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Banff Film Festival offers glimpse of mountain lifeWhat: Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour After celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2015, San Juan Citizens Alliance along with Rocky Mountain Wild present the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour this Saturday. The annual fund-raiser offers residents of Durango and surrounding areas a chance to experience overwhelming features and heart-pounding journeys throughout the mountains of the world.
Some of this year’s intriguing films include: - “Eclipse:” Winner of this year’s Best Snow Sports Film, “Eclipse” is an against-all-odds story, featuring tenacious photographer Reuben Krabbe, looking to snap a photo of a skier in front of the solar eclipse in 2015. - “Kroger’s Canteen:” Filmed during the 2014 Hardrock 100, this story follows the men’s race winner Kilian Jornet, as well as the people who run Kroger’s Canteen, an aid station sitting at 13,000 feet along the race route. - “Unbranded:” This year’s Peoples Choice winner, “Unbranded” shares the experience of four men and 16 wild horses trekking more than 3,000 miles from Mexico to Canada in an effort to save the wild horses that roam on the West’s public lands. Tickets may be bought in advance for $12 or $15 at the door. Doors open at 6 p.m. with prize drawings, food, drinks and a silent auction. Film follows at 7 p.m. For more info., go to: www.sanjuancitizens.org. – by Henry Isenberg |
4th annual Celtic Music Festival, March 10-13, Henry Strater Theatre and Irish Embassy Pub. www.durangocelticfestival.com.
Durango Friends of the Arts meets, presentation by Jackson Clark, 10 a.m., Toh-Atin Gallery, 145 W. 9th St. durangofriends.org.
Here to Hear: Office Hour with Councilor Dick White, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., City Hall North Conference Room, 949 E. 2nd Ave.
Free Legal Clinic, 2-4 p.m., Mancos Public Library. 533-7600 or www.mancoslibrary.org.
Open House at SCAPE, Southwest Colorado Accelerator Program for Entrepreneurs, 4-6 p.m., SCAPE, 1211 Main Ave., Suite 1. www.goscape.org.
“Doc Swords,” PTSD Social Club for Combat Veterans, 4-6 p.m., VFW, 1550 Main Ave.
La Plata Quilters Guild meets, presentation on “Can This Quilt Be Saved?” by Patty Joy, 5:30 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 2917 Aspen Dr.
Tim Sullivan performs, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
W.J. “Bill” Hallock performs, 5:30-7 p.m., Durango Craft Spirits, 1120 Main Ave., Suite 2
Women’s History Month Hat Making Party, hosted by Women’s Resource Center, 5:30-7 p.m., Alpine Bank, 11th and Main. 247-1242.
Geek Out with Trivia, 6 p.m., Powerhouse Science Center, 1333 Camino del Rio.
“Running the Sahara” screening, 6 p.m., Mancos Public Library. 533-7600.
The Four Corners Back Country Horsemen meet, 7 p.m., La Plata County Fairgrounds. 749-0316 or www.4cbch.org.
Rob Webster performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
“Human Nature Machine,” presented by 20MOONS Dance Theatre, opening night, 7:30 p.m., show also runs 7:30 p.m., March 11-13, and 5 p.m., March 12-13, Fort Lewis College Vallecito Room. www.20moons.com.
Open Mic Night, 8 p.m., Balcony Backstage, 600 Main Ave.
The Main Squeeze and Bacon perform, 8 p.m., The Animas City Theater, 128 E. College Dr. www.durangomassive.com.
Durango Earlybird Toastmasters, 7-8:30 a.m., Holiday Inn, HWY 160 West. 749-1741 or earlybirdtoastmasters.org.
Coffee & Conversation, hosted by Durango’s Business Improvement District, 8:30-9:30 a.m., First National Bank, 259 W. 9th St.
Art Group meets, 10 a.m., Ignacio Community Library. 563-9287.
“Live by Living,” walk along the river for cancer patients, 10-11 a.m., meet at Common Grounds Café at Durango Public Library. www.livebyliving.org.
Free Woman’s Idea Exchange, noon-1 p.m., Thrive Chiropractic Studio, 202 W. 22nd St.
Free Legal Clinic, 3:30-5 p.m., Ignacio Community Library.
“Why Books?” an Animas High School student exhibition, 5-6:30 p.m., Powerhouse Science Center, 1333 Camino del Rio.
Donny Johnson performs, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
Kirk James performs, 6 p.m., 6512’ Restaurant and Lounge, 152 E. College Dr.
Starry Night Snowshoe Tour at Andrews Lake, presented by San Juan Mountains Association, 6-8 p.m., meet at plowed parking area on east side of Highway 550, quarter mile north of the Andrews Lake turn off. 759-9113 or sjma.org.
“Inhabit: A Permaculture Perspective” screening, followed by discussion with Katrina Blair, 6-8 p.m., Durango Public Library.
Dustin Burley performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
“Legally Blonde” the musical, presented by DHS Thespian Troupe 1096, opening night, 7 p.m., show also runs March 12, 17-19, 24-25, Durango High School Auditorium. 259-1630.
Green Laser Star Program, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Old Fort in Hesperus. www.durangonaturestudies.org.
The Chills performs, 8:30 p.m., Billy Goat Saloon in Gem Village.
Keller Williams Kwahtro performs, 9 p.m., Animas City Theatre, 128 E. College Dr. www.durangomassive.com.
Live music and dancing, 9 p.m., Moe’s, 937 Main Ave.
Winter Plant Identification Hike with botanist Al Schneider, 9 a.m., meet at Morefield Village parking lot, Mesa Verde National Park. Register at 529-4631.
Liberating Awareness: Your Life is Your Practice, retreat with Erin Treat, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Durango Dharma Center, 1800 E. 3rd Ave. Register at 799-0084 or durangodharmacenter.org.
VFW Indoor Flea Market, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 1550 Main Ave. 247-0384.
“Acting: Inside Out/Outside In – The Feedback Loop” with Mona Wood-Patterson, part of the DAC Saturday Series, 10:30-noon, Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave. durangoarts.org.
7th annual Mancos Melt Putt Putt Golf Tournament, meet 12:30 p.m., Columbine Bar in Mancos.
Pearl Izumi’s 2nd annual Fun Run, 3 p.m., start at Durango Running Co., 473 E. College Dr.
Robbie Overfield performs, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
You Knew Me When performs, 5:30 p.m., Mancos Valley Distillery.
Afrobeatniks perform, 6 p.m., Mancos Brewing Co.
Kirk James performs, 6 p.m., Seven Rivers Steakhouse, Sky Ute Casino in Ignacio.
7th annual Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour, 6 p.m., Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College. A fund-raiser for the San Juan Citizens Alliance. 259-3583 or www.sanjuancitizens.org.
Greg Ryder performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
Trivia Night, 8 p.m., Bottom Shelf Brewery, Bayfield.
DJ Noonz spins, 9 p.m., Moe’s, 937 Main Ave.
Hip Hop show with G-Life, Black Socks and more, 9 p.m., Blondies in Cortez. 739-4944.
Daylight Saving Time begins
Traditional Irish Music Jam, 12:30-4 p.m., Irish Embassy, 900 Main Ave.
Tiospaye, transformational leadership training, 1-3 p.m. 2819 W. 2nd Ave.
All Ages Hip Hop Show, 2 p.m., Blondies in Cortez. 739-4944.
Pickin’ & Powder Acoustic Jam Series, participants can earn free pass, 2:30-5:30 p.m., Purgy’s at Purgatory Resort.
Cooking Matters Volunteer Event, for new volunteers interested in the program, 2:30-5 p.m., Ore House Restaurant. 529-8085.
Blue Moon Ramblers, 7 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
Joel Racheff performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, for ages 60 and older, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., La Plata County Fairgrounds Extension Building. Register at 382-6445 or DurangoLaPlataVITA@gmail.com.
Pine River Shares Potluck, 11a.m., Pine River Library in Bayfield. 884-2222.
Movie Mondays, 4-5:30 p.m., Mancos Public Library. 533-7600.
La Plata County Thrive! Living Wage Coalition meets, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Commons Building, 701 Camino del Rio.
Joel Racheff performs, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
Chess Club, all ages and skill levels, 5:30 p.m., Ignacio Community Library. 563-9287.
Ace Revel performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
Get Digital! All About eBooks, 7-8 p.m., class also runs 1-2 p.m., March 15, Mancos Public Library. 533-7600.
Hip Hop Show with GLife, Black Socks and Scenic Byways, 9 p.m.-close, Moe’s, 937 Main Ave.
Card Making, 10 a.m. Senior Center in Bayfield.
Kids Storytime, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Mancos Public Library. 533-7600.
Get Digital! All About eBooks, 1-2 p.m., Mancos Public Library. 533-7600.
Kirk James performs, 2:30-5:30 p.m., Purgy’s Pub at Purgatory Resort.
Inklings: Book Club for Kids, 4-5 p.m., Ignacio Community Library. 563-9287.
Terry Rickard performs, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
Grief support group, for individuals who have experienced the loss of a loved one, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Mercy Regional Medical Center. Register at 382-2032.
“Depression … Share the Secret,” presentation and panel discussion, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Durango Rec Center, Sunlight and Windom Rooms. 799-0218 or www.chaclaplata.org.
Rotary Club of Durango meets, presentation by Tim Walsworth with the Durango Business Improvement District, 6 p.m., Strater Hotel, 699 Main Ave. 385-7899.
“Cancer Journaling: The Healing Power of Gratitude,” 6-7 p.m., Durango Public Library, Room 3. 403-3711. www.blueprintsofhope.org.
Knit or Crochet with Kathy Graf, 6-7 p.m., Mancos Public Library. 533-7600.
Kirk James performs, 6-9 p.m., Purgy’s, Purgatory Resort.
Super Ted’s Super Trivia, 6:12 p.m., Ska Brewing, 225 Girard St. 247-5792.
Open Mic Night, 7 p.m., Blondies in Cortez. 920-539-9998.
Tim Sullivan performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
Leftover Salmon performs, 7 p.m., The Animas City Theater. www.durangomassive.com.
Salsa Social Dance, 7:30 p.m., Balcony Bar and Grill, 600 Main Ave.
Open Mic Night, 8 p.m.-close, Moe’s, 937 Main Ave.
Bingo Night, 9 p.m., Lady Falconburgh’s, 640 Main Ave.
Class for Spanish speakers trying to improve their English, 10-11:30 a.m., Mancos Public Library. 533-7600.
Storytime, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Ignacio Community Library. 563-9287.
Teen Book Club, 2:15-4 p.m., Ignacio Community Library. 563-9287.
Game Daze, ages 8-12, 3:45-5 p.m., Mancos Public Library, 533-7600.
Greg Ryder performs, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
Evening Book Club, 5:30-6:30 p.m., White Rabbit Books & Curiosities, 128 W 14th St. 259-2213.
Bayfield Running Club 5K run, 5:30 p.m., meet at Bottom Shelf Brewery in Bayfield.
Ace Revel performs, 6-8 p.m., Eno Wine Bar.
Healing Your Gut: Gluten 101, 6 p.m., Pine River Library in Bayfield. 884-2222.
Pruning Fruit and Other Trees presentation, 6:30 p.m., Animas Valley Grange Hall, 7271 CR 203.
Karaoke, 7 p.m., Blondies in Cortez. 565-4015.
Terry Rickard performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
Leftover Salmon performs, 7 p.m., The Animas City Theater. www.durangomassive.com.
Swing Dance Series led by Wendy Graham, 7 p.m., 26369 Highway 160, between Dietz Market and Eagle Crane. 903-9402.
Kirk James performs, 7-10 p.m., Purgy’s, Purgatory Resort.
Yoga en Español, 7:30-8:30 p.m., YogaDurango, 1140 Main Ave.
Geeks Who Drink, 8:30 p.m., BREW Pub & Kitchen, 117 W. College Dr. 259-5959.
Works by Bethany Bachman, pastels on watercolor paper, show runs thru March 26, Olio in Mancos. 533-1381.
“Obedience, Conformity, Apathy, ‘It’s All Good!” works by father and son, Bud and Jeff Madeen, runs thru March 26, Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave. www.durangoarts.org.
Student Juried Exhibition, runs thru March 28, Fort Lewis College Art Gallery. 247-7167.
“One Paycheck Away,” show runs thru March 30, Open Shutter Gallery, 735 Main Ave. 749-7688 or www.openshuttergallery.com.
“Sound,” collection of images from community members of Durango and the region, show runs through March 30, Open Shutter Gallery, 735 Main Ave. 382-8355.
Danya Atetebi fine art & graffiti show, runs thru March 30, Raider Ridge Café.
Defining Spaces: New Paintings by Cynthia DeBolt, show runs thru March 30, Sorrel Sky Gallery, 828 Main Ave. 247-3555.
New works from Aaron Berg, show runs thru March 31, The Recess Gallery, 1027 Main Ave., behind Studio &. anddurango.com/the-recess-gallery.
Karaoke, 8 p.m., Thursday-Sunday, 8th Ave. Tavern, 509 E 8th Ave.
Crafters’ Exchange, 1 p.m., March 17, Pine River Library in Bayfield. 884-2222.
Furniture As Art Auction, fundraising event for KDUR, March 17, Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave.
Kirk James performs, 5:30-7 p.m., March 17, Durango Craft Spirits, 1120 Main Ave, Suite 2.
Hozhoni Days 2016: “Minding the Indigenous Mind: Stories of liberation, brain waves, mirror neurons and healing,” 6 p.m., March 17, Center of Southwest Studies at Fort Lewis College, Room 130. www.fortlewis.edu/professionalassociates
The Devil’s Dram performs, 6 p.m., March 17, Mancos Brewing Co.
“The Trouble with Fame: The Story of Scott Amundsen and the South Pole,” part of the Life-Long Learning Lecture Series, 7 p.m., March 17, Fort Lewis College Noble Hall, Room 130.
The Motet performs, 8:30 p.m., March 17-18, The Animas City Theatre, 128 E. College Dr. 799-2281.
4th annual Durango Ragtime & Early Jazz Festival, March 18-20, Henry Strater Hotel, 699 Main Ave. 247-4431 or durangoragtimefestival.com.
Real Food Challenge Art Installation opening reception, by FLC’s Aesthetic Activists, 4:30-6 p.m., March 18, San Juan Dining Mezzanine at Fort Lewis College.
“The Problem with Tipping,” presented by La Plata County Thrive! Living Wage Coalition, 7-9 p.m., March 18, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 419 San Juan Dr. 903-0957.
Teen Game Night, 7-10 p.m., March 18, Mancos Public Library.
Durango 9Health Fair, 7 a.m.-noon, March 19, Escalante Middle School, 141 Baker Lane. www.9healthfair.org.
6th annual Diversity Dialogue: Conversations on everyday life in our community, 8:45 a.m., March 19, Durango Rec Center. 259-1247.
The Black Velvet Trio, 7-11 p.m., March 19, Derailed Pour House, 725 Main Ave.
Locals Benefit Day, March 20, Purgatory Resort. Get coupon on p. xx in this week’s Telegraph or go to Skipurg.com.
Veterans Committee Breakfast, 9-11 a.m., March 20, Elks Lodge, 901 E 2nd Ave. 247-2298.
Public meeting and update on Durango’s Multi Modal Transportation Master Plan, 5-7 p.m., March 21, Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave. getarounddurango.com or 375-4955.
“The United Nations,” part of the Great Decisions international affairs discussion group, 11:45 a.m.-1:45 p.m., March 22, Durango Public Library.
“The United Nations,” part of the Great Decisions international affairs discussion group, 2-3:30 p.m., March 22, Mancos Public Library. 533-7600.
Feed Your Brain, noon-1:15 p.m., March 22, Natural Grocers, 1123 Camino del Rio. 247-4100 or www.naturalgrocers.com.
How to ride a successful Iron Horse, free training talks geared towards women with Marisa Asplund and Cindy Schmidt, 5:30-7 p.m., March 22 and April 19, Durango Public Library. 769-8856.
“Heart of the World: Colorado’s National Parks” screening, presented by Mesa Verde National Park, 7 p.m., March 23, Sunflower Theatre in Cortez, and 7 p.m., March 24, Chemistry Building at Fort Lewis College, Room 130.
Heart & Song, song circle to open people’s voices, 7-8:30 p.m., March 23, Rocky Mountain Retreat Center, 848 3rd Ave. 903-0907.
Soup for the Soul, benefit for Hospice of Mercy & Hospice Residence, 5:30-8:30 p.m., March 24, La Plata County Fairgrounds. 764-2800.
Natural Grocers Easter Egg Hunt, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., March 25, Natural Grocers, 1123 Camino del Rio. 247-4100 or www.naturalgrocers.com.
Kirk James performs, 6 p.m., March 25, 6512’ Restaurant and Lounge, 152 E. College Ave.
The Black Velvet Duo, 5:30 p.m., March 26, Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
The Incredible, Edible Egg, noon-1 p.m., March 29, Natural Grocers, 1123 Camino del Rio. 247-4100 or www.naturalgrocers.com.
Do you have last minute questions before you file your tax return this year?, question and Answer session for people filing as individuals, 5-7 p.m., March 31, Pine River Library in Bayfield. 884-2222.
The Kirk James Blues Band performs, 7 p.m., April 1, Clancy’s Irish Cantina in Farmington, N.M.
The Black Velvet Duo performs, 6-10 p.m., April 2, Seven Rivers Steakhouse at Sky Ute Casino in Ignacio.
Easton Corbin performs, 7 p.m., April 2, Sky Ute Casino in Ignacio. skyutecasino.com.
Free Kids Yoga ages 3-7 with Joy Kilpatrick, 9-9:45 a.m., April 6, Pediatric Associates of Durango, 1199 Main Ave., Suite 205. www.breathworkswithjoy.com.
Office Hours for veterans with La Plata County Veterans Service Officer Richard Schleeter, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., April 6, Ignacio Library. 759-0117 or 382-6150.
First Thursdays Art Walk, 5-7 p.m., April 7, downtown Durango. durangoarts.org.
Soup for the Soul, benefit for Hospice of Mercy and the Hospice Residence, 5:30-8:30 p.m., April 7, La Plata County Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall. 764-2800.
Mother’s Day Mini Sessions for Charity with Kelly Miranda Photography, fundraiser for La Plata Family Centers Coalition, April 9 - 10, Maria’s Bookshop, 960 Main Ave. Register at 946-7279 or info@kellymirandaphotography.com.
“Women Outside – An Adventure Forum,” 3-day community event featuring presentations by female athletes, writers and filmmakers in outdoor industry, April 12-14. bcexp.com and Facebook.
Heartbeat Durango, support group for individuals affected by suicide, 6-8 p.m., April 13, Fire Station 1, 142 Sheppard Drive. 749-1673.
4th annual Spring Hoedown!, 5 p.m., April 23, VFW Historic Mancos Opera House.
Public meeting and update on Durango’s Multi Modal Transportation Master Plan, 5-7 p.m., April 25, Carver Brewing Co., 1022 Main Ave. getarounddurango.com or 375-4955.
“Essentials for Thriving Nonprofits,” a professional development workshop hosted by The Community Foundation, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., April 29, Durango Rec Center. Register at 375-5807 or swcommunityfoundation.org.
Bike to School Day, part of National Bike to School Day and hosted by City of Durango, May 4, Needham, Park and Riverview Elementary schools. 375-4901.
Public meeting and update on Durango’s Multi Modal Transportation Master Plan, 5-7 p.m., May 23, Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave. getarounddurango.com or 375-4955.
Durango Blues Train, June 3-4, Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad. Durangobluestrain.com.
Clean Commute Week, June 18-23, events all around Durango. 375-4901 or getarounddurango.com.
Public meeting and update on Durango’s Multi Modal Transportation Master Plan, 5-7 p.m., June 20, Carver Brewing Company, 1022 Main Ave. getarounddurango.com or 375-4955.
3rd annual Mancos Half Marathon and 5K, fundraiser for Mancos Public Library, June 25. 533-7600 or www.mancoshalfmarathon.com.
Public meeting and update on Durango’s Multi Modal Transportation Master Plan, 5-7 p.m., July 25, Transit Center, 250 W. 8th St. getarounddurango.com or 375-4955.
Public meeting and update on Durango’s Multi Modal Transportation Master Plan, 6:45-8 p.m., Aug. 22, Ska Brewing Co., 225 Girard St. getarounddurango.com or 375-4955.
Way to Go! Club Member Party, Sept. 8. 375-4901.
Public meeting and update on Durango’s Multi Modal Transportation Master Plan, 5-7 p.m., Sept. 29, Powerhouse Science Center, 1333 Camino del Rio. getarounddurango.com or 375-4955.
Walk to School Day, Oct. 5, events held at Needham, Riverview and Park elementary schools. 375-4901.
Public meeting and update on Durango’s Multi Modal Transportation Master Plan, 5-7 p.m., Oct. 10, Carver Brewing Company, 1022 Main Ave. getarounddurango.com or 375-4955.
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