The Telegraph accepts
classified adverising anytime prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a
total bargain at $5 for 25 words or less and 20 cents for each
additional word. Ads can be submitted via email (telegraph@durangotelegraph.com),
fax (259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment is
requested on all classifieds.
PT Deli Clerk
Position available. Experienced, responsible, laid back person
needed. Please no calls. Apply at Grandma Chung's in Sky
Ridge. |
The Telegraph
is hiring a commission-based part-time sales person. Sales
experience a huge plus. Send resumes to: 556 Main Ave. Durango, CO
81301. |
Lady Falconburgh's
is now accepting applications for all qualified front and back
house help. Please apply in person at 640 Main Ave. Great work
atmosphere with better than competitive wages! |
Part-time food server
Apply in person at the Cyprus Caf`E9, 725 E. Second Ave.
385-6884. |
Part-time stocker
Able to lift and carry 100 pounds, valid CO driver's license, apply
Volunteers of America Thrift Store, 639 E. Second Ave, EOE |
The Durango Arts Center
has applications available for the 2005 Group Exhibits Program. The
program's purpose is to showcase work from emerging and established
local artists. Applications are available at the DAC lobby at 802
E. Second Ave. 259-2606 for details. |
The Durango Police Department
is accepting applications for the Citizens' Police Academy that
begins on March 9. The 10-week academy is free and designed to
build positive relations between citizens and the police. For more
information call 385-2911. |
Durango Yoga Center
offers daily, 90-minute Dynamic Flow classes in a heated room.
Reinvigorate yourself this New Year! Call 375-9070 for schedule.
2/12 |
Wedding Photography
By Paul Pennington. 259-0176. 25% off if you book before 2-29-04.
2/12 |
Yoga Classes
Beginning, between beginning and intermediate classes available.
Come and limber up, build strength and get conscious! The Blue
Heron Studio. 1st floor in the Smiley Building. Call Jessi for a
schedule. 247-8942. 2/5 |
Guitar Group Lessons
Learn to play acoustic guitar using songs and techniques of
American Roots Music: ballads, blues, bluegrass. Six sessions for
$90. Ned Alterman. 247-3256. Private lessons also available.
2/5 |
Banjo Group Lessons
Bluegrass Banjo right from the start. Learn the rolls, licks and
techniques used by all bluegrass banjo players. Six session for
$90. Ned Alterman. 247-3256. Private lessons also available.
2/5 |
Valentine's Massage Special
with Sally A. Brown. 14 years of experience in sports, injury and
relaxation. Two massages in my office for $80 or two massages in
your home for $120. Call 749-0604 2/12 |
Beginning Watercolor Classes
with Sally A. Brown, artist and educator for over 29 years,at the
Art Supply House. New class beginning Wed. February 18th.
10a.m.-noon. 5 weeks/$100. Call 749-0604. 2/12 |
Open Shutter Gallery
is offering two International Photo Tours this year. 10 days in
Italy exploring the region around Florence departs April 27. A
photo safari to Tanzania and Kenya begins June 30. Call Open
Shutter Gallery for complete information at 382-8355. |
3-acre buildable lot
Meadowlike setting, in a small subdivision with great mountain
views, only 10 minutes to town. Electric, phone and natural gas are
all to the lot line.Buyers will have use of irrigation water
courtesy of the seller $115,000. Call Amber, CBHHR at 375-5515
today to see this lovely property. |
Fishing paradise
Enjoy your own fishing paradise minutes from town on 160.2 acres of
gorgeous Animas River front property. Privacy, irrigation and easy
access. Call Amber Johnson today(970) 375-5515 Coldwell Banker
Heritage House Realtors amber@yesdurango .com
$2,650,000. |
2 Bedroom/1 Bathroom
Sign lease by 2/6, $100 off 1st month. Pets OK! 6 month or 1 year
lease. 382-0439. Available 3/2. 2/5 |
Great tenant only
Cozy 1br guest house, walk to downtown. Washer, AC, quiet, lots of
light. Furnished in antique oak + Sealy Queen or unfurn. $525/month
+ gas & elec. wadeski@wade
nelson.com. Available soon. |
Practioner space
for rent part time in Holistic Healing Center. Available
immediately. Call 259-8965 |
Vacation Rental
Close to downtown. Everything you need for comfort and convenience.
Don't wait we book up fast! (970) 259-9466 or camerinns@frontier.net |
'99 Toyota Tacoma
Excellent shape, 4 cyl., maroon, AC, CD, 98,000 miles, reg. cab,
4X4, full spare, manual. Asking $8,500 Must sell. 799-0925.
2/5 |
Rick's '84 Volvo
Slashing the price. $1,180 Volvo wagon. Sleeps two. Plenty of miles
left. Well maintained. New tires and battery. 382-6371. |
K2 Totally Piste Telemark Skis
185 cm great condition. Excellent deal. $125. Call 375-0422. |
K2 Super Stinx
181 cm., fat but not too fat. Great in backcountry and on the
mountain. Complete with Riva Z bindings, shims and climbing bales.
They've got lots of good powder days left in 'em. To a good home
only. Price includes free ski tote strap and good karma.
259-7092. |
1986 Ford F150
4WD, great work truck, $1,200. Call Aaron at 749-7661. |
Local business
for sale. To view, visit www.wildhorsesaloondurango.com. Turn-key business for
sale due to owner's health. Entertainment events booked through
2004. 375-2352. |
Do you have a passport?
49-year-old male, 30-year Durango resident, seeking lady for fun,
travel and romance? Go to Yahoo personals or widewest@yahoo.com. |
The American Cancer Society's
First-ever Durango Daffodil Days will be held March 15-19.
Volunteers are needed to help coordinate all efforts, from
preselling and delivering the flowers, to helping in the office.
The cost is $10 for a bouquet of 10 flowers. All proceeds benefit
the American Cancer Society. For more information, call
247-0278. |
Girl Scout Cookie Time
The Girl Scouts of Southwest Colo., are now selling cookies, which
will be delivered early March. Help Girls Grow Strong! Call Kathy
at 247-4850 for more info. |
Snowmobile Registrations
The San Juan Mountains Association offers Colorado state-regulated
snowmobile registrations for $20.25 at the San Juan Public Lands
Center, 15 Burnett Court in the Durango Tech Center. All Colorado
residents must register their snowmobiles for use on public lands.
247-4874. |
Be an advocate
The Rape Intervention Team is looking for advocates. There are many
volunteer options including hotline advocacy and support as well as
prevention program involvement for all age groups. Call Claire or
Adrian at 259-3074 to sign up for the next training. |
VOA Thrift Store
Needs volunteers. Have fun and help people! Call Vanessa or Melissa
at 385-0363. |
Raw Food Lunches
Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic,
living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22
p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave. |