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Local authors gang up to give back at Maria’s



“The Zero Waste Home” series conclusion, 10-11 a.m., Durango Public Library.

First Thursdays Art Walk, 5-8 p.m., meet at Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave.

Free Acupuncture Clinic for veterans and families, 6-8 p.m., Durango VFW, 1550 Main Ave. 403-4150.

Bingo, 6:30 p.m., Durango Elks Lodge.

JP Duo performs, 6:30 p.m. - close, Jean Pierre Bakery, 601 Main Ave.

Photo exhibit opening reception, featuring Brian Brown and Nancy Richmond, 7 p.m., show runs through Jan. 13, Eno, 723 E. 2nd Ave.

FLC Brass and String Ensembles Recital, 7 p.m., Roshong Recital Hall at Fort Lewis College.

Bar D Wranglers Christmas Concert, 7 p.m., The River Church, 860 Plymouth Drive. 247-7777.

Terry Rickard performs, 7-11 p.m., Derailed Saloon, 725 Main Ave.

Salsa Night with DJ Caliente, 8 p.m. - close, Moe’s, 937 Main Ave. 259-9018.

Andrew Sickler performs, 8:30-11 p.m., Applebee’s, 800 Camino del Rio.

DJ P.A., 9 p.m. - 1 a.m., Angel’s End Zone, Cortez.

Sweetwater String Band performs, 9 p.m., The Summit, 600 Main Ave.


38th annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Festival, noon - 5 p.m., also runs Dec. 8, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Dec. 9, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., La Plata County Fairgrounds. 247-2117.

Community Connections’ Festival of Trees, 1-7 p.m., event also runs Dec. 8-9, Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad Museum, 479 Main Ave. 259-2464.

Fill Your Bowl for Art fund-raiser, 4-8 p.m., Dancing Spirit Community Arts Center in Ignacio. 563-4600.

Old Fashioned Christmas Bazaar, 5-7 p.m., Animas Museum, 3065 W. 2nd Ave. 259-2402.

Opening reception for “Elsewhere,” featuring works by Kamil Vojnar, 5-8 p.m., Open Shutter Gallery, 735 Main Ave. 382-8355 or

Pub Science, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Discovery Museum, 1333 Camino del Rio.

Art, Herbs & Gadgets Holiday Party, immediately after the Christmas Tree Lighting, downtown Mancos. 533-9926.

The Giving Back Gang Holiday Party, 6-8 p.m., Maria’s Bookshop, 960 Main Ave.

Chuck Blaser performs, 6-9 p.m., Four Leaves Winery, 528 Main Ave. 403-8182.

Parents Night Out for ages 5-12, sponsored by Durango Gymnastics Academy, 6-9 p.m., Mason Center.

JP Duo performs, 6:30 p.m. to close, Jean Pierre Bakery, 601 Main Ave.

FLC Music Department Holiday Bash, 7 p.m., Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College.

“A Christmas Carol,” Fridays and Saturdays, Dec. 7-16, 7 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m. Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave. or 259-2606.

Rob Webster performs, 8 p.m., Billy Goat Saloon in Gem Village.

Robbie Overfield performs, 8 p.m., Derailed Saloon, 725 Main Ave.

Healing of the Nations Reggae Celebration with DJ CodeStar & Doug E. Fresh on congas, 8 p.m. - midnight, UniTEA House, 666 College Drive.

“Watch This! Takeover” with Two Fresh, presented by Bump the System, 9 p.m., The Summit, 600 Main Ave.

Luckyiam performs, 9 p.m. - close, Moe’s, 937 Main Ave. 259-9018.

DJ CK, 9 p.m. - close, Pongas, 121 W. 8th St. 382-8554.


Old Fashioned Christmas Bazaar, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Animas Museum, 3065 W. 2nd Ave. 259-2402.

38th annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Festival, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Dec. 9, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. La Plata County Fairgrounds. 247-2117.

2012 Stan’s NoTubes Four Corners Cyclocross Series, 10 a.m., Tiger Sports Complex in Aztec.

Holiday Arts and Crafts Show, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Dolores River Brewery, 562-4494.

The Metropolitan Opera Presents: “Un Ballo in Maschera,” 10:55 a.m., Student Union Vallecito Room.

Fatbike & Ugly Sweater Rally to Benefit Durango Food Bank, 1 p.m., Velorution Cycles, 1077 Main Ave. 259-1975 or

Community Connections’ Festival of Trees, 1-7 p.m., event also runs Dec. 8, Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad Museum, 479 Main Ave. 259-2464.

Bachelor Auction, a fund-raiser for Project Merry Christmas, 5-8 p.m., Wild Horse Saloon, 601 E. 2nd Ave. 247-2944.

JP Duo performs, 6:30 p.m. - close, Jean Pierre Bakery, 601 Main Ave.

“A Christmas Carol,” Fridays and Saturdays, Dec. 7-16, 7 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m., Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave. or 259-2606.

Caitlin Cannon and the Artillery perform, 7-9 p.m., Durango Brewing Co., 3000 Main Ave.

Traditional Ceili, 7-10 p.m., Irish Embassy, 900 Main Ave. 403-1200 or

Dave Mensch performs, 8 p.m., Derailed Saloon, 725 Main Ave.

Sonar performs, 9 p.m. - close, Moe’s, 937 Main Ave. 259-9018.

DJ CK, 9 p.m. - close, Pongas, 121 W. 8th St. 382-8554.


2012 Stan’s NoTubes Four Corners Cyclocross Series, 10 a.m., Tiger Sports Complex in Aztec.

Open Recruitment for the Durango Roller Girls, 10 a.m. - noon, National Guard Armory, 283 Girard Street. 769-2441.

38th annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Festival, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., La Plata County Fairgrounds. 247-2117.

Irish music jam, 12:30-4 p.m., Irish Embassy, 900 Main Ave. 403-1200 or

Community vegan/vegetarian meal, 1 p.m., Riverfront/Iris Park.

Gospel Brunch with Jack Tallmadge, 1-3 p.m., and Blue Moon Ramblers, 7 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.

Community Connections’ Festival of Trees, 1-6 p.m., Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad Museum, 479 Main Ave. 259-2464.

“A Traditional Family Christmas” concert, 3 p.m., Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College. 247-7657 or

“A Christmas Carol,” Fridays and Saturdays, Dec. 7-16, 7 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m. Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave. or 259-2606.

Mark Simons performs, 4:30-6 p.m., Cosmo, 919 Main Ave. 259-2898.

Argentine Tango practice, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Smiley Building, Studio 10, 1309 E. 3rd Ave. or 769-5519.

Jazz Church jam session, 6-9 p.m., Musica del Mundo, 9 p.m. - close, Moe’s, 937 Main Ave. 259-9018.


Mark Simons performs, 4:30-6 p.m., Cosmo, 919 Main Ave. 259-2898.

Doing your own divorce and/or custody, 6 p.m., Durango Public Library. 247-0266.

Meditation/Satsang with Craig Holliday, 7:15-8:45 p.m., Smiley Building, Studio 10, 1309 E. 3rd Ave.

Monday Night Dance Party, 7:30-9 p.m., Durango Rec Center. 903-9402.


Durango Montessori’s Holiday Craft and Music Bazaar, 5-7 p.m., Smiley Building lobby, 1309 E. 3rd Ave. 769-3590.

“Blue Christmas” service, for those mourning a loss, 5:30 p.m., Mercy Chapel at Mercy Regional Medical Center. 764-2340.

Open mic night, 8 p.m. - close, Moe’s 937 Main Ave. 259-9018.

Open mic/jam session, 8 p.m. - 1 a.m., The Summit, 600 Main Ave.

Beer bingo, 9-11 p.m., Lady Falconburgh’s, 640 Main Ave.


Chess Night, 5 p.m., Ignacio Community Library.

Joel Racheff performs, 6 p.m., Derailed Saloon, 725 Main Ave.

Durango Chess Club, 6:30 p.m., Durango Joe’s, 732 E. College.

Durango Fencing Club, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Durango Sports Club, 1600 Florida Road. 759-1883.

Ping pong and poker tournaments, 7:30 p.m. - close, Moe’s, 937 Main Ave.

Pub Quiz, 9 p.m. - close, The Irish Embassy


Families Helping Families Holiday Book Drive,” runs through Dec. 17, Maria’s Bookshop, 960 Main Ave. or 247-1438.

“Operation: Stuff Your Bags,” Dec. 17, continues through Dec. 23, Lavenia McCoy Public Library in Bayfield. 884-2222.

Winter Solstice Artisans’ Market, through Dec. 24, Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave.

“About Light,” paintings by Caroline Reeves Johnson and Cynthia DeBolt and ceramics by Ann Friedman, shows through Dec. 24, Durango Arts Center.

“Portraits of Men” exhibit runs through December, Durango Arts Center Art Library, 802 E. 2nd Ave.

Durango Photography Club featuring the works of Sonya Johnson, Yvonne Lashmett and MaryAnne Nelson. Show runs through Jan. 3. Rochester Hotel, 726 E. 2nd Ave.

“Ancient Skywatchers of the Southwest,” Anasazi Heritage Center, Dolores, on display through April 27, 2013.

Karaoke, 8 p.m., Thurs. – Sun., 8th Ave. Tavern, 509 E. 8th Ave.


Animas High School’s Mock Trial, Dec. 13, 8:15 a.m. - 12:45 p.m., La Plata County Courthouse, 1060 E. 2nd Ave.

Parents’ Night Out/Kids’ Night In, Dec. 14, 5-9 p.m., Durango Discovery Museum, 1333 Camino del Rio. 259-9234 or

“Nutcracker,” featuring the State Street Ballet of Santa Barbara, Dec. 14-16, 2 and 7 p.m., Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College. or 247-7468.

Morning with Santa, Dec. 15, 9-11 a.m., Henry Strater Theatre, 699 Main Ave. 375-7124 or

Fall Commencement, Dec. 15, 10 a.m., Whalen Gym at Fort Lewis College.

Winter Discovery Walk for Families, Dec. 15, 10 a.m. - noon, Boggy Draw near Dolores. 759-1170 or

Holiday Farmer’s Market, Dec. 15, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., La Plata County Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall.

The Metropolitan Opera presents: “Aida,” Dec. 15, 10:55 a.m., Student Union Vallecito Room at Fort Lewis College.

“Feliz Navidad New Mexico” open house, Dec. 15-16, noon - 6 p.m., Wines of the San Juan in Blanco, N.M. 505-632-0879.

Soul River Duo, Pete Neds and Yvonne Varis, Dec. 19, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Christina’s Restaurant, Highway 160. 382-3844.

Solstice Festival: Bringing Back the Light, Dec. 21, 5-8 p.m., Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave.

Local authors gang up to give back at Maria’s
What: The Giving Back Gang Holiday Party
Where: Maria’s Bookshop
When: Fri., Dec. 7 at 7 p.m.
The gang’s ready to give back for “The Giving Back Gang Holiday Party” from 6-8 p.m., Fri., Dec. 7, at Maria’s Bookshop, 960 Main Ave.

This special holiday event celebrates local authors supporting nonprofits through the sales of their books. Eighteen authors have each selected a nonprofit organization in the area and are donating a share of the proceeds from the sale of their books at the shop until Dec. 7.

Some of the organizations include Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Animas Museum, Childhaven, San Juan Citizens Alliance, the Humane Society, Center for Southwest Studies, Annie’s Orphans, Durango Nature Studies and Alternative Horizons.

The party is a way to showcase these organizations and the authors supporting them. Attendees get the chance to meet the writers, talk to them about their work, learn more about the nonprofits, enjoy holiday cookies and get great gift ideas for everyone on their shopping lists.

For more information about the event, visit or call 247-1438.

California bluegrass stops off at The Summit
What: Sweetwater String Band
Where: The Summit
When: Thurs., Dec. 6 at 9 p.m.
Boot-stomping bluegrass comes to Durango when the Sweetwater String Band performs at 9 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 6, at The Summit, 600 Main Ave.
The band, which hails form Mammoth Lakes, Calif., describes its music as “hard-driving, original and traditional mountain music” taking cues from rock n’ roll, punk, blues, folk, and classical music. With sounds similar to such local favorites as the Del McCoury Band, Yonder Mountain String Band and Greensky Bluegrass, Sweetwater’s four members make up the musical mix, with Dave Huebner on cello, Jeff Meadway on guitar, Scott Roberts on mandolin and Patrick Ferguson on bass.

The performance includes songs from the band’s self-titled debut album, giving local audiences a chance to get a sneak preview ahead of Sweetwater’s upcoming tour of the Southwest.

There’s no cover for the performance. For additional information, visit or call 247-2324.”