Walking with purpose in Durango
What: Fund-raiser walks/run for transplant, AIDS and hydrocephalus awareness
Where: PowerHouse Science Center, Rotary Park and Three Springs
When: Sat., Sept. 20
Durangoans can lace up their sneakers for a few good causes this weekend. There will be not one, not two, but three community benefit walks in and around town on Saturday.
The first, “Heartfest 2014,” is a fundraiser for little Liam Maddox, who is currently recovering in Seattle from a heart transplant. Liam, the son of Paul Maddox and Jacquelyn Wright, was born in Durango on Nov. 1, 2013. However, five months later, his heart failed and he was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy. He underwent a heart transplant at Seattle Children’s Hospital on April 19, 2014, was released in mid-May but continues to have monthly follow-ups.
To help offset the family’s costs (transplants often exceed $500,000 and post-surgery medications cost thousands of dollars each month), the Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) and “Liam’s Heart Club” are hosting Heartfest 2014. The event kicks off with a family/fun walk/run at 9 a.m. Saturday morning at the PowerHouse Science Center. Later, an event featuring music, food, drink and a silent auction takes place from 5 - 8 p.m. at the PowerHouse.
Tickets for either/or event can be bought at Maria’s Bookshop, 960 Main Ave., by emailing liamsheartclub@yahoo.com or calling Eileen Maddox at 903-4796. Donations can be mailed to the Children’s Organ Transplant Association, 2501 West COTA Drive, Bloomington, IN, 47403.
At the same time a few hundred yards up the River Trail, the Durango AIDS Awareness family fun run/walk will also be hitting the pavement at Rotary Park. Available in 1.5k or 5k distances, the event will help fund HIV/AIDS community education. A remembrance ceremony and snacks will follow at Rotary Park and prizes will be awarded for most money raised and best costume.
In conjunction with the event, the AIDS Memorial Quilt will be on display at the Durango Public Library and a formal dinner/dance/silent auction will take place starting at 6 p.m. at the Henry Strater Theatre. To register go to www.4cglad.org.
And last but not least, the Colorado Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation will be hosting a 5k walk and family fun day starting at 10 a.m. at the Three Springs Plaza. The walk will be followed by live music from local singer, author and teacher Melanie Milburn, refreshments and activities.
Funds will go to help raise awareness and research funds for hydrocephalus. Found in about one in 500 births, hydrocephalus is a swelling of the brain caused by an accumulation of spinal and brain fluid.
The local event is being organized in part by Christina Brown, a local resident whose son, Jaden, 4, was born with hydrocephalus. Registration for the walk begins at Three Springs at 9 a.m. or walkers can register in advance at www.active.com/donate/phfwalkco2014.
59th annual Pancake Day, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m., La Plata County Fairgrounds. 247-5011.
Storytime, includes crafts, stories and activities for toddlers and preschoolers, 10 a.m., Pine River Library in Bayfield. 884-2222.
Here to Hear: Office Hour with Councilor Dick White, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., City Hall, 949 E. 2nd Ave.
Scrapbooking Group, 1 p.m., Ignacio Community Library.
Computer Basics: Saving and Finding Files, 1:30-3 p.m., Mancos Public Library. 533-7600.
Artist Reception for Mar Evers, part of the Community Artist Program, 4-5 p.m., art on display through Sept. 26, Pine River Valley Bank in Bayfield. 884-9583.
Embracing Diversity Initiative meets, 4-5:30 p.m., Durango High School. 259-1247.
“Switch Energy Project” screening, 5:30 p.m., documentary also shows 6:30 p.m., Sept. 19, Fort Lewis College Noble Hall, Room 130. www.fourcore.org or 259-1916.
Sue Keller performs, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle, 699 Main Ave. 375-7150.
Destination DRO – Airport Master Plan Open House, 5:30 p.m., Durango Rec Center.
Rob Webster performs, 6 p.m., 6512’ Restaurant and Lounge, 152 E. College Dr.
Drop-in Tennis, 6 p.m., Durango High tennis courts. 769-3772.
Evening Book Club, 6 p.m., Ignacio Community Library. 563-9287.
Jack Tallmadge performs, 6-10 p.m., The Holiday Inn, Highway 160 West. 385-6400.
Trivia Night, 6:30 p.m., Powerhouse Science Center, 1333 Camino del Rio. www.powsci.org.
Tim Guidotti performs, 6:30-10 p.m., Far View Lodge at Mesa Verde National Park.
“Yucca Mountain and the Problem of America’s Nuclear Waste,” part of the Life-Long Learning Lecture Series, 7 p.m., Fort Lewis College Noble Hall, Room 130. www.fortlewis.edu/professionalassociates.
Salsa Night, 7 p.m., Moe’s, 937 Main Ave. 259-9018.
Robin Davis performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
Durango Photography Club meets, 7-9 p.m., Holiday Inn & Suites Banquet Room, Highway 160W. www.durangophotographyclub.org.
Durango Earlybird Toastmasters meet, 7-8:30 a.m., Christina’s, Highway 160. www.earlybirdtoastmasters.org or 769-7615.
“Bake and Bulb Sale” to benefit Durango Botanical Society, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Pine River Valley Bank. 749-5642.
Pick-up basketball, noon - 2 p.m., Durango Recreation Center. 799-0173.
32nd Street Farm Stand, 3-6 p.m., 821 E. 32nd St.
Dave Duncan performs, 5 p.m., Mancos Valley Distillery.
“Every Stitch Tells a Story” opening reception, works by Deborah Gorton, 5-7 p.m., exhibit runs through Nov. 1, Friends of the Arts Library at Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave.
“Different Eyes” opening reception, collaborative exhibit runs through Oct. 18, 5-7 p.m., Barbara Conrad Gallery, Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave. 259-2606 or www.durangoarts.org.
Pura Vida Healthcare Grand Opening, featuring artwork by Brad Kachnowicz, 5-8 p.m., 160 E. 12th St. 426-1684.
Colorfest Gallery Walk, 5-9 p.m., downtown Durango. 247-9018.
Jeff Solon Jazz Trio performs, 5-9 p.m., Animas River Café, DoubleTree Hotel.
Sue Keller performs, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle, 699 Main Ave. 375-7150.
Carute Roma performs, benefit for Compañeros – Four Corners Immigrant Resource Center, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Rochester Hotel, 726 E. 2nd Ave. www.companeros.info.
Pete Giuliani performs, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Earthen Vessel Gallery, 115 W. 9th St.
Robbie Overfield performs, 6 p.m., 6512’ Restaurant and Lounge, 152 E. College Dr.
Tim Guidotti performs, 6-9 p.m., Fox Fire Farms in Ignacio. 563-4675.
“Switch Energy Project” screening, 6:30 p.m., Fort Lewis College Noble Hall, Room 130. www.fourcore.org or 259-1916.
Lee Bartley performs, part of St. Mark’s Recital Series, 7 p.m., St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 910 E. 3rd Ave. durangorecitals.com.
Mike Testa performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
Funked Up Fridays, Bent Rocket performs, 7 p.m., Moe’s, 937 Main Ave. 259-9018.
4th annual 10-Minute Play Festival, 7:30 p.m., event also runs 7:30 p.m., Sept. 20, and 2 p.m., Sept. 21, Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave. 259-2606 or www.durangoarts.tix.com.
Dave Luna performs, 8-11 p.m., Purgy’s at Durango Mountain Resort, Highway 550.
The Jelly Belly Boogie Band performs, 8:30 p.m., Billy Goat Saloon in Gem Village.
Ralph Dinosaur performs, 9 p.m., Irish Embassy, 900 Main Ave. 403-1200.
DJ Soul Atomic performs, 10 p.m., El Rancho Tavern.
Glacial Geology Field Seminar, 9 a.m., meet at the trailhead to Highland Mary Lakes near Silverton. 385-1288 or www.sjma.org.
Durango Farmers Market, 8 a.m. - noon, First National Bank parking lot, 259 W. 9th St.
Drop-in Tennis, 9 a.m., Durango High tennis courts. 769-3772.
17th annual Durango AIDS Awareness Benefit, fun run/walk, 9 a.m. - noon, Animas River Trail and Rotary Park; formal dinner, silent auction and dance, 7 p.m., Strater Hotel, 699 Main Ave. www.4cGLAD.org.
Trails 2000 Public Trailwork Day, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Log Chutes, meet at Log Chutes parking lot. www.trails2000.org.
Heartfest 2014, Children’s Organ Transplant Association fundraiser for Liam Maddox, family run/walk, 9 a.m., Animas River Trial; music and silent auction, 5-8 p.m., Powerhouse Science Center, 1333 Camino del Rio. www.cotaforliamm.com.
Farmers Market Eat Local Scavenger Hunt, 9-11 a.m., Farmers Market, First National Bank parking lot.
Annual Animas River Clean-Up, 9:30 a.m., meet at Santa Rita Park. 759-5877.
Durango Brew Train, 9:30 a.m., Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad station, 479 Main Ave. www.durangotrain.com.
Colorado Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation’s Walk & Family Fun Day 5K, 10 a.m., The Plaza, 175 Mercado St. www.active.com/donate/phfwalkco2014.
Natural History Workshop, 10 a.m. - noon, Durango Nature Center. 769-1800.
Autumn Arts Festival, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., festival also runs 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sept. 21, East 2nd Ave. 259-2606.
“Paperback Picnic” parent/child book club for grades 3-8, noon, Pine River Library in Bayfield. 884-2222 or prlibrary.org.
Shootout on the Hill golf tournament for Durango Area Youth Hockey, 12:30 p.m., Hillcrest Golf Club. durangohockey.com.
Ohana Kuleana Community Garden Open House & Pie Competition, 4-6 p.m., Ohana Kuleana Community Garden, 564 E. 30th St. www.thegardenprojectswcolorado.org.
Sue Keller performs, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle, 699 Main Ave. 375-7150.
Black Velvet performs, 6 p.m., 6512’ Restaurant and Lounge, 152 E. College Dr.
Jazz on the Hill, fundraiser featuring Joyce Lyons and the Jeff Solon Trio, 6 p.m., Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College. www.durangoconcerts.com.
The Pete Giuliani Band performs, 6-10 p.m., The Balcony Bar & Grill, 600 Main Ave.
Tim Guidotti performs, 6-10 p.m., Seven Rivers Steakhouse at Sky Ute Casino in Ignacio.
Tim Telep performs, 6:30-10 p.m., Far View Lodge at Mesa Verde National Park.
Greg Ryder performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
4th annual 10-Minute Play Festival, 7:30 p.m., event also runs 2 p.m., Sept. 21, Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave. 259-2606 or www.durangoarts.tix.com.
Joe McMurrian performs, 7:30 p.m., Historic Aztec Theater in Aztec, N.M. 505-427-6748.
DJ Battle, hosted by Tmunz, 8 p.m. - close, Moe’s, 937 Main Ave. 259-9018.
Trivia Night, 8 p.m., Bottom Shelf Brewery in Bayfield.
DJ Kaztro, 9 p.m., Pongas, 121 W. 8th St. 382-8554.
Wine and Rails Train, 9:30 a.m., meet at Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad Station, 479 Main Ave. www.durangotrain.com.
Autumn Arts Festival, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., East 2nd Ave. 259-2606.
32nd Street Farm Stand, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., 821 E. 32nd St.
Traditional Irish Music Jam, 12:30-4 p.m., Irish Embassy, 900 Main Ave. 403-1200.
4th annual 10-Minute Play Festival, 2 p.m., Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave. 259-2606 or www.durangoarts.tix.com.
FLC Faculty Collage Scholarship Recital, 3 p.m., Roshong Recital Hall at Fort Lewis College. www.fortlewis.edu/music.
Trumpet Geezers perform, part of the Music & Dinner series, 4-7 p.m., Wines of the San Juan in Turley, N.M. 505-632-0879.
Joel Racheff performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
Meditation and Satsang, 7 p.m., Smiley Building, 1309 E. 3rd Ave., Room 10. www.craigholliday.com.
Blue Moon Ramblers perform, 7 p.m., Diamond Belle, 699 Main Ave. 375-7150.
Jazz Church, 7-10 p.m., Derailed Pour House, 725 Main Ave.
“Jammin’ Juniors,” songs, stories and activities for babies and toddlers, 10-11 a.m., Pine River Library in Bayfield. 884-2222.
Mother's Wisdom Circle with Suzanne Arms, noon-1:30 p.m., Smiley Building, Room 12. 946-6994 or BirthingTheFuture.org.
Storytime for Kids, 3 p.m., Fort Lewis Mesa Branch Library. 588-3331.
Free Acupuncture for veterans and families, 3-5 p.m., 635 E. 5th Ave. 403-4150.
Terry Hartzel performs, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle, 699 Main Ave. 375-7150.
Chad MacCluskey performs, 6-9 p.m., Cyprus Café, 725 E. 2nd Ave. 385-6884.
Rob Webster performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
“Minecraft vs. Roblox,” program open to school-aged children up to fifth-graders, 3:30 p.m., Pine River Library in Bayfield. 884-2222.
Terry Hartzel performs, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle, 699 Main Ave. 375-7150.
Drop-in Tennis, 6 p.m., Durango High tennis courts. 769-3772.
Rotary Club of Durango meets, speakers from Fort Lewis College, 6 p.m., Strater Hotel, 699 Main Ave. 385-7899.
“Herstory: Meet Betty Pellet and Ann Bassett,” 6 p.m., Pine River Library, Bayfield. 884-2222.
Partnering Conventional & Holistic Medicine, 6 p.m., Durango Natural Foods, 575 E. 8th Ave. www.durangonaturalfoods.coop.
The Entrepreneur Lounge, 6-7:30 p.m., back room of the Himalayan Kitchen, 10th and Main.
Tim Sullivan performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
Tango Milonga, 7-9 p.m., Four Leaves Winery, 528 Main Ave. www.tangodurango.com.
Open Mic Night, 7 p.m. - close, Moe’s 937 Main Ave. 259-9018.
Otis Heat performs, 10 p.m., El Rancho Tavern.
Bird Walk, 8 a.m., meet at Rotary Park. 382-9396.
“Jammin’ Juniors,” songs, stories and activities for babies and toddlers, 10-11 a.m., Pine River Library in Bayfield. 884-2222.
Storytime for Kids, 3 p.m., Fort Lewis Mesa Branch Library. 588-3331.
32nd St. Farm Stand, 3-6 p.m., 821 E. 32nd St.
The Cannondolls performs, 4:30-7:30 p.m., Rochester Hotel, 726 E. 2nd Ave. www.rochesterhotel.com.
Terry Hartzel performs, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle, 699 Main Ave. 375-7150.
Group trail run, 6 p.m., meet at Pine Needle Mountaineering, 835 Main Ave. www.durangorunningclub.org or 206-856-1063.
Heartbeat Durango, support group for individuals affected by suicide, 6-8 p.m., Fire Station 1, 142 Sheppard Drive. 403-4103.
Tim Guidotti performs, 6:30-10 p.m., Far View Lodge at Mesa Verde National Park.
Joel Racheff performs, 7 p.m., The Office, 699 Main Ave.
Hot Rize Concert featuring Red Knuckles and The Trailblazers with special guest The Badly Bent, 7:30 p.m., Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College. www.durangoconcerts.com.
Pub Quiz Trivia, 8:30 p.m., Irish Embassy, 900 Main Ave. 403-1200.
Sacred Arts Festival submission deadlines: art - Sept. 19. Artists’ reception 5-7 p.m., Sept. 26; poetry reading and reception, 7 p.m., Sept. 27; concert and reception, 2 p.m., Sept. 28. Exhibit runs through October; St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 910 E. 3rd Ave. www.sacredartsfestival.com.
Aztec Does Art, through Sept. 19, Feat of Clay Gallery, Aztec, N.M. 505-334-4335.
AIDS Memorial Quilt, on display through Sept. 20, Durango Public Library.
Works by Peter Ladd Berriman, through Sept. 26, Pine River Valley Bank, 1701 Main Ave. 385-9583.
Works by Britt Gordon, show runs through Sept. 30, The Steaming Bean, 915 Main Ave. 385-7901.
Photography of Jimmy Williams, through Oct. 8, Open Shutter Gallery, 735 Main Ave.
“Cross Currents,” show runs through Oct. 7, Fort Lewis College Art Gallery. 247-7167 or www.fortlewis.edu/art/ArtGallery.
Call for Entries for Durango City Limits – A Juried Photography Competition, application deadline Oct. 15, Pine River Valley Bank. www.prvb.com or 403-8268.
“Exposure: International Juried Exhibit,” call to artists deadline Oct. 17, Open Shutter Gallery, 735 Main Ave. www.openshuttergallery.com.
“Behind the Scenes” Tours, 2 p.m., Thursdays thru Oct. 30, Anasazi Heritage Center in Dolores. 882-5600 or www.co.blm.gov/ahc.
“Beauty and Necessity: The Rio Grande Collection,” through Dec. 17, Center of Southwest Studies at Fort Lewis College.
Mark Montgomery’s “Junk in the Trunk” and Barbara Grist’s “Fluidity,” through Nov. 1, Olio Restaurant in Mancos. 533-1381.
Tryouts for the Durango Swim Club, 3:30-4:15 p.m., Monday-Thursday, Durango Rec Center. 779-8643 or Suzanneschieltz@hotmail.com.
Karaoke, 8 p.m., Thurs. – Sun., 8th Ave. Tavern, 509 E. 8th Ave.
Luke Sweeney performs, Sept. 25, Ska Brewing, 225 Girard St.
Stanton Englehart art reception, Michael Kunz performs, 5:30-7 p.m., Sept. 25, Ignacio Community Library. 563-9287.
17th annual Manhattan Short Film Festival, 4 and 6:30 p.m., Sept. 26, event also runs 1:30 and 4 p.m., Sept. 27, Animas City Theatre, 128 E. College Ave. www.durangofilm.org.
Durango Rustic Glamour Fashion Show, benefit for La Plata Family Centers Coalition, 6 p.m., Sept. 25, Henry Strater Theatre, 699 Main Ave.
Bayfield Heritage Days, Sept. 26, downtown Bayfield. www.bayfieldheritagedays.org.
Kathryn Shaffer on flute and Kristen Chen on piano, part of the 2014-15 Recital Series, 7 p.m., Sept. 26, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 419 San Juan Drive. 385-8668.
Get the LED Out: The American Led Zeppelin Concert, 7:30 p.m., Sept. 26, Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College. www.durangoconcerts.com.
New Moon Astro-Tour, 8 p.m., Sept. 26, Durango Nature Center. 769-1800.
Robby Overfield performs, 9 p.m., Sept. 26, Irish Embassy, 900 Main Ave. 403-1200.
Mancos Valley Balloon and Art Fest, Sept. 28, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Mancos. 533-7434 or www.mancosvalley.com.
Walk for Wilderness and Family Fun Fair, 9 a.m., fair begins, 10:30 a.m., Sept. 27, La Plata County Fairgrounds. 385-1310.
11th annual Oktoberfest, noon - 5:30 p.m., Sept. 27, noon - 4:30 p.m., Sept. 28, Transit Center parking lot, 250 W. 8th St. www.oktoberfestdurango.com.
Harvest Wine Festival, Hello Dollface and After Midnight perform, noon - 7 p.m., Sept. 27, Le Chat Lunatique and One Roof Blues perform, noon - 6 p.m., Sept. 28, Wines of the San Juan in Turley, N.M. 505-632-0879 or www.winesofthesanjuan.com.
Blue Lotus Feet Kirtan, 7-9 p.m., Sept. 27, Inhabit-A Center for Learning, Growth & Transformation, 1970 E. 3rd Ave.
“Playing for Change” featuring Hello Dollface, Delaney Davis and more, 8 p.m., Sept. 27, Henry Strater Theatre, 699 Main Ave.
Dave Mensch performs, 9 p.m., Sept. 27, Irish Embassy Pub, 900 Main Ave. 403-1200.
“Tour de Domes,” 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., Sept. 28.
Family Reading Circles, event runs through November, 5:30 p.m., Sept. 30, Ignacio Community Library. 563-9287.
Informal Tango Practice, 6-9 p.m., Sept. 30, Rotary Park Gazebo. www.tangodurango.com.
“The Art of Fermentation,” 6:30-8 p.m., Sept. 30, Manna Soup Kitchen Culinary Training building, 1100 Avenida del Sol. www.thegardenprojectswcolorado.org.
First Thursdays Art Walk, 5-7 p.m., Oct. 2, meet at Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave.
Commercial Hazardous Waste Collection Event, 2-5:30 p.m., Oct. 3, La Plata County Fairgrounds. 303-371-1100.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m., Oct. 4, La Plata County Fairgrounds. www.durangogov.org/householdrecycle.
San Juan Symphony performs, 7:30 p.m., Oct. 4, Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College. www.durangoconcerts.com or 247-7657.
Apple Days, Oct. 5, all day event, Buckley Park.
San Juan Symphony performs, 3 p.m., Oct. 4, Montezuma-Cortez High School in Cortez. 565-9127 or 565-4757.
DIY Condiments, 6 p.m., Oct. 7, Durango Natural Foods, 575 E. 8th Ave. www.durangonaturalfoods.coop.
Free Legal Self-Help Clinic, 2-5 p.m., Oct. 10, Ignacio Library. 563-9287.
Durango Double, trail and road half marathons, Oct. 11-12. Durangodouble.com.
Three Springs Fall Festival, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Oct. 25, Three Springs Plaza. 764-6000.