The official opening this week of the “Mall Corner” of the Animas River Trail, making for 7 miles of continuous trail from 29th Street to the Rivera Bridge, behind Home Depot |
The U.S. Postal Service’s recent decision not to shutter some 3,700 post offices, mostly in rural parts of the country, opting instead to shorten hours and tighten the belt elsewhere |
NATO signing off this week on a U.S. exit plan from Afghanistan that calls for troops leaving by the end of 2014
The recent rash of tragic accidents on area roadways over the last few weeks, with five people killed and the possibility that alcohol played a role in some of those deaths |
The apparent trend at local middle schools of scrawling bomb threats on
bathroom walls
More ominous warnings this week that the Eurozone could fall into a deeper recession, dragging the re-emerging global economy down with it |