Why the hell aren’t any of the college students
I know capable of simple projects? I own a business and work
with many students, and these kids will nod at me and say “yes”
to an assignment, swear they understand what the hell I’m
talking about, and then do exactly what I don’t want them
to do. Are they stoned? Stupid? Both?
They are just like any other kid – you have to use reverse
psychology on them. Next time try explaining a simple project
in a very complex way and see if that doesn’t get the
results you want.
– Thanks,
Diver, Why
can’t drivers navigate any of the intersections along
Third Ave.? I know Third and Florida is a tricky intersection,
but what about Third and 12th, or Third and Eighth where there
are stop signs? I don’t get it!
– Brian,
via e-mail
I’ve been wondering for the entire 12 years that I’ve
lived here why Durango drivers are so bad. I’ve come to
the conclusion that it’s the radiation from Smelter Mountain
that makes the brain function abnormally.
– Thanks, Diver
(Editors’ note: In line with the film “Groundhog
Day,” this question mysteriously reappeared in this week’s
“Ask the Diver.”)
Groundhog Day a true and legitimate way of predicting the weather?
-Curious, Phil
We have many questionable ways of predicting the future, such
as tarot cards, palm readers, tea leaves, astrology, Gallup
polls, why not groundhogs as well?
– Yours truly, Diver
Kurt from the Aspen Cafe
Facts: Another Diver/Owner from
the North, fueling the fire that is the War of Mountain
Divers vs. Town Divers.

Got a dirty little secret?
Looking for guidance to remedy a sticky situation?
Seek help from the master of the kitchen! The Dish Diver has solutions
to life's little messes. Send your problems to "Ask
the Diver." - By mail to Durango Telegraph - Attn
Diver -534 Main Ave., Durango, CO 81301; by email at,
or by fax at 259-0448. |
Dear Diver,
Many of the letters sent into this column reflect
my life. My dealings with stupid people, tipping, bad service,
bad drivers, crazy in-laws and all of that stuff reflects what
I deal with every day. I had no idea my life was so problem
plagued. What can I do to improve my life?
– Paula, via e-mail
Try moving to Shangri-La, which, according to the Denver Post,
is Silverton. I’m sure that you’ll never again have
to deal with anyone that makes you crazy there. Yeah right...they
have just as many problems as anyone else, so instead of getting
handled, BE A HANDLER!!
– Good luck, Diver