience includes: claims or property damage adjuster, auto repair/body shop, or position requiring critical thinking to solve problems, plan/organize activities, serve customers, & embrace challenges. Excellent communication, organizational and customer service skills. High degree of motivation and team orientation. Ability to work a flexible schedule, including evenings and weekends. Valid driver's license with a good driving record. Search for Job #R034977. Please reference Ad Code 013916 after submitting your resume. Submit your resume online at jobs.progressive.com. EOE.
Wild Horse Saloon
Now Hiring: Doorman, bartender, cocktail waitstaff. Apply in person Wed. and Thurs. eves after 7 p.m.
VOA Thrift Store
Needs volunteers. Have fun and help people! Call Vanessa at 385-0363.
Fast, efficient snow removal. Free estimates. Reasonable pricing. Emergency service. No job too small. The cure for cabin fever. 946-6886.
$30 Deep Tissue
Hot Stone Massage! Hi, I've recently returned and would love working with you. This is not an intro $ special. I prefer seeing you more instead of charging more. Bria Clark, CMT 799-0657.
Are you an EMT
or WFR? Remote Rescue, a Durango company, is offering a Wilderness Upgrade for EMTs in Durango on January 27-31, 2005 and a Wilderness First Responder Refresher class February 4-6, 2005. To sign up or for more info call (970) 946-9129 or email us at remoterescue@yahoo.com
Massage Holiday Special
Looking for a perfect gift? Give the gift of Health and Relaxation. $35 for 1hr session through December. Gift certificates available. Carrie Griffin, CMT 749-9264
Professional Energy Therapy
Energy work with Halina Koperniak, RN, BSN. Holistic certification/Reiki II. Relax body, mind, spirit with Reiki & Acupressure. 1 hour session $50. New clients $50/90 minutes. Call (970) 769-1488.
Winter Bodywork Special
$40 Hot Stone , $30 Reflexology & Massage Sessions. Evening and Weekend Appointments OK, Visa & MC Accepted. Lori O'Driscoll NTS. NCTMB946-4274
Old Cell Phone?
Upgrade now with My Wireless! Durango's Premiere Verizon Wireless Authorized Retailer. 385-9555. Clearly, We're Listening!
You deserve a Doula. Sonja Parker provides Birthing Doula Support. Call today! Ongoing HypnoBirthing Classes, utilizing mind over body techniques are also offered. 385-5256.
Give Your Body
Something to be thankful for. Acupuncture puts your body in balance, releases endorphins and decreases stress. Call Carla Marie Toth, Licensed Acupuncturist, 799-3470, for appointment.
Room for rent
in a fully furnished house. Close to town and campus. Rent will be from January to end of Aprilwith an option foradditional 2wks in May.Barely usedfull size bed and desk availableif needed. Ready to move in late December. House off of east 22nd St. $345 plus 1/4 utilities.# 516-313-4010.
Straw Bale Studio
1 bedroom 1 bath with kitchen/living room and laundry. 10 minutes from town. Woodsy, secluded, private. Dog OK. $750/mo includes utilities. Available Jan. 15. 259-4783.
New Executive Loft
At Rivergate. Gated, heated garage, W/D, large storage unit. $1,150/month includes hot water, water, heat, A/C. No pets. No smokers. 259-1945
Room for Rent
In 2 bedroom townhome. Pets OK. Nonsmoker. Responsible and clean. $450 plus utilities. Call Carla at 799-3470.
Furnished apartment
downtown. Washer/dryer. Month-to-month. $850/ month. Includes all utilities, cable and phone. 259-9466.
Scarpa T2
Women's tele ski boots. Size 5. Bought last winter. Only used once. Will sell for $325-firm. Call Catherine at 382-8778.
Pellet Master
Pellet stove. Brand new auger motor. $200 Call 375-2842.
1983 Chevy "20" window van
Looks good, runs great. Perfect for traveling, camping or affordable living! Must sell, sadly. $1,600 o.b.o. 385-4064.
2001 Toyota Tundra
Ext Cab V8, Excellent Cond., 40k miles, Auto, Power, Air, Silver, Toneau Cover. $21,950 obo. 259-7772
Aire Tomcat Tandem
Like New Tandem Inflatable Kayak, Blue, Excellent Condition, New Price $550.00-595.00. Selling for $399.99. 259-7772
Complete darkroom setup
Black & White photography. Enlarger, safe lights etc. Rarely used. $300. 259-4075.
Local business
for sale. To view, visit www.wildhorsesaloondurango.com. Turn-key business for sale due to owner's health. Entertainment events booked through 2004. 375-2352.
Pets |
Pet Sitting
Reliable Pet Sitting Services with Animas Pet Pals. Member PSI, Insured.Chris O'Driscoll 946-4177
Cute, little Bundle
of energy. Small black and white female heeler. 8 months old. Mask & speckles. Spayed, shots. Call Foster Mom Ann at 247-2829.
Young 60 Male
Vegetarian, enjoys camping, hiking, kite flying, photography, mountains, Indian ruins and their culture and most music. Seeking woman in 40s-60s that's a free spirit. 385-4261.
Announcements |
Entry Forms
Are available at the Durango Arts Center for the 2005 Four Corners Commission exhibit to be held Jan7-Feb. 5. The juried exhibit invites work from local and regional artists.
Support local businesses
Please don't shoplift - what goes around, comes around. Thank you, Animas Trading.
Caregivers Support Group
Meets the third Thursday of each month at the Durango La Plata Senior Center. The group is open to anyone dealing with the challenges of caregiving. Call 259-0122 or 247-9136.
Artists of all mediums
are invited to display their artwork in the Durango Recreation Center community wing hallway. Call 375-7305.
San Juan Citizens Alliance
Is looking for volunteers interested in helping to increase genuine democracy and foster social, economic and environmental justice in the San Juan Basin. Call 259-3583.
Alzheimer's Association
Support groups meet the second Thursday of the month at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. and the fourth Thursday of the month at the La Plata County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m. For information, call Elaine at 259-0122.
Raw Food Lunches
Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch Tues. and Fri. from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave.
