|  | The Telegraph accepts classified advertising anytime prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain 40 cents per word. Ads can be submitted via email), fax (970-259-0448) or in person (1309 E. Third Ave. - #25, Durango). Prepayment is requested on all classifieds. | Summer Work – Great Pay Immediate openings. FT/PT, customer sales/service, no exp. nec., conditions apply, all ages 17 & older, Call now: 970-385 -1552. The 40th Iron Horse Bicycle Classic needs volunteers to make this exciting event go round and round and round!! We love our volunteers so much we give you a t-shirt, goodie bag, feed you and throw you a party!! So … contact: volunteer@ironhorsebicycleclassic.com or Call Jess at 749-2567 to sign up.
Part-Time Work Good pay, start after finals, customer sales/svc, no exp nec, conditions apply, all ages 17+, Call today: 970-385-1552. To whomever ‘borrowed’ my bike for the last two weeks If you want you lock back, call to claim it: 385-2900. Want to Expand Your Consciousness “When the student is ready, the Master appears.” For your free copy of “Soul’s Divine Journey” please visit www.masterpath.org
Healing Endometriosis Naturally Join Julie Gwyther, L.Ac. on Wed., May 25, 6-7 p.m. at the Red Tent. Investment is $10. Register online at www.redtentwellness.com or call 422-8026.
Mountain or Road Bike Fundamentals with Elke Brutsaert. Learn how to ride singletrack safely. Try a private or small group lesson with your friends. Customized to your ability, all ages welcome. Effective teaching progression with compassionate approach. Offering small group and private sessions. Build skills and overcome fear in a safe and progressive environment. One time sessions, or cumulative series are available. Flexible times, dates and duration. Beginner road clinics also available. elkebrutsaert@gmail.com, 970-749-2946. Chimney Rock Farm CSA: Chimney Rock Farm Family Produce Plan (local CSA) now available. USDA Certified Organic fruit, vegetables and herbs. Limited to 300 shares. $450 for 17 weeks. Call for information: 970-731-6278, or email: crfarm@centurylink.net.
Herb walk! Explore and learn about the local plants in southwestern Colorado with herbalist Deb Buck. Plant identification, plants as medicine, building plant relationships and medicine making. June 4, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. $40/$35 before May 31. Email or call to register. whitefeather7777@gmail.com / (970) 946-7223.
Cat Foster Family Needed Immediately 2 eight-year-old female cats, very sweet, all shots, need foster home while owner recovers from major accident. All food and supplies provided for foster stay, just need a loving home. 385-7522. Bicycle trainers wanted The Iron Horse Bicycle Classic is looking for rear-wheel mount style bicycle trainers for a community visual and performance art installation during the IHBC weekend. Loaned is sweet; donated is sweeter. Drop off in front of the Blue House next to Durango Cyclery. Need by May 20. Bread Shares available with your CRF Family Produce Plan subscription. Hand-made, home cooked, fresh bread delivered weekly with your veggie box. Call for information: 970-731-6278 or email: crfarm@centurylink.net.
Kids Energy Awareness & Yoga Ages 6-16. Summer Session begins 5/31- 6/2. Erika 749-1926. www.energyawarekids.com.
Attention Athletes Increase stamina, power output and endurance. Decrease recovery time and push back ventialatory threshold. Not a vitamin or energy drink. www.mdurbano.teamasea.com. 403-3081.
Massage Program Living Soil, a nonprofit created by Amaya, Turtle Lake and Shizendo Oriental Medicine, offers an 800-hour certification program in Holistic Bodywork and Nutrition starting this September. Call 769-8389 or visit www.livingsoildurango.org. Free used fryer oil Trans-fat free. Pick up behind Steamworks, steady supply, first come first serve. Christopher Marona, Nationally acclaimed photographer, & Over the Hill Outfitters have teamed up for a unique Wilderness Photography Workshop in the Weminuche, July 18-22, 2011. MaronaPhoto.com (970) 247-2415. OverTheHillOutfitters.com/chrismarona.htm (970) 385-7656. Join Craig Cameron, RFDTV’s Cowboy Clinician & Over the Hill Outfitters for a Backcountry Horsemanship Clinic in the Weminuche, June 27-July 1, 2011. OverTheHill Outfitters.com/craigcameron.htm (970) 385-7656. Puppy Party Dogs 8wks-1 yr old. Play outside at the Durango Rec Center on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. Check website for more times www.durangodogs.com.
Four Corners Lesbian Network Free membership! Social events! Google “Four Corners Lesbian Network” or email FourCornersLN@yahoo.com
Core Value Fitness has yoga! Ashtanga, Mondays 4:45-5:45; Vinyasa Flow, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:45-6:45. Any questions please call (970) 382-9200 or email Lani Hanna at lani.hanna@gmail.com.
Bikini Season is Here! Have no fear, Bootcamp is at Core Value Fitness! Tues/Thurs 6-7 a.m. Challenging exercises to push limits, tone muscles, burn calories. Progress checked weekly. Check out the June session! Call 382-9200 for info. Steve Ilg’s High Performance Yoga™ World class yoga with a world class athlete/coach since 1982. Sincere dharmic and healing sweat for mountain yogis, athletes and otherwise aging and/or hurtin’ warriors! Mondays, Wednesdays, 5:30-7 p.m., Studio 15, Smiley Building. Facebook™ us! World acclaimed, utterly unique, endlessly San Juan inspired. Ages; 16-Enlightenment. 970-259-0990. Got Dog? Positive dog training for you and your dog at the Durango Rec. Center. Puppy & adult dogs. www.durangodogs.com or Juliet 382-2542.
Spring is Here and it’s time for mani & pedicures. Check out our colorful new line of gels and lacquers. Waxing also available. Make your appointment today, Aaah Day Spa. 259-2523. Guitar Lessons with Pete Giuliani at my home studio or Canyon Music. Bass and voice also. Beginner Rock Band Camp, 6/27-7/1. Call 385-6713 or visit PeteGiuliani.com. Services Provided so you can stay in your home or for other needs: help around the house, transportation, errands, bill paying, new mom help, kitchen pack-moving, assist with events and meal planning. Cherry’s Staying Home Service 970-884-7096. Licensed Home Day Care in Durango. Has summer and fall openings. Fun, educational. Certified teacher with masters in education. Call Tara at 759-9739. Wedding Season is Here Call Aaah Day Spa for special pricing on bridal packages. Nails, facials, waxing and massage, Aaah Day Spa 259-2523. Guitar Lessons Travis Dalenberg, Katzin Music instructor. 11 years experience. All ages. Mon.-Sat. (970) 769-4095. tmdalenberg@gmail.com.
Horse Boarding Affordable rates, 15 mins. from Durango. www.horseboardingdurango .com 946-1478.
Gluten-free, dairy-free raw cakes for any special occasion. Raw Heavens, 970-398-9034, isabelle@rawheavens.com
Rebirthing Breathwork Sessions with experienced rebirther. Session lasts two about 2 hours. 970-398-9034. Contact@healingheavens.com.
Bringing Relaxation to You In home massage therapy. $60 per hour; $80 for 1½ hours. RiAnn 970-903-9125. Relax and rejuvenate with a massage. 1 hour - $45. In-town location. By appointment only. Leslie Beals CMT 970-759-6547. Gift certificates available. Meg’s May Massages!! 30, 60 & 90 minutes. Buy 4 / save $$. Gift certificates available! Meg Bush, CMT 970-759-0199. Downtown Durango. Feel the Difference Kelly Wright, Certified Rolfer™. 970-759-6115. $40 One-Hour Deep Tissue Luna Therapeutic Massage, Skyridge office. Call 759-7280. Outdoor bike rack stand-alone, outdoor, lock-to kind. Not too picky. 749-2595. Cedar raised beds 4’X8’, 20” deep. 970-759-8446. B/W Pinto Mare Quarter horse/saddlebred, papered, age 12. $450. 970-903-9812. American Girl Blowout Lanie (limited edition collector’s doll) and Kit and Julie dolls. Lanie’s camper with accessories (now selling on eBay for $750). Horse and foal. All books, accessories and outfits. All nearly new. Paid $1,500. Yours for $500. Call Rachael, 749-8824. Commercial Flat Top Grill briquette grill, stock pot stove, tables and chairs. Call 259-6729. Warehouse Sale Sat., May 21, 9-3. Laminates, tile, faucets, sinks, wood, cleaners and other remnants and closeouts must go! Up to 90% off. Tile and Carpet Store 194 Bodo Drive. Barnwood for Sale Barnwood and reclaimed timbers. Over 20,000sq feet 1x barn siding. Hand hewn beams. 2x rough sawn lumber. Doug fir beams. 350,000 Plus board feet available. Gunnison, CO. barnwoodamsalvage.com. (970)596-2407. River Raft for Sale 18’ Rogue raft with aluminum frame, drop frame with drop bag. $1,950. Call 946-0787. 2 Pair Dansko Clogs worn maybe 6 times, 9.5/10. Brown and black. $40 per pair. 259-3124. River Equipment for Sale Oar frame, inflatable kayaks, wet suits, helmets, ice chests, plus misc. Call 946-0787. Hot Tubs - $2,950 New – never used – still in wrappers. Includes lights, lounger, waterfall, warrantee and delivery. 505-270-3104. Inflatable Kayak Fleet Sale! AIRE & ZOIK $449-$699. You save $300. Only been used 2-3 times. Like new condition. More Info at: www.GravityPlay.com, 970-259-7771.
Reruns Home Furnishings Patio season is on the way. Outside tables and chairs, pots and yard décor, and lots more. 572 E. 6th Ave. 385-7336. 3 bed/3 bath Total remodel townhome, garage, 3 miles from DT, $225K. 303-809-5021. Massage Space to Share available Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, $100 per month. Upstairs in the Park Center. Call 375-6401. 1 room for rent in 2 bdrm house. W/D, storage, fenced yard on 22nd. $750/mo. 918-955-4709. Furnished Condo - Edgemont Ranch, September 2011 through May 2012, for details - durangorents.com or 970-247-0485. Dance studio for rent In the Smiley Building. $15/hr. Sound system, mirrors, large, beautiful. 259-4122 or lisa@dancedurango.com
Free after-school string club at Escalante Middle School is in need of stringed instruments for teenage players. Clean out that basement or attic and feel good about it! We are looking for violins, acoustic guitars, banjos, bass, dobros and mandolins. We also accept donations. For more info, contact Michelle @ 946-1545. Wheat & Gluten Intolerance Support Group meets the first Wednesdays of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the Crossroads Building, 1075 Main Ave. All are welcome. E-mail gfindurango@ gmail.com for meeting room location or add’l info. Music in the Mountains Goes to School program needs instruments for a lending library of instruments. To donate an instrument, please drop them off at the Festival Office, located at 1063 Main Ave., from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Donated instruments are tax-deductible. Art supplies needed Regina at the donation-only Durango Farmers Market kids art booth is asking folks to set aside old art supplies during spring cleaning. Any safe materials, supplies or other things accepted and greatly appreciated. E-mail for a list of needed items: reg@animas.net Women’s Support Groups Is a past or current abusive relationship preventing you from living fully? Receive support & become empowered. Alternative Horizons offers free & confidential weekly groups. For more information call 970-403-1579. | |