Dear Diver, What does it say about a
man's character (not to mention his hygiene) if he never makes his
bed and always has dishes piled in his kitchen sink? -
Not His Mother
Dear Not his
Mother, These activities or lack
thereof imply this guy is a free spirit, a nonconformist. This guy
looks the world in the eye and says, "You don't know me, I can do
what I want." As far as hygiene goes, I am sure he knows a splash
of Old Spice a day keeps the shower away. - Sincerely, The Diver Diver,
My co-workers suck. All
they do is bug me, ask me dumb questions and constantly interrupt
me when I am doing things. They are rude as hell, and I can't take
it anymore. What do you suggest I do before I go completely
Postal? -
Marge Dear Marge, Start by watching the
movie "Office Space," make sure you have some paper nearby to take
notes that may help you. Second, hire a feng shui consultant to
help you decorate your cube in a more peaceful, relaxing way. This
could make all those questions and interruptions seem trivial.
Lastly, take all your guns and ammo and toss them into the middle
of a deep lake. - The Diver
Dear Diver,
Is the punk music played on MTV legitimate? I thought punk, back in the day,
embodied a “Do It Yourself” ethic and spoke out against oppression,
the government and other issues important to free thinkers. Now if I watch
those lame punk bands on MTV, all they do is sing about girls and high school.
Your thoughts?
- Jessie, via e-mail
Dear Jessie,
First off, is there such a thing as legitimate punk? These people are punks,
there’s nothing legitimate about them. Most music you find on MTV is
gonna suck - that’s just a fact. As far as speaking out on oppression,
the only oppression these “punks” have come across is getting
ticketed for loitering in Circle K parking lots. “Faults of the government” whatever,
those bands were around during the Reagan days. Remember, back when everything
was OK?
- The Diver |
Diver: Shane Larson, from Cuckoos
Interesting Fact:
Divemaster Bryant Liggett
thought honeymooning was more important than work this week, giving
us an encore Diver from Cuckoo's

Got a dirty little secret?
Looking for guidance to remedy a sticky situation?
Seek help from the master of the kitchen! The Dish Diver has solutions
to life's little messes. Send your problems to "Ask
the Diver." - By mail to Durango Telegraph - Attn
Diver -534 Main Ave., Durango, CO 81301; by email at,
or by fax at 259-0448. |
Diver, ATM machines have been
around for about 10 years now. So why the hell does it still take
some people (I'll call them morons) forever to get their money?
It's a matter of inserting a card and pressing about three buttons.
Is technology really just too much for most humans? -
Elizabeth, Hermosa, via e-mail Dear
Yes, these people are
morons, taking minutes on end to get their money. Don't take me no
time, you know I'm gonna git mine! I git paid, take care of my
binnis. As far as inserting something and pressing some buttons,
you know I am gonna make a fast withdrawal. These people need to
listen to more gangsta rap, then they may learn the importance of
promptly receiving their money from anything or any one. I'm out
... - The Diver