Telegraph accepts classified adverising anytime prior
to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain at $5 for 25
words or less and 20 cents for each additional word. Ads
can be submitted via email (telegraph@durangotelegraph.com),
fax (259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment
is requested on all classifieds.
SOS Staffing
Construction laborers, clerical positions. Temporary, part-time, seasonal and full-time jobs available. 3473 North Main #12. SOS Staffing 259-3131.
Lady Falconburgh's
is currently hiring experienced kitchen help. Apply in person at 640 Main Ave.
News reporters/stringers
KSUT Public Radio seeks freelance news reporters to submit fully produced stories for broadcast. Requirements include: solid news writing, reporting and radio broadcast experience; excellent communication and interview skills; professional on-air presence; and production skills.Experience with ProTools or similar sound-editing software desired. Must be dependable, computer literate, meet deadlines, work independently and have your own equipment. To apply, submit a resume, letter of interest and sample produced story to: News Director, KSUT, P.O. Box 737, Ignacio, CO 81137.
Wild Horse Saloon
needs office manager three hours a day, five days a week. Must be proficient in Quickbooks. Call 375-2352.
Jarvis Suite Hotel
Accepting applications for assistant head housekeeper to work weekends as necessary and part-time housekeeping positions. Apply in person at 125 W. 10th St.
Emotional baggage
and trauma can interfere with creativity, work motivation, concentration, performance in sports, and relationships. For professional help becoming more finely tuned, call for an appointment. Pamela Hurley, MSW,LCSW (Licensed Psychotherapist and EMDR II) 382-8582 or e-mail Psynapses@aol.com
Going Away?
Single, professional responsible adult to care for your home, pet or yard. Two days to two years. Leave confident that all will be cared for and as you left it upon your return. Character references available. 382-7686.
Professional Wedding Photography
Call 382-0488 for a portfolio viewing or visit www.benengphotography. com.
Word of the Week
Melisma: n. an ornamental musical phrase of several notes sung to one syllable, as in blues singing. www.wordlabwest. com: writing, editing, and information designfast."
Professional Massage Therapy
Monday through Friday with Sally Brown in her lovely Durango office. 13 years experience with sports and medical massage. 90-minute massage for $50 for new clients. Call 749-0604.
Digital Photography
Regularly scheduled classes. Open Shutter Gallery 382-8355
Lymphatic Massage
With Catherine Goldman, certified in massage, nutrition and herbalism, practicing for 17 years. This wave-like form of massage assists the healing of inflammation, dental procedures and surgery, injuries, headaches, also supports skin rejuvenation, stress reduction, detoxification, immune functions and more. 10% off Lymphatic Massage. 20% off when combined with a health consult. 382-8778.
DMR's Adventure Camp
kicks off June 2 for children ages 6-13. The day camp focuses on the outdoors, as well as developing self-esteem, teamwork and ecological awareness. Major activities include mountain biking, climbing wall, low ropes course, teamwork exercises, the Big Hike, and nature studies. The camp will run weekdays June 2 - Aug. 1. Camp fees are $25 per day or $110 per week. Call 385-2149. Early registration is recommended.
Log home
on 10 acres at Turtle Lake. $399,000. Call for appointment. 259-6134.
Local business for sale
To view, visit www.wildhorsesaloondurango.com. Turnkey business for sale due to owner's health. Entertainment events booked through 2004. 375-2352.
Lightner Creek
Horse Property. Cute log home sits on 4.5 irrigated acres backing up to BLM on two sides. Three-stall barn with fenced corral. Apartment above two-car garage rents for $500/month. $359,900. Call Tina at 946-2902. CBHHR
Two rooms in large 4 bed/2 bath house. Each $225/month + deposit. Non-cigarette smoker preferred. Pets? Doug 387-5083 or 387-5006.
Large room
with private bath close to town, wash/dryer, storage, deck, clean, bright, quiet. No dogs. $325/mo 946-9178.
$200 move-in rebate!
Hurry up! In town, room in Victorian house, only 1 roommate, large deck, mountain view, remodeled, clean. No pets. Avail. 6/1. 385-1565
Nice, large 1 BR
in town with private garage, washer/dryer, dishwasher and deck. Monthly lease available. No students. $725. 385-5688.
3BD, 2BA, 1 loft,
sunroom, 2-car. Beautiful, private, La Plata views. 12 miles east of town, No smokers, no pet. 1-year lease, $1,300/month. Kerry, 375-9569, 946-7436.
Vacation Rental
Close to downtown. Everything you need for comfort and convenience. Don't wait we book up fast! (970) 259-9466 or camerinns@ frontier.net
Golf clubs
$125. Assorted Concrete Tools, new rebar cutter - $150. Commercial mop/bucket new $35. 759-6252. 6/5
Must sell
Leaving town. '94 Subaru Loyale. 125K miles. Good condition. $3,000 obo. 247-4711. 5/29
New Cash Register
Samsung ER-290. $300/obo. 884-1212. 5/29
'96 Allegro
Class A, 31 foot motorhome, 454 Chevrolet vortec engine, satellite, fantastic fan, suede back kit, Onon 7000 KW generator, inverter charging system, two air conditioners, two TVs, leverage axe, see out curtains, 28,000 miles, wheel covers, awning, queen island bed, mint condition. $32,000 obo (970) 565-7534 or (970) 560-0030. 6/5
'92 Mazda Minivan
4WD, well maintained and dependable. $2,800. 247-1797.
Martin "Clarence White"
D-18 guitar, #116 of 292 made. A great collectible Martin guitar! $2,200. 759-6252
Wooden barstools
for sale. $25/apiece. Stop by Lady Falconburgh's or call 382-9664 and ask for Zak or Aaron.
John Deere
Tractor, 17 horsepower, 48-inch deck, runs good. $600. 247-1797.
1993 Subaru Legacy AWD
Runs great. New CD player and roof rack. $3,850. 946-0838.
1992 Geo Prizm
132K, runs good, needs clutch, otherwise it's rock solid. $900 obo. Bryant 259-2236.
1996 BMW Motorcycle
R1100R Fully loaded, 17,000 miles, just in time for summer. $7,500. Zak 375-2335.
Ibanez AW-10
Dreadnought acoustic guitar. Like new with some professional improvements. $225. 375-2771.
Mr. Natural says
"The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe."
Donated Bicycles
for a good cause.Functioning or not. Will pick up.Contact Edna at 385-7462 or ednaviviana@lycos. com.
Single 25-year-old
white, gym-addicted firefighter seeks single female. Prefer nonsmoker/nondrinker. Call (505) 334-9466 or email mulciber@sisna.com.
Young 60 Male
vegetarian enjoys photography, hiking, camping, mountains, national parks, Indian ruins, their culture, most music. Seeking woman 40-60, free spirit with some hippie, earth mother, tree-hugger. Let's meet at the Steaming Bean. Advantageous P.O. Box 941 Durango 81302.
Volunteers needed
For VOA Thrift Store. Have fun and help people! Call Vanessa or Melissa at 385-0363.
Volunteers needed
For Animas River Days, June 6-8. Call Andy at 259-3893.
Be Prepared
Disaster Preparedness Kits for people affected by last summer's wildfires are available by calling Lutheran Disaster Response. 247-4537.
Raw Food Lunches
Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave.
