Skateboarding may well be one of the most intimidating sports ever. Starting ‘em off early, the Sista Sessions at the Durango Skate Park help girls build a platform in which to tackle challenging goals, not only presented in skating, but out there in the real world. Last Sunday, Heather Rietz and her young protegés got together for the final dryland sesh of the season, Halloween costumes and all. The sessions will resume this winter with a snowboarding version. The program is sponsored by the City of Durango and Inferno Snowboards.
- Lacy fairy wings and green monster head dresses take over the skate park.
- Mia Haskie checks off newly learned skills.
- Donning appropriate apparel is crucial for shredding in the concrete environment.
- High marking on the quarter-pipe.
- Madeline Lochte-Bono readies to drop in.
- Sista Sessions instructor Heather Rietz gives a helpful spot to Faith Worthy as she perfects her roll-in technique.