The Telegraph accepts
classified adverising anytime prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a
total bargain at $5 for 25 words or less and 20 cents for each
additional word. Ads can be submitted via email (telegraph@durangotelegraph.com),
fax (259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment is
requested on all classifieds.
Lady Falconburgh's
is now accepting applications for all qualified front and back
house help. Please apply in person at 640 Main Ave. Great work
atmosphere with better than competitive wages! |
Part-time stocker
Able to lift and carry 100 pounds, valid CO driver's license, apply
Volunteers of America Thrift Store, 639 E. Second Ave, EOE |
St. Patrick's Day Parade
Wednesday, March 17, at 5:01 p.m. Pick up entry forms at Olde
Tymer's today! |
The Durango Arts Center
Announces its first ever contest for the design of the 2004 Main
Avenue Arts Festival poster and T-shirt. Designs should reflect the
essence of the festival The designer will receive a $250 prize. The
deadline for submissions is March 15. Call 259-2606 for more
information. |
Wildfire Workshop
for Southwest educators interested in teaching about wildfire.
Teachers may receive one semester graduate credit for the March 20
& 21 workshop. Call Nicole Smith at 385-1210 for more
information. |
The Durango Police Department
is accepting applications for the Citizens' Police Academy that
begins on March 9. The 10-week academy is free and designed to
build positive relations between citizens and the police. For more
information call 385-2911. |
Fraught Run Records
12 percent discount if you can name your favorite KDUR DJ.
769-0199. |
Spring Yoga Classes
Beginning, between beginning and intermediate classes available.
Come and limber up, build strength and get conscious! The Blue
Heron Studio. 1st floor in the Smiley Building. Call Jessi for a
schedule. 247-8942. |
Professional Massage Therapy
with Sally A. Brown in her lovely Durango office. 15 years of
injury, sports and relaxation work. Therapist for CycleAmerica.
Special for new clients $50 for 90 minute session (initial visit).
Call 749-0604. |
Open Shutter Gallery
is offeringtwo International Photo Tours this year. 10 days in
Italy exploring the region around Florence departs April 27. A
photo safari to Tanzania and Kenya begins June 30. Call Open
Shutter Gallery for complete information at 382-8355. |
Cadence Therapeutic Riding
has opportunities for volunteers and for riders with physical,
cognitive and emotional difficulties. The 8-week spring program
begins April 5th. Volunteer training will be held March 27th.
Contact Cadence at 749-7433, or PO Box 9009, Durango, CO 81302 for
a rider or volunteer packet. |
Arete Mortgage
No money down purchases and refinances Rates are great! Call to see
how much house/condo you can afford. Hassle-free application.
Arete@ gobrainstorm.net or call 759.8736. |
3-acre buildable lot
Meadowlike setting, in a small subdivision with great mountain
views, only 10 minutes to town.Electric, phone and natural gas are
all to the lot line.Buyers will have use of irrigation water
courtesy of the seller $115,000.Call Amber, CBHHR at 375-5515 today
to see this lovely property. |
Purchasing? Refinancing?
Have fair to good Credit? Rates are low!Call Neustar Financial
today toll free 866-524-6824. |
Fishing paradise
Enjoy your own fishing paradise minutes from town on 160.2 acres of
gorgeous Animas River front property. Privacy, irrigation and easy
access.Call Amber Johnson today(970) 375-5515 Coldwell Banker
Heritage House Realtors amber@ yesdurango.com $2,650,000. |
Back yard on River Trail
Quiet neighborhood on Alamo Dr. near MMC. Cute, clean,2 bdrm.
Garage & shop, W/D, hardwood floors, nice yard. $1100/mth. No
pets/smkrs. 259-4872 |
Get a headstart
on the "New Durango." New 1 bdrm garden apartment, Grandview, wide
open space, sm/mature animal okay. $795 includes utilities, deluxe
cable. Avail. April 1. 259-1702. |
Roommate Wanted
2 bedroom house in Durango. $350/month. Move in now. 946-1630. |
Rooms for Rent
2-3 rooms in chill house. Good location/cheap rent. Call 375-7451
or 946-7202. |
House for rent
1-2 bedrooms, great location, huge fenced yard, available 3/1 or
earlier. Six month lease with possible month to month after.
$985/month. Call 385-8397 or 799-1757. |
Looking for mature, nonsmoker
to share 3BR/2BA home in DWI. $400/month includes utilities.
382-8920. |
Practioner Space
available at healing center. 259-8965. |
Vacation Rental
Close to downtown. Everything you need for comfort and convenience.
Don't wait we book up fast! (970) 259-9466 or camerinns@frontier.net |
'01 Nissan Frontier
4X4, SCV6, King Cab, 64K, Auto, Topper, Loaded. Under extended
warranty until 100K. $14,000 obo. Best offer by 3/10/04 gets it.
Call Gardy at 385-7450. |
1995 Honda Accord
Excellent shape Runs great. Full diagnostic test done. 6 Disc CD
Changer, power windows/locks, air conditioning, tinted windows,
103,000 miles. $5,500 obo. Call 749-4815 |
Mountain Bike Frame
For sale. Mountain Cycle San Andreas. Excellent shape, full
suspension, adjustable size small-large. Two rear shocks, Thompson
seat post, Race Face headset. Motivated seller. $800 obo. Call
560-1515 |
Store Closed
New cash register, credit card printer, manual credit card
imprinter, misc. shelves and store items for sale. 375-0638. |
C ocina Linda Tamale Sale
Cooked/frozen tamales. $1.00 off regular price. 259-6729. |
Shave some strokes
Callaway VFT Hawkeye Driver and Three Wood. Both clubs are in mint
condition, ready to move into your bag and sure to make you longer
off the tee and out of the short grass. 382-2778. |
Commercial refrigerator
and ice machine for sale. 259-6729. |
1986 Ford F150
4WD, great work truck, $1,200. Call Aaron at 749-7661. |
Local business
for sale. To view, visit www.wildhorsesaloondurango.com. Turn-key business for
sale due to owner's health. Entertainment events booked through
2004. 375-2352. |
Do you have a passport?
49-year-old male, 30-year Durango resident, seeking lady for fun,
travel and romance? Go to Yahoo personals or widewest@yahoo.com. |
Alzheimers Association
Support Groups meet the second Thursday of the month at the
Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. and the fourth
Thursday of the month at the La Plata County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m.
For more information, call Elaine Stumpo at 259-0122. |
Nominate Your Nonprofit
Nomination forms are available for the Southwest Colorado
Not-for-Profit Director of the Year and Not-for-Profit Success
Award, which will be presented at a March 9 luncheon at the Strater
Hotel. For more information contact Operation Healthy Communities
at 382-0585. |
The American Cancer Society's
First-ever Durango Daffodil Days will be held March 15-19.
Volunteers are needed to help coordinate all efforts, from
preselling and delivering the flowers, to helping in the office.
The cost is $10 for a bouquet of 10 flowers. All proceeds benefit
the American Cancer Society. For more information, call
247-0278. |
VOA Thrift Store
Needs volunteers. Have fun and help people! Call Vanessa or Melissa
at 385-0363. |
Raw Food Lunches
Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic,
living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22
p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave. |