Telegraph accepts classified adverising anytime prior
to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain at $5 for 25
words or less and 20 cents for each additional word. Ads
can be submitted via email (telegraph@durangotelegraph.com),
fax (259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment
is requested on all classifieds.
Win Cool Stuff!
Be a contestant on KDUR’s Know & Win show – Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. Call 247-7628 for more info.
“A” Division Racquetball
Player seeks partner for singles play on Weds. and Fri. mornings, 8-9 a.m. at Durango Rec. Center. Must be a B level player or better. Shan 247-7929 eves.
Professional Massage Therapy
Monday through Friday with Sally Brown in her lovely Durango office. 13 years experience with sports and medical massage. 90-minute massage for new clients. Call 749-0604. 1/9
Perfect Christmas Gifts!
Beautiful-Professional Animas Hot Stones Massage Experience offered by Nanci Moore CMT. Deeply relaxing, health renewing. Gift certificates and sessions: 970-382-3770. 12/19
Silver Station Promotions
Supplier of custom products for your business, fund-raiser and organization. Custom pens, hats, stationery, screened T-shirts, embroidered apparel, stickers, mugs, banners and much more. Call 970-247-8339 for catalogs, ideas, samples or a fast price quote. 1/9
Open Shutter Workshops
is offering a photography workshop at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge led by Branson Reynolds from Jan. 12-18. 382-8355.
Downtown living at its finest
Cute, sunny 1BR/1BA cottage with office, W/D, DW, storage shed, fenced yard. $800 plus utilities. 259-7092
Massage Space To Share
Established therapist seeks practitioner to share fully equipped room in a great location downtown. Call 799-4269. 12/26
Rooms for Rent
$149/week, 4th week free. Nice place – No riff-raff. Adobe Inn, 2178 Main Ave. 4/15
7 minutes to town
One room in large, shared household on 1 acre. $450 includes all utilities, phone, cable, net, w/d, large common area, workshop, no pets, students? 382-0382. 1/2
Studio Apartment
La Plata Canyon, Low rent for some ranch work. $250/month, all utilities paid. Durango Dog Ranch. 259-0694/759-1741
Vacation Rental
Close to downtown. Everything you need for comfort and convenience. Don’t wait – we book up fast! 970-259-9466 or camerinns@frontier.net
Rooms for Rent
$149/week, 4th week free. Continental breakfast & maid service. Econolodge, 2020 Main Ave. 4/15
1995 Nissan Pickup
Kingcab, 4-wheel drive, 6 cylinder, 83,000 miles. Extras include new tires, shocks and brakes; A/C; anti-lock brakes; camper shell. Runs like a champ in all weather. $7,900 OBO. Call 259-7092.
Asian Tree Sculpture
Large, beautiful tree set on rock base. Made in Hawaii. Very Feng Shui. $190. Call 799-4269. 12/26
Washer and Dryer
GE top loader, white, great condition. $100 each or $175 for both. 259-0694/759-1741.
91 Toyota 4Runner
Great condition. 128K. Power, CD, rack, new windshield. $6250 OBO. 259-7772. 12/19
Blizzak Tires
Exc. Condition. 195/65 R15. $350 OBO. 259-7772. 12/19
1994 Toyota 4Runner
Red, 4x4, V6, 5spd, CD player, Pwr. Pkg. Cruise, Yakima rack. 202K miles, runs great. $5,800 OBO. 259-0694/759-1741.
My pregnant wife
is making me sell my motorcycles. Please help! 1996 BMR R1100R 17,000 miles. Just a spring chicken, fully loaded $8,000. 1998 Ducati Monster 900 with only 3,000 miles at $7,500. Both are really clean. Call Zak @ 375-2335.
Friends of the Animas River
Wants to expand and diversify our Board of Directors. We are looking for individuals who love the Animas River watershed. If you would like to help provide direction and insight to a non-profit organization working to protect and preserve the river corridor, please call 375-8397 or 247-4233.
Stolen peace signs
‘Poop for Peace’ and other peace sign were stolen from Smiley Building. Please return. No questions asked and a clear conscience will be your reward. Call 759-1227 or drop off at Smiley.
Make a difference
Alternative Horizons is looking for Hotline Volunteers. You will receive free training, including a complete overview crisis intervention skills. Winter training begins Jan. 14. Call Randi at 247-4374 for information.
The Durango Arts Center
has entry forms available for artists interested in entering artwork into the Four Corners Commission juried exhibit to be held Jan. 7-Feb. 2, 2003. 259-2606.
