Going to the dogs
The dog days of summer are upon us; the forests are aflame and the temperature threaten to rise into the 90s as the river levels continue to drop below 500. The star Sirius, aka the dog star, is most visible during the hot summer months; ancient Romans used to sacrifice a brown dog in hopes of assuaging the heat of late summer. While I would do many things to escape the heavy hand of sweltering heat, happily for many a  Durango dog and owner, this practice is no longer in place. Especially in a dog town such as ours.
Common knowledge holds that there are cat people and there are dog people. This doesn’t exclude an individual from liking or owning both species, and I’m sure there is a separate category for horse people, ferret people, and even goldfish people (some people are even people people). But to grossly generalize, one is either a cat person or a dog person. I would argue that this categorical philosophy could extend beyond the individual and into the community. There are cat towns and there are dog towns.
Durango is the quintessential dog town; if Durango were a dog, she’d be a Labrador – too mainstream to be a mutt and lacking the ambitious drive of a herding dog, she’s a bit of a glutton for food, drink and fun. She loves all seasons and the sports that go with them: from skiing fresh powder to jumping into the river. She’s always up for a good time and making new friends.
Durango is more than a town full of people who like dogs. As a cousin of mine remarked – he’s was visiting from Chicago – everyone has a dog here. AND they take them everywhere! To which I replied: Of course we do! What else am I supposed to do with her, leave her at home?!  
Dogs are meant for adventure and companionship, so for all of the dog people living in a dog town, it goes without saying that your best buddy will be beside you as you drink a beer outside or with his head out the window of your car, waiting for the next run/hike/river fun. Here are a few suggestions for furry buddies and hairless owners as the dog days settle in.
- Dogball. For all of its athleticism, Durango often forgets about the more classic sports, substituting Ultimate Frisbee and ultra marathons for American classics like baseball. Without trying to sound like a Nike add, baseball and summer are perfect compliments. When it’s too hot to do more than drink water (or watery beer) find a green field , a bat, ball, and furry buddy. “Dogball” requires a minimum of two people and one dog (who must love tennis balls.) This is a variation of baseball with a pitcher, a batter, and the plucky dog/outfielder/catcher. Have your dog sit/stay facing the batter but far enough he or she won’t be in danger of the bat. Keep your eye on the ball and swing away. Don’t forget the water or the beer, it’s important for every team member to be well hydrated.

- Roadtrip. When the heat begins to make the Animas Valley feel more like New Mexico, you may feel the urge to pack up the car and head up – up north, up high, up out of the heat. Don’t leave your furry buddy behind! People have an inclination to leave their dogs at home when they go on vacation, but personal experience prompts me to suggest that the trip is more fun for both pup and person when dog is the copilot.  Let me quell some concerns: pit stops – they are important not just for relieving one’s self but also to stretch out the body from sitting in a car all day. Don’t be too focused on mileage, if your dog shouldn’t sit in the car all day, neither should you. Perhaps you will find a roadside trail, waterfall, town or world’s largest ball of twine that you would have otherwise passed if it weren’t for walking the dog. Also, you always control the music.
- Camping. Obviously – you will say – I always take my dog camping! My suggestion goes beyond the campground festivities and neighborhood of tents, fires and cases of beer that go along with car camping. What I mean is, go sleep outside. Don’t take anyone but your dog. Where’s the fun, you may ask? Well, this might not be the same kind of fun that you, that family from Texas with the ATVs, and every high school campout might be accustomed to, but it is liberating and empowering. There is solace in solitude, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t bring your dog.

– Maggie Casey