The Durango City Council upholding people’s rights not to inhale second-hand smoke with last week’s ban on smoking in public places, city sidewalks, parks or within 15 feet of entrances to bars or restaurants |
The U.S. Government taking a firm stance against BP, slapping the company with a $4.5 billion fine for the Deepwater Horizon spill and halting any new government contracts with the oil giant until it can show “business integrity” |
Some of Grover Norquist’s former anti-tax crusaders abandoning his “no new taxes” pledge and taking a more middle-of-the-road sapproach to the fiscal cliff
The continued search for Dylan Redwine turning up few answers in the boy’s mysterious disappearance last week |
The U.N. Climate Council’s declaration this week that Superstorm Sandy, and other extreme weather events including the drought gripping much of the U.S., are not a coincidence, but the new face of global climate change
More boring weather forecasts, dominated by high pressure, mild temps and blue skies |