Telegraph accepts classified adverising anytime prior
to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain at $5 for 25
words or less and 20 cents for each additional word. Ads
can be submitted via email (telegraph@durangotelegraph.com),
fax (259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment
is requested on all classifieds.
Accepting applications
for Water Works Sprinkler Systems. Installation foreman $12-$16/hr., System Installer $9-$12/hr., Service Manager $14-$18/hr., Service Technician $11-$15/hr. Great career or seasonal opportunities. Work starts March 31. 247-5090.
Jarvis Suite Hotel
Accepting applications for part-time housekeeping positions. Apply in person at 125 W. 10th St.
Win Free Stuff!
Be a contestant on D-CAT CH 22’S Know and Win Show! The game show to end all game shows, email knowandwinshow@yahoo.com for more information.
Word of the Week
Coulee: n. a deep gully with sloping sides formed by running water. www.word labwest.com: “writing, editing, and information design – fast.”
Memorable Wedding Photography
by Paul Pennington. (970) 259-0176 or penningtonpaul@yahoo.com.
Professional Massage Therapy
Monday through Friday with Sally Brown in her lovely Durango office. 13 years experience with sports and medical massage. 90-minutes massage for $50 for new clients. Call 749-0604.
Digital Photography
Regularly scheduled classes. Open Shutter Gallery 382-8355.
Cute, Cute, Cute!
In town, 2 BR/1BA, avail 3/15, pets OK, storage space, washer/dryer, big yard, wood-burning stove (wood provided) $1,000 a month, 247-0613.
Available Now
2BR/1BA downtown. Fourth and Fourth. Lots of sunlight and clean. $725. Josh 385-4732.
Nice, large 1BR
In town with private garage, washer/dryer, dishwasher and deck. No students. $725. 259-0493.
Recently Gussied Up
4BR/2BA; W/D; cul de sac; no smokers; pets? $1190. 382-6371.
Rooms for Rent
$149/week, 4th week free. Nice place – No riff-raff. Adobe Inn, 2178 Main Ave.
Vacation Rental
Close to downtown. Everything you need for comfort and convenience. Don’t wait – we book up fast! (970) 259-9466 or camerinns@frontier.net
Rooms for Rent
$149/week, 4th week free. Continental breakfast & maid service. Econolodge, 2020 Main Ave.
Newly remodeled Mancos home. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1250 sq. ft., 400 sq. ft. deck, 2.5 car garage, $159,000. Call for appt. 533-2037.
Durango West
4BR/2BA high ceilings, woodstove, big yard. $139,000. Tina Reed at Coldwell Banker. 946-2902.
Pine and iron futon
couch. Unfolds into full bed. Great shape. $150. 259-3829 eves.
1983 Toyota Landcruiser
143K. Mechanically excellent. All records. Must drive. $3,800. 382-0850
Gibson ES335
Hollow body electric guitar. 1984, excellent condition. $1,500. 385-8397.
1998 Subaru Legacy
Outback, green, 70K, runs like new, well maintained, CD player, bike rack. $13,500. 259-0550.
My pregnant wife
is making me sell my motorcycles. Please help! 1996 BMR R1100R 17,000 miles. Just a spring chicken, fully loaded $8,000. 1998 Ducati Monster 900 with only 3,000 miles at $7,500. Both are really clean. Call Zak @ 375-2335.
Mr. Natural says
“Resist much – Obey little.”
Rototiller Wanted
Seeking used but not abused, heavy-duty rototiller. 382-2778
Used llama gear
Panniers, saddles etc. Call 884-0116 evenings.
“A” Division Racquetball
Player seeks partner for singles play on Weds. and Fri. mornings, 8-9 a.m. at Durango Rec. Center. Must be a B level player or better. Shan 247-7929 eves.
Looking for a single man
between the age of 50 and 65 who loves to travel, camp, hike and be outdoors. A widow for 6 years, I am looking for a companion to share the things I enjoy in life – such as traveling, cooking, camping and being outdoors. I am a successful businesswoman in Farmington and would consider a serious relationship with someone from the Durango area. Please contact my daughter at shirena@fone.net for more information.
Raw Food Lunches
Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave.
Durango Nature Studies
is now recruiting new volunteers to attendA0their free spring naturalist training to start on April 2nd.A0 After attending the 17 hour training, volunteers will guide children on nature walks on weekday mornings. No experience necessary. Contact Jennifer at 382-9244 or e-mail jen@durangonaturestudies.org.
