Crystal Wolfchild puts the final touches on Sarah Rousseau-Fidanque’s look for the “La Femme” shoot./Photo by McCarson Jones

Going rogue

Photographer flirts with feminine fantasy in latest show

by Stew Mosberg      

Local photographer McCarson Jones, known for her intimate “boudoir” and what some may call “risqué” fare, is at it again.

A self-proclaimed Francophile, her latest exhibit, “La Femme,” features 16 mostly local women (one is from Phoenix) in what Jones calls an “erotic photography exhibit.” The collection displays their “expressions of love, flirtation, softness, sexuality, androgyny, dominance, stoic expression and simple elegance,” according to Jones. And if that didn’t get your attention, the women’s state of dress – or rather undress – will.

All the women in “Le Femme” are topless.

“Each demonstrates her own character; luring your eyes; enchanting your hearts, and helping you visualize your own moments of sexual being,” says Jones. And in a gesture of fairness, she has included her own self-portrait in the mix.


What: “La Femme,” erotic photography exhibit by McCarson Jones
Where: Red Scarf Studio, 862 Main Ave., #219
When: 6 -10 p.m., Thurs., Aug. 21

The inspiration for the show came from an image a friend had shown Jones. It was then that Jones put together a list of women she wanted to include in the series and invited them to be part of the project. “When I asked 4

the women to participate, they were aware of what the show would be like and that if they choose the mission, they would in fact be topless,” Jones said, adding that the response was positive. “Everyone was excited to step out of the norm, and also to work on something as a group.”

Prior to the “casting call” Jones says she took time to understand and consider what women represent. “Our strengths and weaknesses, our hopes and dreams, our sensuality, sexuality, eroticism and our way of being,” she says. 

The busy photo sessions were held last spring in Jones’ Red Scarf Shots Studio, on Main Avenue. On hand to assist were hair stylist Alayna Mathews, owner of Lemon Head Salon; make-up artist Crystal Wolfchild; and accessorizer Jane Collard-Gould.

Jones broke the women into three separate groups over a few days for shooting. To facilitate the process, one woman would have her make-up and hair done while another was being photographed. Jones also prepared story boards for each woman that suggested hairstyles, cosmetics and their personal attitude, so each could prepare themselves accordingly. The visuals also helped alert the styling team to what kind of look Jones was trying to achieve for each woman. 

Knowing the women on a personal level, Jones was confident she could get what she wanted from each of them. “I knew they would all bring their femme to the shoot, and that it would unfold as it did. Each woman embraced the fact that they were topless and it was accepted; no one judged the other and it was quite the playful environment; women supporting women and each encouraging the other.”

Rachael Perrault goes “Rogue.”/ Photo by McCarson Jones

Some may wonder how Jones convinced 16 women – who ranged in age from 26 to 45 – to disrobe knowing they would literally be exposed to a roomful of strangers, acquaintances and neighbors. Jones said she did her best to create a loving and romantic environment where the women felt free to express themselves however they chose.  

 “I selected props with the women in mind,” says Jones. “I really (wanted) women who could hold their own, I desired those who would have an experience from this shoot, I chose women who would love one another and have fun in the process, I desired women to be themselves and at the same time let go of everything!”

The women admit they are excited to see the final outcome and are comfortable with the “exposure” it will undoubtedly bring. Many of them agreed that the experience leading up to and including the photo session reflected on their mutual admiration of Jones and her ability to make them feel special and comfortable.

One model, Rubi Starr, described the experience as “empowering.” Most interviewed for the article admitted they were a bit uncertain when Jones first approached them with the idea. Rachel Perrault says she blushed at the idea of being topless and on public display. But she accepted the challenge “because it was Carson.” And in the end, she, too, rose to the occasion. “I was more confident than I expected I would be,” she says.

Most had never been exposed in such a public way, and as Amanda Fresh pointed out, Durango is a small town. “Some of us in business here had to consider public opinion,” she says.

Furthermore, there was a consensus among the ladies that there are mixed opinions in Durango about showing too much skin. When asked how they might feel if a stranger bought their portrait, Aisylin Lowe replied, “I might take offense if no one bought the images.” Conversely, Lowe admitted she was nervous, at first. “But Carson’s art is so tastefully executed it soon led to a comfort level,” she said.

But, as liberating as being photographed topless can be, model Leslie Carlson points out, “It’s just skin,” adding that each woman was given the option of how much to show. “Besides,” she says, “I’m from New Orleans, and baby, I flashed for beads!”

Two of the models talked about the enthusiasm shown by their significant others when told of the topless shoot. Comments such as “Cool!” and “That sounds awesome!” were mentioned. When asked if they would do it again, the women unequivocally agreed with a resounding, “Yes!”

“La Femme” is scheduled for one night only and the diminutive studio promises to be packed. Each 18-by-18-inch color image is available for purchase. Books and note cards of the imagery will also be for sale.