Business Park a conflict of interest
To the editor,
Wait a minute: this smells like back room collusion to me. Here is County Commissioner Bobby Lieb sitting on the dias making decisions about his father’s substantial business interests in developing the Airport Business Park. These are not small decisions either; millions of dollars are at stake, and we are to believe Lieb Jr. has no conflict of interest in the outcome? Oh and btw, Lieb Jr. worked for the developers and was the official promoter for the project before being elected county commissioner.

Beside him sits Kellie Hotter, who was appointed to Bob Lieb Sr.’s seat when he resigned. He apparently liked her as his replacement because he acted as treasurer for her re-election campaign and personally contributed $5,000. No conflict of interest?

How gullible do they think we are? How can either of these commissioners represent the best interests of the community when they have such conflicts? The design, location and building of another business park is hugely important for the entire community but it looks to me like the profit motive of the developer will be the most important consideration for Lieb and Hotter.

On second thought, smells rotten, very rotten.

– Jan Sallinger Masse, Bayfield

Happy trails, Bob Rule
To the editor,
Before Bob Rule’s San Juan Snow Cat operation, we powder hounds could just look longingly from the top of Chair 8 at Purgatory at the chutes on Grey Rock and the old logging cuts far to the west toward Hotel Draw and wonder how great it would be to ski those powder shots. Then, along came Bob Rule, a guy just like us who wanted to ski these shots also. He took the initiative to acquire the equipment, the staff and the permitting to open a snow cat company. He set up a web page and the skiers came. He offered punch card and last-minute discounts. It worked!

We got to ski Grey Rock and points west. In fact, we got to ski 35,000 acres! The guides wer accommodating and competent. The jokes flew back and forth inside the cat as we rode back to the top. The powder lines were endless run after run, season after season. The operation gained national exposure, and Bob overcame huge expenses to keep the business afloat. The only thing that couldn’t be fixed was Bob. He started breaking down … hips, feet and now his knee. Not able to be fixed anymore, Bob decided to sell the concern.  To Bob, we powder hounds say, “THANK YOU!”

You stuck your neck out for us. You abused your body for us. You went through lean years for us. We say thank you again for all you have done for us. Sure, you begrudgingly admitted having some good (great) shots through those years, but that’s you … never one to gush about a run, but deep down we all knew you were having as much fun as all of us or even more. Now its time for you and your family to move on. We will never forget what you did for us over these years in finding and accessing great powder shots storm after storm.  Thanks again, Bob.

– Happy trails, Jerry Weis, Durango

‘Steers and Queers’ help Tami
To the greater community of “FourCornia,”

It is with deep gratitude that I wish to thank all of you who helped make my benefit on March 24 at the Mancos Opera House a resounding success! I was hesitant to add up my medical bills prior to the benefit, as I didn’t want to stress about it and trusted that we would raise enough to make at least a serious dent, if not fully cover my bills related to my recent adventure with stage one uterine cancer.  The night after the benefit, my partner and I  did count up what I owed, which was just under $14,000. I’m happy to report that between the benefit and numerous donations sent directly to me, just enough money was raised to cover ALL of my expenses! The universe does indeed provide!

A special thank you to all the performers;  donors of silent auction items (more than 80 items); numerous restaurants and establishments that donated food, beer and wine; the Durango Telegraph for donating an ad; Basin Printing for donating the printing; the Mancos VFW Post 5231 for donating the use of the Opera House; Art Goodtimes and Clara Martinez for emcee-ing; and a very, very big thank you to Ryan Dennis of Nightwolf Security, who inspired the idea for a fund-raiser and pulled the little pieces into a big picture!

Speaking of volunteers, more than 40 people helped throughout the evening at the door, selling, beer, wine, appetizers, etc. – thank you!!  I have been truly blessed to be able to give and receive in so many ways over the past 25-plus years in Durango and Mancos! May our community continue to support those in need and celebrate the abundance that we truly have created together!

– Blessed be, Tami Graham

Stacy’s Doop
Used to be quick
Heart pumping
Wheel bouncing
Face splattering
G-force generating

What happened to the roller coaster ride?

What we need are some banks
Some speed generators
A pump

A ride for the spring
Needs a little more spring
Come on team …
Let’s get our hands dirty
And bank out Stacy’s Dream

–Wheelin’ for Change, Matt Kottenstette

Right to Repair Act helps families
To the Editor:
The American Military Society (AMS) urges Congress to pass the Motor Vehicle Owners’ Right to Repair Act (HR 1449) on behalf of its membership, which includes active, reserve, National Guard, retired and veterans of the uniformed services, their families and survivors.

Right to Repair levels the competitive playing field for motoring consumers and between new car dealerships and independent repair shops by requiring that car companies provide full, fair access at a reasonable cost to all nonproprietary service information, tools and safety-related bulletins needed to repair today’s high-tech motor vehicles.

When local repair shops are denied access to nonproprietary repair information from the car companies, competition is limited. All consumers benefit from competition, but those serving our country and their families at home derive particular benefit from being able to obtain affordable, effective and convenient repairs for their vehicles.

As cars become more complicated with more computer systems, the problem becomes more acute. Military personnel and their families are often stationed in remote locations far from any dealerships, relying on independent repair shops to service their vehicles. Most do not have the time to find the nearest dealership, drive all the way there and wait for their sole source of transportation to be repaired. If critical repairs go unperformed, then safety may be compromised.

The American Military Society encourages all service members, their families and all Americans to visit to send a letter to their senators and representatives, urging them to support this legislation.

– Sincerely, Co. (Ret.) Charles C. Partridge, American Military Society, via e-mail