Telegraph accepts classified adverising anytime prior
to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain at $5 for 25
words or less and 20 cents for each additional word. Ads
can be submitted via email (telegraph@durangotelegraph.com),
fax (259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment
is requested on all classifieds.
Found |
Buckhorn Limousine
Has lost keys, cell phones, glasses, women ' s undergarments and more. Call 769-0933 to claim your missing items.
Pine Needle Mountaineering
Is looking for a full time ski tech. Ideal candidate would have experience with custom bootfitting/footbeds, ski tuning and mounting, sales and customer service. Competitive wages and potential for year-round employment in a friendly atmosphere. Drop resume at: Pine Needle, 835 Main Ave, Durango
The Summit
is looking for a weekend doorperson. Apply in person between 4-5 p.m.Mon. - Fri. at the Summit, 600 Main Ave. upstairs.
Durango Nature Studies
Seeks caretaker for 140-acre Nature Center. Space for tipi/yurt in exchange for
maintenance tasks. Beautiful views of Florida River.Access to electricity, phone, www.durangonaturestudies.org for
job description.
Wild Horse Saloon
Now Hiring: Doorman, bartender, cocktail waitstaff. Apply in person Wed. and Thurs. eves after 7 p.m.
Temporary stocker
Able to lift and carry 100 pounds, valid CO driver ' s license, apply Volunteers of America Thrift Store, 639 E. Second Ave, EOE
MTM Denver
A twenty-one year old agency, is hiring part-time promotional models and spokeswomen! If you are interested in working the occasional weekend in this area and meet the following criteria, we would like to meet you! Hourly range: $13.00+. Females 18-55 yrs. Dress sizes 0-14. Outgoing and articulate. Dependable and honest. Professional/Natural/ Conservative look (no visible tattoos/odd piercings). Computer literate/Detail oriented. (Bilingual a plus, but not necessary). Call us today at (303)-337-4541. We will be interviewing this week.
Volunteers Needed
for the 1st Annual Moab AdventureXstream Expedition Adventure Race October 7-11th for 24 hour shifts. Volunteers receive 2 $150 vouchers for entries into other adventure race; meals; and event t-shirt. Email events@gravityplay.com or call 970.259.7771 for more information.
Wilderness First Responder
Refresher. Nov. 12-14. Durango, CO. Nationally recognized, local company. Call Remote Rescue. (970)-946-9129.
Pre-Natal Yoga
Classes Thursdays 5:30-7 p.m. Post-natal yoga classes start October 7th for mamas and babies ages 6 weeks to 6 months. Call Elise for more info. 426-9123 or 259-1046.
Professional Massage Therapy
With Sally A. Brown in her lovely Durango office. 15 years of injury, sports and relaxation work. Therapist for CycleAmerica. Special for new clients $50 for 90-minute session (initial visit.) Call 749-0604.
Massage Therapy & Acupressure
$20 introductory acupressure session. Call Gabriel Kesselman, CMT, at 769-0990.
Paper Collage Workshop
$85. Oct. 22, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and Oct. 23, noon-6 p.m. Teacher Lorraine W. Trenholm, www.rataki-salukis-art.com. Art Supply House, Town Plaza. 375-0090.
Pastel Painting Workshop
$85. Nov. 5-6, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Teacher Lorraine W. Trenholm, www.rataki-salukis-art.com. Art Supply House, Town Plaza. 375-0090.
for a caring, committed Doula to support your birth? Call Elise, 426-9123 or 259-1046, to discuss what it possible.
Old Cell Phone?
Upgrade now with My Wireless! Durango ' s Premiere Verizon Wireless Authorized Retailer. 385-9555. Clearly, We ' re Listening!
Quick Loans!
All types of loans available! All credits welcome! Call the Wright Group 866-694-5678.
You deserve a Doula. Sonja Parker provides Birthing Doula Support. Call today! Ongoing HypnoBirthing Classes, utilizing mind over body techniques are also offered. 385-5256.
Acupuncture Special
$35 acupuncture treatment with Carla Marie Toth, Licensed Acupuncturist. Call 799-3470 for appointment.Initial visit only.
Treatment room
available in Hummingbird Healing Center. Great for massage therapist, body work etc. Also, great art studio space near downtown. Call 259-8965.
Furnished apartment
Close to downtown. Everything you need for comfort and convenience. Don ' t wait we book up fast! (970) 259-9466 or camerinns@frontier.net
Costumes for Sale
And costume rentals by appointment. Dressers, bunk beds, twin bed sleeper sofa, tables, chairs. 111 30th St. 259-5034.
' 1983 Chevy "20"
Window Van. Looks good, runs great. Perfect for traveling, camping or affordable living! Must sell, sadly. $1,600 o.b.o. 385-4064.
02 Nissan Frontier
SC engine, 4X4, 210 h.p., 6 cyl. Auto, ext. cab, fiberglass topper, CD, running boards, tow package, perfect condition. $18,000. 769-0939.
Tree & Shrub Sale
Native and ornamental plants. Excellent selection and great prices. `BD mile north of Hwy. 160/Elmore ' s Corner at 571 CR 234. Sat. & Sun. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 769-0939.
Mountain bike
2000 Giant NRS XTC 1. Full suspension, x-country, Hayes disc brakes. Mostly XT components. Grip shifts. New rear wheel and seat. $600 obo. 799-0570.
Lithistone Design
Ecologically balanced ceramic vessel sinks. Come see our display at La Bodega De Mexico on hwy 3 next to Nortons South. www.lithistone.com
Screamin ' Deal
Full suspension, carbon fiber Trek mountain bike. Nearly brand new Fox front fork. Quality components throughout. Won ' t last at $750. 382-2778.
Catalina 22 Sailboat
With outboard and trailer.In great condition, very stable and easy to sail. $5200. 385-4414.
Inexpensive kayak
Dagger Redline in great condition. $350 obo. 799-2944.
2001 Toyota Tundra
Ext Cab V8, Excellent Cond., 38k miles, Auto, Power, Air, Silver, Toneau Cover. $22,995 obo. 259-7772
Local business
for sale. To view, visit www.wildhorsesaloondurango.com. Turn-key business for sale due to owner ' s health. Entertainment events booked through 2004. 375-2352.
Pets |
Free Female
Border collie-cross, 7 months, sweet, well-mannered, spayed, all shots. Free to a good home. 247-2829.
Looking for
a loving, stable home for Bubbers. Black and tan female, medium-sized dog. Sweet, high energy, smart. Likes dogs, cats and kids. Call Laura, 247-9645 or 385-7336.
River rock for Landscaping. You Haul. Mancos. Ph. #749-2706
Young 60 Male
Vegetarian, enjoys camping, hiking, kite flying, photography, mountains, Indian ruins and their culture and most music. Seeking woman in 40s-60s that ' s a free spirit. 385-4261.
Announcements |
Support local businesses
Please don ' t shoplift remember what goes around, comes around. Thank you, Animas Trading.
Caregivers Support Group
Meets the third Thursday of each month at the Durango La Plata Senior Center. The group is open to anyone dealing with the challenges of caregiving. Call 259-0122 or 247-9136 for details.
Artists of all mediums
are invited to display their artwork in the Durango Recreation Center community wing hallway. Call 375-7305 for more information.
San Juan Citizens Alliance
Is looking for volunteers interested in helping to increase genuine democracy and foster social, economic and environmental justice in the San Juan Basin. 259-3583.
Alzheimer ' s Association
Support Groups meet the second Thursday of the month at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. and the fourth Thursday of the month at the La Plata County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m. For more information, call Elaine Stumpo at 259-0122.
VOA Thrift Store
Needs volunteers. Have fun and help people! Call the store at 385-0363.
Raw Food Lunches
Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave.
