The Telegraph accepts
classified adverising anytime prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a
total bargain at $5 for 25 words or less and 20 cents for each
additional word. Ads can be submitted via email (telegraph@durangotelegraph.com),
fax (259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment is
requested on all classifieds.
Lady Falconburgh's
is currently hiring experienced kitchen help. Apply
in person at 640 Main Ave. |
News reporters/stringers
KSUT Public Radio seeks freelance news reporters to
submit fully produced stories for broadcast. Requirements
include: solid news writing, reporting and radio broadcast
experience; excellent communication and interview skills;
professional on-air presence; and production skills.Experience
with ProTools or similar sound-editing software desired.
Must be dependable, computer literate, meet deadlines,
work independently and have your own equipment. To apply,
submit a resume, letter of interest and sample produced
story to: News Director, KSUT, P.O. Box 737, Ignacio,
CO 81137. |
Wild Horse Saloon
Daytime bartender & student to make and distribute
fliers. Apply Thursday afternoon in person at 601 E.
2nd Ave. Inquiries 375-2352. |
Jarvis Suite Hotel
Accepting applications for assistant head housekeeper
to work weekends as necessary and part-time housekeeping
positions. Apply in person at 125 W. 10th St. |
PT/FT Sandwich Maker
Must have deli/kitchen experience, strong customer
service. Upper East Side Coffee Co. 247-8394. |
The Telegraph is hiring
a commission-based part-time sales person. Sales experience
a huge plus. Send resumes to: 556 Main Ave. Durango,
CO 81301 |
Elements Landscaping
Design and installation, water features, rock work,
flagstone, earthworks, xeriscapes and garden beds. Professional
service, 9 years experience. B.S. Horticulture. Chris
and Jody (970) 560-1402. |
Professional Wedding Photography
Call for a portfolio viewing at 382-0488 or visit online
at www.benengphotography. com. |
Word of the Week
Latigo: n. a leather strap used to secure the cinch
on a Western saddle. www.wordlabwest.com: "writing, editing, and information designfast." |
Professional Massage Therapy
Monday through Friday with Sally Brown in her lovely
Durango office. 13 years experience with sports and
medical massage. 90-minute massage for $50 for new clients.
Call 749-0604. |
Digital Photography
classes begin July 1. Call Open Shutter Gallery for
details. 382-8355 |
Lymphatic Massage
With Catherine Goldman, certified in massage, nutrition
and herbalism, practicing for 17 years. This wave-like
form of massage assists the healing of inflammation,
dental procedures and surgery, injuries and headaches,
also supports skin rejuvenation, stress reduction, detoxification,
immune functions and more. 10% off Lymphatic Massage.
20% off when combined with a health consult. 382-8778. |
DMR's Adventure Camp
Day camp for children ages 6-13 focuses on the outdoors,
as well as developing self-esteem, teamwork, and ecological
awareness. Major activities include mountain biking,
climbing, teamwork exercises, the Big Hike, and nature
studies. The camp runs weekdays through Aug. 1. $25
per day or $110 per week. Call 385-2149. Early registration
is recommended. |
Get Real
Be more yourself, not less. Psychotherapy and EMDR can
help excavate your inner voice and basic nature that
have been covered up in an attempt to keep a nice “status
quo.” Your creativity and zest for life might
be compromised when you deny who you really are. Call
Pamela Hurley, a licensed psychotherapist for a confidential
and professional appointment. (970) 382-8582. |
Contemporary Country Home
off Florida Road.2B/2B home with vaulted ceilings, concrete
counters, stainless steel backsplash, all new appliances, new
carpet, new tile floors. Lots of light with a wraparound deck to
enjoy 5.5 wooded acres.Very motivated sellers! $249,900.Call Tina @
CBHHR- 946-2902. |
Local business
for sale. To view, visit www.wildhorsesaloondurango.com . Turnkey business for
sale due to owner's health. Entertainment events booked through
2004. 375-2352. |
Lightner Creek
Horse Property. Cute log home sits on 4.5 irrigated acres backing
up to BLM on two sides. Three-stall barn with fenced corral.
Apartment above two-car garage rents for $500/month. $359,900. Call
Tina at 946-2902. CBHHR |
Downtown House
2B/1B, wood floors, vaulted ceilings, huge deck, fully
fenced yard. $1,100 per month. Avail. July 1. CallTaylor
@ 946-9789 |
Vacation Rental
Close to downtown. Everything you need for comfort and
convenience. Don't wait we book up fast! (970) 259-9466
or camerinns@frontier.net |
3bd/2ba home
Seven miles from town. Bring your horses. No smokers.
$1,200/month + deposit. 259-0641. |
New Cash Register
Samsung ER-290. $300/ obo. 884-1212. |
1993 Subaru Legacy AWD
Runs great. New CD player and roof rack. $3,850. 946-0838. |
1992 Geo Prizm
132K, runs good, needs clutch, otherwise it's rock solid. $900 obo.
Bryant 259-2236. |
1996 BMW Motorcycle
R1100R Fully loaded, 17,000 miles, just in time for summer. $7,500.
Call Zak 375-2335. |
Ibanez AW-10
Dreadnought acoustic guitar. Like new with some professional
improvements. $225. 375-2771. |
Mr. Natural says
“You can take the girl out of the trailer park,
but you can’t take the trailer park out of the
girl.” |
Monthly vegetarian potlucks
Sponsored by the Durango branch of the Vegetarian Society of
Colorado are typically held the third Sunday of each month at 6
p.m., date and location may vary. Residents of nearby towns are
invited to attend. Attendees may be vegetarians or meat-eaters and
are asked to bring a vegetarian dish to share with at least 10
people. For updates on upcoming events, e-mail paige@vsc.org or call 259-1708. |
Donated Bicycles
for a good cause.Functioning or not. Will pick up.Contact Edna at
385-7462 or ednaviviana@lycos. com . |
Single 25-year-old
white gym-addicted firefighter seeks single female. Prefer
nonsmoker/nondrinker. Call (505) 334-9466 or email mulciber@sisna.com . |
Young 60 Male
vegetarian enjoys photography, hiking, camping, mountains, national
parks, Indian ruins, their culture, most music. Seeking woman
40-60, free spirit with some hippie, earth muffin, tree-hugger.
Let's meet at the Steaming Bean. Advantageous P.O. Box 941 Durango,
CO 81302. |
Volunteers needed
For Durango BMX track. Work outdoors and help keep the BMX track in
quality shape for the kids. Call Sandy at 259-6243. |
Volunteers needed
For VOA Thrift Store. Have fun and help people! Call Vanessa or
Melissa at 385-0363. |
Be Prepared
Disaster Preparedness Kits for people affected by last summer's
wildfires are available by calling Lutheran Disaster Response.
247-4537. |
Raw Food Lunches
Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic,
living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22
p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave. |