The Telegraph accepts
classified adverising anytime prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a
total bargain at $5 for 25 words or less and 20 cents for each
additional word. Ads can be submitted via email (telegraph@durangotelegraph.com),
fax (259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment is
requested on all classifieds.
The Durango Telegraph
is seeking a full-time advertising representative. Prior sales
experience a huge plus. Commission-based salary. Tons of perks.
Send resume to: 556 Main Ave., Durango, CO 81301 |
Ariano's Italian Restaurant
*Needs an experienced cook. Full-time, long-term employment. See
Vince after 4 p.m. (Side entrance 2nd Ave.) 150 E. College
Drive. |
Now hiring experienced pizza makers. Full time (40 hours per week)
at the Pagosa Springs store. Will pay for travel time. Part time at
the Durango store. Drop resume or pick up application at 600 Main
Ave. #10, Durango, CO 81301. |
Actors wanted
Exposure Productions is looking for talented individuals for all
phases of film/television production. Actors, voice-over, on-camera
hosts, etc. Call 375-2588 to arrange interview. |
Durango Nature Studies
Seeks caretaker for 140-acre Nature Center. Space for tipi/yurt in
exchange for maintenance tasks. Beautiful views of Florida
River.Access to electricity, phone, well.durangonaturestudies.org
for job description. |
Wild Horse Saloon
Now Hiring: Doorman, bartender, cocktail waitstaff. Apply in person
Wed. and Thurs. eves after 7 p.m. |
Temporary stocker
Able to lift and carry 100 pounds, valid CO driver's license, apply
Volunteers of America Thrift Store, 639 E. Second Ave, EOE |
Volunteers needed
The Sexual Assault Services Organization is seeking volunteers to
staff their 24-hour crisis hotline for sexualassault victims and
for prevention presentations. A training for interested persons,
male or female will begin Sept. 20, 2004. For more information,
call 259-3074. |
Cadence Therapeutic Riding
Needs volunteer side-walkers and horse leaders on Monday mornings
and Wednesday afternoons. The 8-week fall program begins Sept. 13.
Please contact Timmie at 749-7433 for a volunteer packet. |
Volunteers needed
For the Alzheimer's Association's Memory Walk to be held Sept. 18.
Volunteers are needed for set up, break down, publicity,
entertainment and team recruitment. 259-0122. |
Middle School Runners
DMT is organizing a XC middle school running team for a short but
challenging season. We meet Tues. and Thurs. at 4 p.m. at Roosa
Park. Call 247-5059 or 903-8711 for details. |
Home Repairs & Remodels
20% discount for Democrats. Winterwolf of Telluride. 946-3410. 35
years experience. Get our money back/Impeach and jail
Bush-Cheney. |
Fall Yoga Classes
Iyengar style Sept. 13 - Oct. 28. 7 wk session $70. Beginning,
Advanced Beginning, Intermediate, Mixed Level, Moms & Babies.
Call Martha Evers, 259-2031, or email: marthaevers@frontier.net.
Tree & Shrub Sale
Native and ornamental plants. We're back and we have blowout prices
on all plants. `BD mile north of Hwy 160/Elmore's Corner at 571 CR
234. Sat. & Sun. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 769-0939. |
Women's Flyfishing Class
Level one-Be self-sufficient out there Sept. 25, 8 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Level two-What to do once on the river. Sept. 26, 8 a.m.-noon. $75
each classes need not be taken together. Contact Duranglers at
385-4081. |
Mommy Care
is a service for new and expecting mothers. Services provided:
Running errands, grocery shopping, preparing meals, light house
cleaning, pet care. Call Tracey Brandt at 884-2186. |
Autumn Yoga Classes
in the Iyengar style. Starting up Sept. 7. Gentle/restorative and
beginning through intermediate. Call Jessi for a schedule.
247-8942. |
Make More Money
Get Your GED High School Equivalency. Did you know that a High
School drop out's income is about half that of a High School
Graduate? $14,500 compared to $24,000! Come to the Adult Education
Center of Durango and let us help you get started on a brighter
future. Free childcare and breakfast provided. Call 385-4354. |
Old Cell Phone?
Upgrade now with My Wireless! Durango's Premiere Verizon Wireless
Authorized Retailer. 385-9555. Clearly, We're Listening! |
You deserve a Doula. Sonja Parker provides Birthing Doula Support.
Call today! Ongoing HypnoBirthing Classes, utilizing mind over body
techniques are also offered. 385-5256. |
Summer Acupuncture Special
$35 acupuncture treatment with Carla Marie Toth, Licensed
Acupuncturist. Call 799-3470 for appointment.Initial visit
only. |
Bike Costa Rica
Now organizing groups for a mountain bike tour of Costa Rica in
January 2005. Local culture, rain forest, volcanoes, pristine
beaches. Interested riders sign up at Durango Cyclery,
247-0747. |
Log home
On four acres in Ticolote area. 3 bedroom/2 bath. Only two years
old. Clean, bright with two car garage. Quiet and secluded.
$305,000. Jayne at C21. 759-6145. |
Cute in-town house. Fenced yard, new storage shed.367 E. 4th Ave. 2
bd, 1 ba. $244,000. 382-0850. |
Fantastic country home
sits on 4.9 acres surrounded by 1000 acres of BLM. Main house has
3b/2b with cathedral ceilings and lots of views. Two-car garage
with a 550 sq. ft. studio apt. above. This house has been well
taken care of. $325K. Tina @ CBHHR 946-2902 |
Sweet House
Multiple decks, view, hot tub, hardwood floors,2 sheds
w/electricity, greenhouse. 2BD, 1 1/2 BA. No cats but great fenced
yard for dogs. Responsible students ok, no smokers. Avail. Oct. 1
inDWI partially furnished or unfurnished. $1150+dep. Call AREM
247-8299. Take a look at www.jenreeder.com/rentme.htm |
Treatment room
available in Hummingbird Healing Center. Great for massage
therapist, body work etc. Also, great art studio space near
downtown. Call 259-8965. |
Vacation Rental
Close to downtown. Everything you need for comfort and convenience.
Don't wait we book up fast! (970) 259-9466 or camerinns@frontier.net |
Concert Tickets
Sept. 28, Phoenix. Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, Crosby Stills
& Nash, Keb Mo, and Jack Johnson! 3 Great Seats at original
price. Call Rebecca 385-7828. |
Motor Home
29-foot '82 Ford Rockwood, sleep 4, rear bath, nice interior, low
mileage 111,740, 460 engine, good tires, Type C lived in by
nonsmoker. $4,500, negotiable. 247-2194. |
Mountain Bike
Basic Gary Fisher, like new, $100. 259-0133. |
Selling Beautiful Inventory
from Four Corners area trading post. Entire collection $36K. All
you need for your own store! 435-672-2415. |
Happy Hippy Hovel
36-foot 5th Wheel Trailer. Great alternative living. Cheap. $2,000
OBO. Call Mike at 259-3893 or 946-6961. Must sell! |
River rock for Landscaping. You Haul. Mancos. Ph. #749-2706 |
Mazda 626LX
1997, One owner/driver. Low mileage. Call 769-1125. |
Catalina 22 Sailboat
With outboard and trailer.In great condition, very stable and easy
to sail. $5200. 385-4414. |
2001 Toyota Tundra
Ext Cab V8, Excellent Cond., 38k miles, Auto, Power, Air, Silver,
Toneau Cover. $22,995 obo. 259-7772. |
Local business
for sale. To view, visit www.wildhorsesaloondurango.com. Turn-key business for
sale due to owner's health. Entertainment events booked through
2004. 375-2352. |
Seeking health conscious
outdoor enthusiast M or F. Meet at Animas City Rock Gym first day
of Fall, Sept. 22 at 3 p.m. www.animascityrock.com or call 259-5700. |
I'm a
29-year-old daredevil with lots of loot. My facial hair is fancy
and so is the ink on my ripped body. I'm looking for a verythick
woman of any racefor a discreet relationship.759-2606. |
Young 60 Male
Vegetarian, enjoys camping, hiking, kite flying, photography,
mountains, Indian ruins and their culture and most music. Seeking
woman in 40s-60s that's a free spirit. 385-4261. |
Support local businesses
Please don't shoplift remember what goes around, comes around.
Thank you, Animas Trading. |
I'm Bubbers
A young, female, black and tan mix and need a loving, stable home.
Call the Humane Society at 259-2847 for Bubbers and other sweet
animals. |
Free booth space
For non-profits at the Rocky Mountain Festival of Runners in
exchange for eight hours of volunteer time. Contactvolunteer@durangomarathon.comby
Sept. 15. |
Caregivers Support Group
Meets the third Thursday of each month at the Durango La Plata
Senior Center. The group is open to anyone dealing with the
challenges of caregiving. Call 259-0122 or 247-9136 for
details. |
Artists of all mediums
are invited to display their artwork in the Durango Recreation
Center community wing hallway. Call 375-7305 for more
information. |
San Juan Citizens Alliance
Is looking for volunteers interested in helping to increase genuine
democracy and foster social, economic and environmental justice in
the San Juan Basin. Call 259-3583. |
Alzheimers Association
Support Groups meet the second Thursday of the month at the
Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. and the fourth
Thursday of the month at the La Plata County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m.
For more information, call Elaine Stumpo at 259-0122. |
VOA Thrift Store
Needs volunteers. Have fun and help people! Call Vanessa at
385-0363. |
Raw Food Lunches
Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic,
living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22
p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave. |
Found - Palm Pilot
on 8/25 in the 800 block of Main. Call to ID. 385-7297, ask for
Eric. |
Found - Buckhorn Limousine
Has lost keys, cell phones, glasses, women's undergarments and
more. Call 769-0933 to claim your missing items. |
