Women’s business conference at FLC

Local businesswomen on the path to success have the chance to get some insider info at the fifth annual Women’s Small Business Conference next Thurs., July 24, at Fort Lewis College. Sponsored by the Colorado Small Business Development Center (CSBDC), the event features a full day of training, one-on-one consulting, keynote speakers, resources and networking.

Keynote speaker Roxane White, Gov. Hickenlooper’s chief of staff.

This conference is offered annually in Durango to help increase the sustainability and success of women-owned businesses throughout the region. The event strives to give female entrepreneurs new skills and insights in strategic planning, organizational processes, connectivity, marketing and more.

“The Women’s Small Business Development Conference in Durango has a different feel from other conferences. There is an atmosphere of excitement  – the women are excited to learn, to get expert advice and are literally sponges for the valuable information imparted in the break-out sessions,” Director  of the CSBDC Small Kelly Manning said.

This year’s keynote speaker is Roxane White, chief of staff to Gov. John Hickenlooper, who takes the lectern at 12:15 p.m. White will discuss how she learned to “lean-in” and successfully climb the ladder to become Hickenlooper’s “right-hand man.”

“We are excited to bring Roxane White to this side of the state,” said Manning. “She got a standing ovation last year at the Copper Mountain conference, so we asked her to speak again.”

White’s presentation, titled “Leaning In to Empowerment,” will cover how women can grow and advance their careers as employees or entrepreneurs. She also encourages women to take the leap of faith and move out of their comfort zones in order to grow.

In addition to White’s speech, there will be breakout sessions on everything from “How to be an Impact Entrepreneur” to “Team Building” and “Branding Yourself.” Several representatives from local financial and funding institutions as well as exhibitors will be on hand, as well.

The day will wrap up with a “Women’s Small business Panel” featuring Jessica Denison, of Chinook Medical, Karen Harbaugh, of Muscanell Millworks, and Sherri Tingey, of Alpaca Raft. The panel will be followed by a networking reception.

The conference costs $50 and scholarships are available. For more info, to register or a complete schedule of events, go to: www.coloradosbdc.org/events.

Alliance seeks water plan input

Rural residents are being asked to float their ideas on the forthcoming Colorado Water Plan. The Ditch & Reservoir Company Alliance, a nonprofit established in 2001 to serve ditch and reservoir companies and irrigation districts, is hosting four workshops across Colorado this month. The Alliance will be holding a workshop in Durango this Sat., July 19 from 8 a.m. - noon at the Florida Grange, 656 Hwy 172.

Gov. John Hickenlooper kicked off the Colorado Water Plan last year in an effort to deal with foreseen water shortages and limited water resources. The state-driven plan seeks to lay a roadmap for managing water supplies while adhering to environmental and wildlife concerns, over the next 30 years via public engagement.

Saturday’s workshops will include a presentation on the state water plan with a focus of soliciting input from ditch and reservoir companies and their farmer/rancher shareholders.

The Colorado Water Conservation Board is charged with developing the state water plan in conjunction with other state water agencies including the State Engineer’s Office, Water Quality Control Commission, Water Quality Control Division and the Division of Parks & Wildlife.

The plan will be broken down by river basin, with each basin forming a roundtable tasked with crafting its own Basin Implementation Plan. These plans will offer solutions to addressing the basin’s future water needs at the local level and be incorporated into the state’s overall plan.

A first draft of the Colorado Water Plan was released last spring  and a full draft is expected this fall with a final plan by next year. All state residents are encouraged to comment on the plan. For more information on the plan or to comment, go to www.coloradowaterplan.com.

For information on the workshop or to sign up, go to www.darca.org.

Missy Votel