Jennifer, of Spa Evo, bless her heart. |
Diver: Jennifer, soft tissue sculptor and pale skin fighter at Spa Evo
Interesting Facts: For a Southern gal, “Bless their hearts” has as many applications as there are for the “F-word”
Dear Diver,
My husband just discovered how much money I am spending on the gym and threw a fit (about the price of a good pair of shoes every month). I tried to explain that it’s my own money and one cannot really put a price on fitness and the mental well-being it brings me, but he’s not buying it. How do I convince him this is at least a healthy habit that is worth a little piece of the family budget? And at least I’m not spending it on shoes!
– Gym Rat
Dear Gym Rat,
Well, bless his heart, but last time I checked, it is the 21st century. You might want to make a visit to the Methodist Thrift Store, buy the biggest polyester muumuu you can find, and spend a week on the couch drinking wine, eating Cheetos, and watching the “Real Housewives” marathon. A week of that should have him begging for his fabulous fit wife to come back, no matter the cost. In fact he may well decide to spring for your gym membership for the rest of the year.
– Wink wink, nudge nudge foolish hubby!
Dear Diver,
Now that the wild rumors over Purg’s new owners have been put to rest, there seems to be some disagreement among local ski bums. Some were hoping for a Vail buy-out (or other similar big conglomerate) and the assorted perks of new facilities and epic passes it would offer. Others think small is better to keep Purg’s small-town feel, short lift lines and ample freshies on powder days. Is the new deal a good thing or bad thing? And, most importantly, will Chair 8 ever get replaced?
– Dante
Dear Dante,
Aaahhh, the shoulder season … so hard for a ski bum. Bless your hearts. Since you have absolutely no control over any of the aforementioned items, and it is a month before said ski area opens, perhaps it is time to ponder more pressing world issues than ample freshies on powder days. Did you know that two thirds of the people in the world have never seen snow? What do you suppose they worry about? Discuss…
– Diver
Dear Diver,
My roommate’s boyfriend is a cop. Should I be worried about my marijuana use at home, even though it’s technically legal?
– Mary Jane
Dear Mary Jane,
First of all, let the Diver clarify. Marijuana use is fully legal in Colorado, not technically legal. So you don’t have to feel naughty about indulging. However, it does come down to good manners. If your parents came over, would you fire up the bong or offer them a shotgun? No, because you wouldn’t want to make them uncomfortable as a guest in your home. Bear that in mind when your roommate’s man comes for a visit. However, what you do behind closed doors is your business and unless that involves breaking up large bales for sale I think you will be OK as long as we continue to have a sensible Department of Justice that has wisely chosen to focus on more important law enforcement issues, bless their hearts.
– Diver Jane
In a sticky situation?
- 1309 E. Third Ave., Room 3 Durango, CO, 81301
- fax (970) 259-0488