Gun laws are getting ridiculous

To the editor,
Last time I went to the sporting goods store here in Durango, I was ready to pay for my purchase of ammo when the clerk told me “Strip down facing me.” I did just as I was told. As the screeching was dying down, I began to realize that she was referring to my credit card.
Is it just me or do they need to be more explicit with those instructions?
I guess it hardly matters now. I was told I have to conduct my shopping elsewhere in the future.
– Dave Norman, Durango

Dumpster beautifiers announced

To the editor,
The Dumpster Beautification Project would like to announce the winners of our design contest: Meredith Page, Lily Oswald, Aidin Edmundson, Lennon Waters and the FLM team of Asher Rehman, Kirk Coy II, and Tavin Burger. Beginning June 10, look for these new designs in Durango. Thanks to all that entered and to the sponsors of this event: Durango Friends of the Arts and Mercury Payment Systems. For more information or to participate in the project, visit the website:
– Debra Greenblatt, Durango