The legislative puppet masters
To the editor,
Coloradoans should be outraged!
Check out the documentary, “Bill Moyers: The United States of ALEC” and the website:
Corporations have figured out a sneaky way for political action aimed to increase corporate profits at public expense through the mysterious actions of ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council). Why bother with the federal Legislature when state Legislatures can be bought and sold more easily with huge implications for citizens without their knowledge or input.
To the editor,
Coloradoans should be outraged!
Check out the documentary, “Bill Moyers: The United States of ALEC” and the website:
Corporations have figured out a sneaky way for political action aimed to increase corporate profits at public expense through the mysterious actions of ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council). Why bother with the federal Legislature when state Legislatures can be bought and sold more easily with huge implications for citizens without their knowledge or input.
In Colorado, the role of ALEC in ghostwriting legislation is fairly mysterious. ALEC’s presence in Colorado is well established. Key members of the State House and Senate Republicans’ leadership work as State Chairs (Bill Cadman, B.J. Mikkel) of ALEC and our own representative, J. Paul Brown, proudly disclosed in his Durango Herald Christmas letter (12/13/11), “I recently attended my first meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council.” Of course, legislators should listen to different groups (but not behind closed doors). To be proud of the fact and to lack the integrity to represent the true interests of Colorado’s constituents is undemocratic.
Colorado voters are notably absent at the ALEC meetings. ALEC’s bills and tactics are so inhospitable that 35 of ALEC’s brand-name corporate funders have withdrawn their names and big money this year. By aligning himself with ALEC, J. Paul Brown is turning his back on democracy, Colorado constituents and transparency.
This is unacceptable. Scott Tipton is an alumni of ALEC and kept his membership secret.
– Cyndi Ortman, Durango
BID wants to hear from merchants
To the editor,
As the Board of Directors of the Durango Business Improvement District (BID), we want to assure everyone that we continually strive to maintain an open and continuing dialogue with our constituents to help sustain the economic vibrancy of downtown. Perspectives and opinions may vary (as seen in the Durango Herald, “Are street parties impeding profit?” Oct. 20, 2012), but we believe we all have the same goal: a successful downtown. We welcome constructive dialogue on different ways to achieve this.
To the editor,
As the Board of Directors of the Durango Business Improvement District (BID), we want to assure everyone that we continually strive to maintain an open and continuing dialogue with our constituents to help sustain the economic vibrancy of downtown. Perspectives and opinions may vary (as seen in the Durango Herald, “Are street parties impeding profit?” Oct. 20, 2012), but we believe we all have the same goal: a successful downtown. We welcome constructive dialogue on different ways to achieve this.
The BID rarely sponsors events, but we do support marketing some that add to our community. Many are proven to provide economic benefit. We understand that some events that require street closure can hurt retail sales. We thus suggest the city analyze times, duration and locations of those events requiring street closure and work with coordinators on suitable solutions. From the BID perspective, although Bob Kunkel is no longer executive director, the BID Board and staff will continue to reach out to the city and work closely with Bob in his new capacity as the City’s special events and business coordinator. We also encourage merchants to continue the current dialogue.
To learn more about what our constituents want, the BID is currently conducting a merchant survey. We encourage all business owners and employees of businesses in the BID to visit and download the survey. We want to hear your opinions and ideas.
As some may know, we have narrowed our search for a new BID executive director to several very qualified candidates. We expect to announce our new executive director in the not too distant future.
– BID Board of Directors, Bob Allen, Karen Barger, Rod Barker, John Wells and Tim Wheeler
Let them eat Twinkies
(The following is the body of a letter sent to Steve Green, president of Hobby Lobby.)
Dear Mr. Green,
Long before birth control was a gleam in insurance companies’ eyes, insurance companies covered Viagra for men. Apparently, no one has any religious problem with financially contributing to covering men’s access to sexual lust through their insurance plans. The citizens of America have depended on Constitutional rights, Plan B’s and free markets to survive. This is what you specifically are paying money to lawyers to deny to women, claiming that your religion trumps our Constitution to determine and manipulate markets in health care for women. No one forces you to use birth control.
(The following is the body of a letter sent to Steve Green, president of Hobby Lobby.)
Dear Mr. Green,
Long before birth control was a gleam in insurance companies’ eyes, insurance companies covered Viagra for men. Apparently, no one has any religious problem with financially contributing to covering men’s access to sexual lust through their insurance plans. The citizens of America have depended on Constitutional rights, Plan B’s and free markets to survive. This is what you specifically are paying money to lawyers to deny to women, claiming that your religion trumps our Constitution to determine and manipulate markets in health care for women. No one forces you to use birth control.
Many of us cannot help but notice that too many “hands of God” are all over what goes into a woman’s body and what comes out. Yet when it comes to feeding a child, those same “hands of God” vanish like fleeing horses. The USA currently counts one in five children living in food insecurity and hunger. It does not behoove this country or your company to starve children into submission to political and corporate domination.
Do you think that people do not notice that your business thrives on low-wage labor selling products made by even lower-wage labor elsewhere? Do you think we do not notice that corporations and politicians “home grow” a tractable cheap labor force by denying women reproductive health care, making it illegal, unaffordable and inaccessible, funneling poor women to bear children that nobody can or will feed, and then cutting nutrition programs? Let them eat Twinkies? We see that this results in malnourished children, who one day must face looking for a job in corporate America with its phalanxes of lawyers, accountants and corporate lobbyists. We understand that your claim of the divine right to control women’s fertility is to benefit your bottom line. This is social engineering at its worst, and even more, is unconstitutional by law. Our country desperately needs relief from your divine rights to betray our Constitution to benefit your own power.
I will never step foot in one of your stores again and will never buy another product from your company that not only hypocritically treats life with so little respect, but betrays our Constitution and country as well, as you send money to lawyers to deny women equality, instead of sending money to feed desperate children.
– Ann T. Johnson, Durango
Join Colorado’s GMO-labeling team
To the editor,
As I write this, Proposition 37 hangs in the balance in California, the first GMO-labeling initiative to be voted on in many years – the first of many, I hope. Whether it succumbs to the $50 million pro-GMO/chemical industry like the tobacco initiative did there this summer is anyone’s guess. More than 90 percent of Americans of all parties favor GMO labeling, but the big food and chemical companies don’t want to cooperate.
To the editor,
As I write this, Proposition 37 hangs in the balance in California, the first GMO-labeling initiative to be voted on in many years – the first of many, I hope. Whether it succumbs to the $50 million pro-GMO/chemical industry like the tobacco initiative did there this summer is anyone’s guess. More than 90 percent of Americans of all parties favor GMO labeling, but the big food and chemical companies don’t want to cooperate.
There is already a multi-state coalition for GMO labeling starting up nationwide, and we hope to have all states represented. I am in charge of our great state and want and need the people in this area to please contact me so you can contribute your great talents. I will need a lot of help so we can get this done, either by petition or legislatively in two years. Please call me at 375-1262 or email Thanks in advance for being part of my team!
– Julie C. Meadows, Durango