The Telegraph accepts classified adverising anytime
prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain at $5 for 25 words
or less and 20 cents each additional word. Ads can be submitted via
email - telegraph@durangotelegraph.com;
fax - 259-0448; or in person at 534 Main Ave, Durango. Prepayment
is requested on all classifieds.
Front Desk
Reliable person to join our excellent staff. Varied hours. Apply in person at Econo Lodge. 2002 Main Ave. 9/19 |
Banjo lessons
Someone to give me banjo lessons! Will trade out for beer or will pay cash. Seeking semi or pro musicians only.
Bryant 247-1628. NO NOODLERS! |
The Women’s Resource Center
Needs volunteers to help with decorations, pr and set-up for Womenfest. This year’s Womenfest will be held October 26. The theme is “Pebble in a Pond-Small Things Make a Big Difference.” Please call Beth at 247-1242 if you are interested. |
Alternative Horizons
Would you like to make a difference in someone’s life? Volunteers are needed for the Alternative Horizons 24-hour domestic violence hotline. Our fall training started September 10. If interested please call Randi at 247-4374 or Peggy at 247-1225. For more information visit www.alternativehorizons.org. |
Better yourself
from the comfort of your own home. Benefits include wisdom, longevity and possible wealth. Pick up a subscription to the Durango Telegraph and you’ll never have to leave again. Call 259-0133 for details. |
Townhome with
Fantastic View
Two master suites, each with
hot tub, plus third bedroom
with bath. Custom kitchen,
four decks, patio, fenced
yard. $329,000. Dave
Weidenmiller, Wide West
Real Estate. 259-1054 |
Beverly Anderson
internationally respected counselor, teacher and healer has relocated her practice from Austin, TX to Durango. Her new office is at 701 Camino del Rio, Suite 201. Beverly specializes in life transitions and personal growth issues. She also practices and teaches bioharmonics, a form of chi work that improves the body’s healing response and also optimizes the performance of athletes. For more info or a private appointment call 382-0277. |
Apartment/Condo? Need Firewood?
100 large split pieces of Colorado Ponderosa Pine firewood (18”, 32 cubic feet). Delivered & stacked $50. 375-1188. Please leave message. |
Need a good home
for our well-cared-for, 1978 Toyota Chinook Camper (customized!), $3,500. 970-247-3911. 970-247-3911 |
17” Specialized M2
Comp Stumpjumper with Judy XC Rockshox, Shimano XT Components, $2,000 new, $400 now. Many good miles left! 970-247-3911 |
Men’s Swiss Army Watch
The neutral watch that goes with everything. Just off the showroom floor, never left the box. $75. 382-8452. |
Telemark Blowout Sale
K2 Totally Pistes with Superloops-190 cm-$140, Classic Tua Megas with Riva IIs-198 cm-$80, K2 Merlin IV with Riva IIs-$80. Crispi D-Racers-size 9.5-$60. Everything is in cherry condition, and everything must go before first dump. Call 382-2778 |
fun psycho slightly
creepy but in a good way.
Call, 385-5813. |
