The Lower Dolores River pictured
at an unusually high flow. The newly formed Dolores River
Coalition hopes to return flows to relatively dry river
and safeguard and enhance the entire river basin./Photo
courtesy USGS. |
The final stone was placed
on McPhee Reservoir’s dam in 1985, and river flows in
the Lower Dolores have been stunted for the nearly 20 years
since. A broad-based grassroots coalition officially launches
next week with the mission of protecting and enhancing the entire
Dolores River Basin. While the effort will be broad-based and
multifaceted, many members of the new group, the Dolores River
Coalition, agree that putting water back into the river is the
most pressing issue.
The Dolores River Coalition includes 20 different groups ranging
from Durango’s San Juan Citizens’ Alliance and locally-based
Great Old Broads for Wilderness to the Southern Utah Wilderness
Alliance, Environmental Defense Fund and Colorado Environmental
Coalition. Chuck Wanner, coordinator of the Dolores River Coalition,
said that the basin draining the west side of the San Juan Mountains
and stretching from alpine to desert is well worth protecting.
“It’s a pretty remarkable landscape,” Wanner
said. “There’s a lot to be gained in terms of protection
of natural resources. It’s got a wide variety of plants
and animals and some pretty amazing canyon country. There’s
roughly a quarter million acres of potential wilderness in the
Wanner added that the enormous area also faces a number of
threats. “It’s also an area that’s rapidly
changing in character. The numbers of people aren’t as
great as in other places and because of that, there’s
a lot more to lose in many ways.”
Coalition launches at River
Next week, the
Dolores River Coalition will officially launch its campaign
to protect the outstanding natural attributes of the Dolores
River Basin in both Colorado and Utah. The campaign kick-off
will be held at the Dolores River Brewery at 7:30 p.m.
on Saturday, June 7, in conjunction with the Dolores River
The River Festival
will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Joe Rowell Park in Dolores.
Activities will include free raft rides, a fishing clinic,
a river clean-up and novelty boat races. Information,
food booths and kids activities will round out the day
on the river.
For more information
about the festival or the campaign, contact Chuck Wanner
at 259-3583.
The coalition plans to focus on preserving and improving river
and riparian habitat, encouraging the creation of two wilderness
areas that would border the river, eliminating exotic species
and preserving native species, and of course, getting water
flowing in the Lower Dolores again.
Early this week, the Dolores above McPhee Reservoir was flowing
at 1,740 cubic feet per second, nearly peak run-off and the
highest level in at least a couple years. Below McPhee, a mere
16 cubic feet per second dribbled downstream as the empty reservoir
worked to replenish itself. With the exception of scheduled
releases, this has largely been the picture since the dam’s
completion. The reservoir was constructed primarily to serve
the needs of agriculture, but it has come at the expense of
habitat and recreation. “The Dolores was a natural resource
that many people and many more species had been enjoying for
many years,” commented Ronni Egan, executive director
of Great Old Broads. “But it was suddenly kidnapped and
is no more below McPhee.”
Egan characterized flows in the Lower Dolores as “integral”
to the health of the entire basin. “I just moved into
a new house in Mancos where I see literally hundreds of sprinklers
watering alfalfa fields with Dolores River water,” she
said. “I do know that we need to be coalition-building
with other interested parties in the watershed, including agriculture.
But is providing food for livestock really the best use of this
Egan added that her motives for returning flows to the Lower
Dolores are not unselfish, saying, “I’m an avid
boater, and I miss running Snaggletooth.”
Wanner said that opening McPhee’s floodgates wider will
most likely be the coalition’s first effort. Like Egan,
he noted that the issue is not totally one-sided, saying, “Without
sustaining agriculture to some extent, a lot of land in the
area will become condos.”
However, the Dolores River Coalition already has a concrete
direction for improving flows and the solution is one that should
not harm agricultural interests. “Our first efforts will
be directed at working to increase flows in the Lower Dolores,”
Wanner said. “We think it can be done within the free
market and within the confines of Colorado Water Law.”
The coalition also will work to help local communities take
care of themselves. Wanner said that, in particular, the group
will try to defeat the regional norm of extractive industry
and establish long-term economies that give back.
“One thing, and not least importantly, is we’re
interested in encouraging viable, long-term economies,”
he said. “We would like to see economies that don’t
chew up the resources and then go away.”
Wanner said that whether it be securing water rights, aiding
economies or helping designate wilderness areas, the members
of the coalition will go out of their way to avoid stepping
on toes.
“This is not a run-and-gun effort,” Wanner said.
“This is a long-term, widespread effort. I think you’ll
find that our approach is relatively pragmatic and low-key and
is designed to work with people in the basin in a way to protect
some of its most important natural attributes.”
Joan May, executive director of the Telluride-based Sheep Mountain
Alliance, said her group is involved because its area of focus
is the headwaters of the Dolores River Basin.
“The Dolores River is in our region, and it’s an
important river for Colorado,” May said. “I feel
like if everyone works together we can make a difference. It’s
certainly possible to improve the river health if there’s
a group of people committed to it and now there is. I’m
feeling really hopeful about this.”
Wanner said that he hopes that working together will become
the norm as the Dolores River Coalition gains momentum. “Really
it stems from a belief that the longest-lasting, most protective
solutions will be ones that involve as many local people as
possible,” he concluded.