Telegraph accepts classified adverising anytime prior
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words or less and 20 cents for each additional word. Ads
can be submitted via email (telegraph@durangotelegraph.com),
fax (259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment
is requested on all classifieds.
“A” Division Racquetball
Player seeks partner for singles play on Weds. and Fri. mornings, 8-9 a.m. at Dngo Rec. Center. Must be a B level player or better. Shan 247-7929 eves.
Start your week with a treat
Community massage clinic at Southwest School of Massage, Saturday, Sunday and Monday afternoons. $20 for a one-hour student massage. Call 259-6965 to make an appointment.
Lymphatic Massage
With Catherine Goldman, Certified in massage, nutrition and herbalism, practicing for 17 years. This wave-like form of massage assists the healing of inflammation, dental procedures and surgery, injuries, headaches; also supports skin rejuvenation, stress reduction, detoxification and immune functions & more. 10% off lymphatic massage. 20% off when combined with a health consult. Call 382-8778.
Learn to use
Your digital camera! Digital photography classes start in January. Call the Open Shutter Gallery at 382-8355 for more info or to reserve a space.
Professional Massage Therapy
Monday through Friday with Sally Brown in her lovely Durango office. 13 years experience with sports and medical massage. 90-minute massage for $50 for new clients. Call 749-0604.
Two Rooms for Rent
$800 including utilities, perfect for couple or two friends, own bathroom and study. Available Jan./Feb. Share large kitchen, sauna. No smoking/pets. Beautiful clean home on 15 acres.
Nice, large 1BR
In town with private garage, washer/dryer. No students. $725. 259-0493.
Recently Gussied Up
4BR/2BA; W/D; cul de sac; no smokers; pets? $1190. 382-6371.
Rooms for Rent
$149/week, 4th week free. Nice place – No riff-raff. Adobe Inn, 2178 Main Ave.
Vacation Rental
Close to downtown. Everything you need for comfort and convenience. Don’t wait – we book up fast! 970-259-9466 or camerinns@frontier.net
Rooms for Rent
$149/week, 4th week free. Continental breakfast & maid service. Econolodge, 2020 Main Ave.
Engagement Ring
For sale. .31ct, EVVS1 solitaire white gold setting. Paid $1800 for it, only want $1000.`A0 Maybe your luck is better than mine. Joe 382-9681.
Bomber Gear
Hydrogen pants, large, new, $75. Helly Hansen Goretex bibs, large, new $100. Call Doug 385-8656.
Commercial-Free Simpsons Tapes
25 to 30 of them. Three to five hours long apiece. Best offer. Call David at 259-3134 eves, 375-3407 days.
Classic Old Wood Desk
48”x31” desktop; 30”tall. 4 drawers on left; 3 (one double-deep) on right. Pull-out writing shelf both sides. Showing age, but built to last. Asking $150. 749-1933
TUA 185cm Crossrides
With Red Chile bindings. NEW must sell. $400. 759-6252.
My pregnant wife
is making me sell my motorcycles. Please help! 1996 BMR R1100R 17,000 miles. Just a spring chicken, fully loaded $8,000. 1998 Ducati Monster 900 with only 3,000 miles at $7,500. Both are really clean. Call Zak @ 375-2335.
Raw Food Lunches
Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 East Third Ave.
San Juan Mountains Association
Offers snowmobile registrations for $15.25. All Colorado residents must register snowmobiles to use them on public lands. 247-4874.
Group kayak lessons
At the Community Recreation Center on Saturday afternoons. Adults 18 and older will learn kayak safety, paddle strokes, wet exits, rolls and more. Class begins Jan. 25 and runs for four Saturdays. 375-7310.
The Women’s Resource Center
Invites women to attend the ninth annual Women’s Retreat to Mexican Hat, Utah, Feb. 22-23. This weekend getaway is the perfect opportunity for women to relax and enjoy the serenity of the Utah landscape. Cost for the weekend is $85 for WRC members and $115 for non-members. Deadline for registration is Friday, January 31. For more information or to register, call WRC, 247-1242.
The Durango Arts Center
is seeking artists interested in exhibiting in the Group Exhibits Program in 2004. Artists working in any medium encouraged to apply. Applications must be completed by April 1.
