|  | The Telegraph accepts classified advertising anytime prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain 40 cents per word. Ads can be submitted via email), fax (970-259-0448) or in person (1309 E. Third Ave. - #25, Durango). Prepayment is requested on all classifieds. | DEVO is hiring coaches for the spring season. Call Sarah at 779-8480 if interested. Volunteer-powered program offers hope SASO seeks compassionate, caring people to become advocates on our 24-hour crisis hotline. Provide sexual assault survivors with support and resources to promote healing. Call 259-3074 for information about our free upcoming training!. Coordinator, Regional Film Office Seeking positive, hard worker, excellent communication skills for PT contract position. Promote region for diverse film productions. Admin, film, mkting experience desired. Mail/email resume & cover ltr to 295-A Girard St., Durango, 81303, laura@scan.org. No calls.
The Clay Room has gifts from the heart for your favorite Valentine and Snowdown monster! Come sit by the fire and paint. Located 1/2 block from The Strater, 171 E. 7th St. 426-9685. artandlaughter.com. Open Tues, Fri, & Sat. Wilderness First Responder Outdoor Pursuits will sponsor a WFR course during the Fort Lewis College, March 5-13. Cost is $625 for Outdoor Pursuits members and $675 for other participants. 866-831-9001 or visit www.wmi.nols.edu for information or to register. Krispy Kremes!! 970-387-8250 Glazed/$10 doz. Chocolate-iced/$11 doz. **Order deadline Wed., Feb. 2, noon** Pick up: Sat., 2/5 @ Fun Center, 29603 HWY 160 E, Durango, 11-3.
Yoga for Knees Workshop Jan. 29, 9 a.m.-noon with Kathy Curran. Workshop to regain and maintain healthy knees. Smiley Building, Room #32. 259-4794. www.4cornersyoga.com.
CFK (Cartridges for Kids®) is a recycling program that pays nonprofit organizations cash for cell phones, ink & laser cartridges, DVDs, ipods, laptops and more. PEO is collecting these to help raise money for women's education. Call 259-5366 or 759-1388 to donate an item. Live for free in the mountains Feb. 6-22 in exchange for watching our dogs. mwilson730@yahoo.com.
Jewelry “Love” Sale! Contemporary...Unusual...Elegant. 20% off all jewelry through Feb. 14th. Karyn Gabaldon Fine Arts, 680 Main Ave. www.karyngabaldon.com.
Restorative Yoga Workshop at Yogadurango on Main, Sat., Jan. 29, 1:30-4:30 p.m. Cost: $30 All Levels welcome! Contact: Joan Pope, 247-0948 or joanpope@durango.net.
Silverton Ski Hut Aladdin’s Lamp ski rental available now! Molas Pass. Sleeps 8. More info: www.silvertonskihut.com.
Partner Yoga Workshop No partner required to participate. Jan. 30 from 3-5 p.m. at Durango Martial Arts, 600 E Second Ave., call 799-8950. Register by the 25th and get $5 off $25 per person or $40 per couple. Taught by Chopra Instructor, Charlotte Lenssen. Atelier du Chocolat Gourmet, pure, dark chocolate gifts (V-Day, business etc.) and tantalizing treats. Open MWF, 9-5, @ the Smiley Building, 13th & E. Third. 799-4481 for advance orders. Free Your Inner Ukulele! For uke lessons, jams, and giggles, contact UkuleleJoan at 247-3416 or ukulelejoan@gmail.com.
Kids Yoga is back! Yogadurango, Mon. 4-5, ages 7-14, new loc @ 1485 Florida Rd. Building C, Ste 201 call 903-8711 for info. Puppy Party! Bring your puppy up to 1 year old to the Durango Rec Center outside, every Saturday at 11 a.m. and inside, every Monday at 6:30 p.m. www.durangodogs.com or call 382-2542.
Free Shots for Adults! Give yourself the gift of health for 2011. Your Public Health Department is offering free immunizations for adults: Tdap, (whooping cough and tetanus booster), hep A&B, meningitis, and chicken pox booster. CALL 247-5702 for your appointment today! . Green Heat! Eco-Bricks made from reclaimed hardwood sawdust. Absolutely no fillers! Burns cleaner, hotter and longer than cordwood. Sample bundles for purchase at 2401 Main. Local delivery available. 903-0275. New Nia Fitness Classes Experience the joy of movement! Guided movement to dynamic music. Blends dance, martial arts and healing arts. Core Value Fitness: Tues./Thurs. 11a.m. Durango Arts Center: Mon. 6p.m.; Wed. noon. Marlis @ 759-2602. IHBC Centennial Team Fort Lewis College is fielding a 100-rider Centennial Team for the 2011 Iron Horse Bicycle Classic McDonald’s Citizen Tour. The Team is limited to 100 riders and is open to FLC alumni on a first-come, first-served basis. Visit www.fortlewis.edu/centennialihbc for registration and further information. Music in the Mountains Goes to School program needs instruments for a lending library of instruments. To donate an instrument, please drop them off at the Festival Office, located at 1063 Main Ave., from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Donated instruments are tax-deductible. Four Corners Lesbian Network Free membership! Social events! Google “Four Corners Lesbian Network” or email FourCornersLN@yahoo.com
Channeling and Intuitive Guidance for areas such as: life's purpose/direction, relationships, pets and more. For information/to make an appointment call Franci at 970-903-5598. Aqua-Drop water delivery $10 off delivery. 970-247-4426. Accounting and Tax Preparation Services Caroline A. Chaplin, C.P.A. (970) 259-9278. chaplincpa@mydurango.net.
Ring in the lunar new year of the Rabbit with the gift of health! For the month of February receive $20 off your 90-minute initial visit and treatment @ Durango Community Acupuncture. Limited spots available, so call now to schedule 247-8838. Astrologically there is much change happening. It can be helpful to know your path through the maze. Evolutionary astrologer Lyn Goldberg. 970-769-1917. Got Dog? Dog training classes. Super Puppy, 8 – 20 wks & Basic Manners 5mo+. Communicate with your dog! @ Durango Rec. Center. www.durangodogs.com or Juliet 382-2542.
Optimum Counseling Services Children. Adolescents. Adults. Individual. Group. Couples. Student discounts. Payment plan options. Evenings and weekends available. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. 985-665-8452. The Computer Solution Virus removal, re-formatting, software/hardware, networking problems, Web design, etc. www.computersolutionco.com. Call Brendan 903-4061.
I fix bad haircuts! His $20. Hers $35. Downtown. 8th & Main. Shampoo. Experienced Barber-Stylist-Colorist. Request Kaye. 247-5620. Boost Your Immune System with a therapeutic massage on the Amethyst Infrared Biomat. One hour/$40, 1.5 hour/$55. Leslie Beals CMT 970-759-6547. My Sweet Valentine Massage Gift certificates $10 off. Couples massage with chocolate body-butter and a rose! $129. Give the gift of touch. Barefoot Bodyworks. http://barefootmassage.vpweb.com. 970-946-3724 /970-749-8983.
Don’t forget your sweetheart for Valentine’s. Spoil her with a massage at home. Call to schedule a massage - 799-8950. And visit our website for more information. Check for our specials online. Valentine Massages! Gift certificates available for your loved one! Buy a package of four 90-minute, or four 60-minute massages & get a 30-minute massage free! Keep or share! Downtown Durango Location. Meg Bush, CMT 970-759-0199. $40 One-Hour Deep Tissue Luna Therapeutic Massage, Skyridge office. Call 759-7280. Sears Kenmore Washer Great condition, $200. Small women's backpack, $100. 435-260-2675. ’04 Honda Insight Hybrid Ultimate Commuter Car - 65mpg! New snow tires & brakes. 5-spd. $4895. 749-8983. Macbook $300 OBO. 2GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo. 13-inch. Good condition. 607-738-7729. 2000 Subaru Outback 92k, totally maintained with new belts and water pump, new snow tires. $7500. 970-382-2517. Reruns Home Furnishings Red Artesano’s trunk, antique buffet, Lane chest and lots more treasures. 572 E. 6th Ave. 385-7336. Downtown studio Cozy southside alley house, perfect for one responsible, clean individual. Small fenced yard, own parking space. Close to Horse Gulch and downtown. $575/mo. plus utils. First/last/deposit. 6-mo. to 1-year lease preferred. Avail. now. 259-7092 Furnished Room in cozy farmhouse, 10 minutes to town, WiFi, Dish Network. Mature, tidy, quiet, student ok. No smoking. $360 a month plus 1/3 utilities and deposit. Must like small animals. 259-5281. Roommate Needed ASAP Please contact me at 970-946-0261. Very Nice Duplex 2 miles north of town (CR 203) - 2 bedroom, 2 bath, study, claw-foot tub, modern kitchen, gas range, d/w, woodstove, washer/dryer, nice gardens, and hiking out the back door. Available Feb. 15 $1,200/mo. + utilities. Tim 749-4281. Room in Large 3-Bed House Lots of space. W/D, hot tub, sauna, internet, cable, awesome views. On CR 250. $450/mo. plus 1/3 utils. 799-2883. Roommate Needed Available 2/1. Own bath/garage. No pets/smokers. $500/mo., $500/deposit. Call 970-946-3246. Office Space for Rent $250 per month. Ideal for massage therapist, counselor, etc. Excellent location next to Dietz Market. Please call Juanita 970-749-4092. Space available for artists, health providers, and educators interested in affordable coop space. www.dancingspiritcoop.com 970-563-4600.
Room for Rent Beautiful home to share, 10 minutes west of Durango on Hwy 160. $350 includes utilities, W/D. Quiet, non-smoker preferred. No pets. Call 970-759-3441. Beautiful, modern townhome on river. 2-bed w/office. 1.5 bath, pets neg. $2,000/mo. 970-749-6063. Dance studio for rent In the Smiley Building. $15/hr. Sound system, mirrors, large, beautiful. 259-4122 or lisa@dancedurango.com
Sunday Brunch American Legion Post 28, 10 a.m. – 12 noon every Sunday. Sausage and biscuits with gravy or pancakes and sausage with eggs. $6 w/juice and coffee. $7 w/mimosa. Everyone welcome, 878 E. 2nd Ave. Commodity Supplemental Food Program If you are a senior 60 or older and make less than $1,074 per month, you qualify to receive a considerable non-perishable food box once per month! We only have 18 remaining slots to fill. Call Sarah at the Durango Food Bank 375-2672 or email commodities.dfb@durango.net.
Wheat & Gluten Intolerance Support Group meets the third Wednesdays of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the Crossroads Building, 1075 Main Ave. All are welcome. E-mail gfindurango@gmail.com for meeting room location or add'l info.
Family and Friends of Alcoholics Has your life been affected by someone else's drinking? There is hope and help with the Al-Anon Family Groups. Call 970-259-2982 for local meetings or www.alanon-co.org for meetings throughout Colorado.
Are you a parent with a child under age 5? Then come explore the Family Center of Durango. We have developmental playgroups, parenting classes, a toy lending library, safe exchange and supervised visits, a family support unit, and more! Call us at 385-4747 or stop by 489½ Florida Rd. Cadence Therapeutic Riding is seeking volunteers and is always searching for possible riders to participate in our program. Cadence is a non-profit organization that provides equestrian experiences for adults and children with special needs. Visit www.cadenceriding.org or call 749-7433 for more information. Alzheimer’s Association Support Groups meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 10:30 a.m. and the third Wednesday of every month at Vista Mesa Assisted Living in Cortez at 7 p.m. For more information, call Elaine Stumpo at 259-0122. Raw Food Lunches Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $10-$15. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave. | |