Diver: Natambu Obleton, of FastTrack Communications
Interesting Facts: Moved to Durango in 1997. “Natambu” is Swahili for “Man of Destiny.”

Natambu, of FastTrack Communi-cations, redefines awesome.

Dear Diver,
Lately, I feel like I’ve been party to a lot of road rage. At first, I thought maybe it was just the other people, but then I had a horrible realization: what if it is me? I mean, what if I am one of those shitty drivers that makes everyone else angry and pissed off? Is there anyway to truly tell whether it’s them or me?
–  Driven Crazy

Dear Driven Crazy,
The best bumper sticker I have seen in a decade said, “Riding my butt will not make the person in front of me go any faster.” That best explains driving in Durango, just let them pass and get on with your day. Many of the people on the roads seem to be in such a hurry lately. Maybe they are late for work, late for school, or just in an hurry. In any case, I try to do my best to not get caught up in the mess. Sometimes we all find ourselves in the position of wanting someone to move faster or just get out of the way, but one hopes that cooler heads will prevail and soon everything will calm.
– Diver


Dear Diver,
How much is too much when sucking up to a boss? I’m really hoping to score some better shifts, maybe a little vacation time and hopefully a raise. But I don’t want to overdo it and make it to obvious. Because nobody likes a kissass – particularly coworkers. Brown-nosing could lead to a lot of lonely times around the water cooler or at the company picnic. Any way to butter up the boss without burning the office pool?
– Dilbert

Dear Dilbert,
I was raised to believe that to get more money you must provide more value. Just doing your job is good, but a great employee will find ways to improve the delivery of your product or service by thinking outside the box and being a team player. Some may look at offering to take on more responsibilities as sucking up, but I look at it as moving up. Providing your boss with the assurances that things getting done with less of their input will lead to more time for them to live their lives and more money in your pocket.
– Diver


Dear Diver,
My sister has become a complete hypochondriac. Every day it’s a new disease - so far this year, she’s had Epstein barr, mono, gluten intolerance and, most recently, lyme disease.  I’m sure at this rate, Durango’s first case of ebola can’t be far off. Needless to say, all of this “self-diagnosing” is done on the internet. How can I convince her that her biggest sickness is “google-itis?”
– Sicko’s Sister

Dear Sicko’s Sister,
Often people can get carried away on the internet. The amount of information on the internet is overwhelming. Remind her that before the internet people still lived normally and almost never went to the Doctor. Maybe there is a bigger issue here with her mental health. I mean you can’t feel good physically unless you are good mentally. I suggest planning a nice overnight hiking trip with her and use the time to discuss what is really going on with her. Hopefully she isn’t on the verge of factious disorders, but I am sure some nice quiet time together wouldn’t hurt either.
– Dr. Diver

In a sticky situation?

Seek help from the master of the In-Sinkerator. The diver has the solutions to life’s little messes. Send your problems to, “Ask the Diver:"
- 1309 E. Third Ave., Room 3 Durango, CO, 81301
- fax (970) 259-0488
- telegraph@durangotelegraph.com