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A different view of animal control
To the Editors:
The letter from Mary
Hollis McCord in your Jan. 29, 2004, edition is a classic. Ms.
McCord is proud of the fact that she was able to break the law and
abuse an Animal Control officer while walking away without a
ticket. Law enforcement officers in general, and Animal Control
officers in particular, are forced to spend a large part of their
time dealing with inconsiderate people like Ms. McCord who somehow
have concluded that rules don't apply to them. Maybe she would see
the matter differently if she was one of the thousands of parents
who each day have a small child bitten or mauled by a loose dog. I
will never forget the day that a "beautiful, fuzzy, marshmallow of
a dog" like Ms. McCord's animal tore into the flesh of my toddler.
Selfish and thoughtless people who let their animals run loose are
always shocked to discover why there are rules such as leash laws
and why society has to depend upon law officers to enforce what
should be common decency. They also find that there is little
consolation for a parent trying to staunch the flow of blood from
the torn flesh of a child when the lawbreaking owner of the animal
says that the dog "has never done that before." Whose personal
freedom is being infringed when children cannot go to a park
without fear of attack? It's bad enough that most parks are fouled
by the poop left behind by lazy dog owners.
Grow up Ms. McCord and
show some respect for the people who have to enforce the rules even
in the face of irresponsible twits like yourself.
Ben McGill,
George W. Bush or King Solomon?
To the editors,
As a culture, we are
living irresponsibly. Are we paying for it? A few years back we
were entertained with Bill Clinton, who privately "screwed" a few
women. Now, we have George Bush, who started his first week of
office in his presidential career publicly "screwing" the majority
of women of the world, regarding the loss of family planning.
Perhaps he aspired to King Solomon, forcing thousands of women into
marital and concubine servitude. Patriarchs of old and of today
have regarded Solomon as wise. Remember the infant to be torn into
halves? Does clever equal wise?
Now the Bush entourage
conspires to "screw" the entire planet. What a deal for our
children to pay for.
Let us give up our
dreams. Let us have a war. Let us "screw" each other in the name of
the Lord (Lord, Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, and so on), (in the name of
Do we have a choice
whether to sit by as Bush plays King Saul, counting the bags of
foreskins presented to him by his corporate cronies, who ply their
marketing justification skills over our military loved
Is the religious right
that wise? How will the Statue of Liberty look in a burka? What
happened to the dream of mutual respect and honor? Will you vote?
Will you care? How fast can you and your children run from the
force of "Big Brother?"
Kassandra Johnson
Ephedra could save your life
Dear Editors:
Seriously, are we so
brainwashed by television that we believe law makers are protecting
us when they work to ban natural plants such as ephedra? Of course
we are!
Millions of fat
Americans sit in front of their boob tube slurping their coffee in
the morning as they watch CNN report how deadly ephedra can be.
Never mind that in 1999 alone, the government's Drug Abuse Network
reported 641 deaths linked to Benadryl, 477 deaths linked to
Elavil, 450 deaths linked to Tylenol, and 305 deaths linked to
Meanwhile, Joe Coffee
scurries to work and, like a parrot, tells everyone how "deadly
ephedra can be." After all, he is now an expert from the simple act
of gazing at the "tube." Sad that after 35 years of being alive,
Joe Coffee still cannot take part in the American pastime called
It seems that the fears
of ephedra have caused amnesia among Americans, as they have
forgotten that ephedra has been used successfully and safely for
over 5,000 years to treat a myriad of afflictions, most notably
obesity. Additionally, when mixed with other herbs, its safety
profile makes coffee appear poisonous.
To further substantiate
ephedra's safety, over 50 clinical trials have proven this as fact!
In 1999, the U.S General Accounting Office (GAO) made a report to
congress stating that the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse
Events Reports (AERs) surrounding ephedra (commonly used as an
argument against ephedra) were "poorly documented." It appeared
that the amount of product used, how often it was used, and for how
long it was used was not substantiated. The GAO continued to report
that 10 to 73 percent of the so-called AERs were not even
associated with ephedra!
Believe it Joe Coffee.
The pharmaceutical lap dog known as the FDA lied to you! Feeling
depressed about this? Perhaps you should try some Prozac. The world
needs fewer idiots!
Playing devil's
advocate, 100 so-called (often announced on the airwaves) deaths
attributed to the use of ephedra pales in comparison to the number
of deaths caused by tobacco, FDA-approved drugs and medical
doctors. For instance, cigarettes kill about 400,000 per year, the
Journal of the American Medical Association reports that medical
doctors are the number three killer in the USA and synthetic drugs
number four!
Let the facts speak for
themselves, that ephedra has been responsible for nearly a hundred
deaths and 1,178 adverse reactions is a fallacy. Of course,
ephedra, like sugar, must be used properly and most supplement
companies have ignored this. Nonetheless, ephedra is in fact an
inexpensive natural product that poses huge competition to
pharmaceutical companies. Most notably, ephedra is poised to
successfully treat obesity, and manage the symptoms of ADHD,
depression and asthma, when used correctly.
Considering that obesity
kills 800 people per day and that the American Cancer Society has
stated that obesity may soon be the leading cause of cancer it
would appear that ephedra is exactly what America needs!
So it's time that ALL of
those people living in states that have banned the use of ephedra
(California, Illinois and New York), except when prescribed by a
doctor, get off their docile asses and distribute ephedra
containing products to EVERY obese man and woman they know. You
just might save their life! As for the lawmakers, get your
politically correct, pharmaceutically campaigned selves out of
office. Or start going after the real killers like tobacco and
FDA-approved drugs.